The Weekly Update #4
February 27th, 2024

Wonderful Falcon Families,
"The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up." ~John C. Maxwell~
As we begin the fifth week of school, it is time to talk about responsibility and what that looks like in action. As stated in John Maxwell's quote, taking total responsibility for our attitudes will be the greatest day in our lives. Why? Because when we accept the attitudes we display on a daily basis, we will also accept the actions that we demonstrate because these two, attitude and actions, go hand in hand.
When we display excellent attitudes, our actions reflect excellence. When we display negative attitudes, our actions reflect mediocrity or less. As we move past the beginning of the school year, it is harder and harder to maintain a great attitude if we are behind or doing poorly in certain classes or if we are having a bad day or if we had a fight with a friend. Demonstrating responsibility means that regardless of the negative moments in life, we will continue to do what is right and what is expected of us. Families, this week, please discuss this topic of responsibility with students.
Picture Day is August 20-21, 2024
School Pictures are scheduled for 8th Graders on August 20, 2024 and August 21, 2024 for 7th Grade Students in PE classes. Please make every effort to be in attendance for photo day.
All students faces Faces MUST BE VISIBLE; no sun glasses, no hats/caps , no coverings, including masks for COVID, are allowed.
To order pictures, please read information below titled Picture Day or click HERE to access the website where picture packets can be ordered.
Open House is this Thursday, August 22, 2024
Open House is in-person this Thursday, August 22, 2024 beginning at 4:00PM with vendor sales and Title 1 Meeting at 5:00PM, followed by classroom visits. We hope to see you here. Please read the Open House section below to review the Open House Schedule.Students should give their families a schedule of their classes that they will complete in Advisory. Families will need to use this schedule to visit classrooms. A reminder that Open House is not the venue with which to have in-depth conversations with each teacher. Each period is only 10 minutes long. Appointments would need to be made with teachers to do that.
ELAC Meeting, August 21, 2024
The first ELAC of the school year will be this Wednesday, August 21, 2024 @ 9:00AM in the Cafeteria. Families of English Language Learners are invited to attend.
Minimum Day August 23, 2024
Friday, August 23, 2024 will be a minimum day. Please be sure to check schedule below or view Bell Schedule on the Hilltop Middle website under Bell Schedule.
Falcon Scholars
Falcon Scholars after school tutoring begins on Monday, August 19, 2024 and runs through Thursday each week day from 3:20-5:20pm in the cafeteria.
Saturday Academy
Saturday Academy begins on Saturday, August 24, 2024 and will run every Saturday from 8:00AM-12:00PM. Please access Hilltop Middle School Google Calendar for all Saturday dates.
Upcoming Events:
Progress Report # 1, September 6, 2024
The first grade period of the year is quickly approaching with Progress Report #1 on September 6, 2024. Families, please be sure to monitor student's progress weekly by logging on to Jupiter every week.
Finally, please read all the important information regarding HTM provided in newsletter. Please be sure to read all the information on the images provided so that you know as much information as possible.
Let's make this a great week Falcons!
Ms. Galvez-Mallari
Students, Parents and Guardians,
There will be no schedule changes. Many classes are full based on teacher contract and we are unable to make changes. Any inquiries dealing with change of class requests need to be referred to the grade level AP/Principal for consideration/approval. Thank you for your understanding.
Wellness Wednesday Movement: Every Wednesday, we send out a Wellness Wednesday Message to boost student morale. It includes a self-care tip, a kindness challenge and a positive statement to create a positive mindset. We also like to wear bright colors or shirts with positive sayings on Wednesdays too! Keep the tradition alive by supporting this Wellness Wednesday movement. All of our messages can be seen in our counseling center google classroom. All students have been invited to join.
General Information
- Morning Program from 6:30am to 8:05am
- After School Program from end of school day to 6:07pm
- Program Requires enrollment to Falcon Flight
Students interested in HTM Falcon Flight Cheerleading please see Coach Natalie about tryout practice.
Students must be enrolled in Falcon Flight and adhere to guidelines
Or visit https://sites.google.com/sweetwaterschools.net/falcon-flight/home
2024-2025 Registration for School is now Open
Below is the registration process for 2024-2025 school year. Below are the links to the regisration information at the site and district levels;
- Hilltop Middle School Website - Registration Information
- SUHSD Student Services Website - Registration Information
First Day of School for the 2024-2025: July 24, 2024
Starting the 2024-2025 school year, ALL STUDENTS must have submitted complete immunization records BEFORE the first day of school. No immunizations or incomplete immunizations will result in not being able to go to classes on Day 1. Please plan ahead so that this is not an issue on July 24, 2024.
Are you intending to transfer to HTM? If so, follow the steps below:
- Click on the School Locator Finder to see which is your feeder middle school.
- If you are not from Castle Park, Cook, Kellogg, Greg Rogers, Halecrest, Hilltop Drive or Rosebank, begin at your home school to start the registration process.
- Once you have your activation key for Campus Portal, complete the registration process for your school. Then, in Campus Portal, you can put in your application for an intradistrict transfer to HTM.
- Click HERE to read the Parent Letter on the Transfer Process.For Spanish, click HERE
- Click HERE to access Campus Portal.
- Click HERE to learn how to apply for a transfer to HTM.
- Click HERE to learn the Transfer/Open Enrollment Flowchart for 2024-2025. For Spanish, click HERE.
- Click HERE for Transfer/Open Enrollment FAQs. For Spanish, click HERE.
- Click HERE to read the steps to register your current 7th graders to continue as 8th graders.
Registration and enrollment into HTM MUST FIRST begin the process by providing a 2024-2025 Household Form, and submit the form electronically here. When submitting a form electronically, make sure to follow instructions indicated and that all requirements apply before sending the form.
Don't wait for your registration and enrollment to be completed. Choose your electives now to save your spot in that elective. Click HERE to learn about our available electives. You can also choose your 7th grade elective by completing this ELECTIVE FORM.
To complete your child’s 2024-2025 registration process, you must provide the following documents, in person only, on one the dates listed:
- Residency Affidavit
- Proof of Residency/Address
- Proof of Immunizations
- Student's Birth Certificate
- Copy of Parent/Caregiver Picture ID
- 2024-2025 Online Registration Summary (from Parent Portal account)
- IEP (if applicable)
- 504 (if applicable)
- Transfer Approval (if applicable)
- Complete all sections on both sides of the Household Form
- Provide proof of transfer approval
- Click here to begin registration process
It is our collective expectation that everyone on campus will uphold the cell phone use policy as outlined in the district's board policy as well as in our handbook:
- Upon entry, all cell phones must be turned off and placed in the backpack.
- If a staff member directs a student to put it away, please listen and put cellphone in backpack.
- Cell phones are not allowed in the bathroom. If students are caught with cellphone in the bathroom, the phone will be taken immediately and must be picked up by the parents. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- If a staff member takes a cell phone away, they will give it back to student at the end of each period UNLESS it warrants being taken to the main office.
Gina Galvez-Mallari, Principal
Email: gina.galvez-mallari@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: htm.sweetwaterschools.org
Location: 44 East J Street, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Phone: 619.498.2700