This Is How We Lakeview
July 2023 Edition: Volume 4

Latest Updates
As a reminder to our families, we do not have school on Monday. We will see our students in the building again on Tuesday.
Next week, our students will begin their Mid-Year iReady Math Diagnostic. We encourage our students to treat the diagnostics like a state assessment and give them their best effort. The leadership team in the building uses the data from the diagnostics to make sure we are providing students with the academic support they need. Heading into Tuesday, please encourage your student to charge their Chromebook, get enough rest, and give their best effort on these diagnostics.
For our 8th-grade families, please make sure you read the information below about the upcoming Career Center Field Trip (Thursday, January 30th). Students will need to bring a packed lunch that day and will be eating at the Career Center before returning to Lakeview in the afternoon. If you would like our Food Service staff to prepare a bagged lunch for your student, please make sure you fill out the Google Form linked below. All 8th-grade students must have the Annual Update (through Infinite Campus) filled out before the trip. Families without an updated Annual Update were sent a TalkingPoints message earlier this week. Please reach out to me if you have any questions about this.
Ben Baptist
Important Dates
Monday, January 20th: No School -- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Thursday, January 30th: 8th-grade Career Center Field Trip
Wednesday, February 12th: College Credit Plus Meeting, Ridgeview JH, 6-8 pm
Important Updates
Spring Testing Dates
We are still over two months away from spring testing season, but we wanted to share the dates with you so you can mark them down and plan ahead:
April 1st and 2nd: ELA 7 and ELA 8
April 14th-18th: Spring Break
April 24th and 25th: Math 7, Math 8, Algebra 1, & Geometry
April 29th and 30th: Science 8
Discover the Path to College Success with College Credit Plus!
If college is in your student’s future, here’s a chance to start now—at no cost to you! Join us for our College Credit Plus Community Connections event on February 12th, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., at Ridgeview Junior High School, 130 Hill Road South.
Through College Credit Plus, high school students can earn both high school and college credits by enrolling in courses at Ohio colleges and universities. This program gives students a head start on their college journey, all for free—no tuition, book, or fee costs!
During this meeting, you’ll have the chance to connect with CCP representatives, discover how the program works, and ask questions to help your family make the most of this unique opportunity. Attendance is free, and you can register using the link on the flyer. We’re excited to see you there and support your students in exploring these valuable pathways!
8th Grade Career Center Field Trip
Later this month, on Thursday, January 30th, our 8th-grade students will have the opportunity to visit one of the Career Centers (Eastland or Fairfield) to learn more about the programs that are offered to the students. We started these field trips a few years ago as a way to make sure students are more informed as to what options are available to them. Students also have the chance to visit the Career Centers during their sophomore year, but then need to quickly make a decision about applying to one of the programs. Visiting in the 8th grade gives them a chance to learn more about what is offered while they still have time.
To attend the field trip, all students must have an updated Online Registration (OLR) completed for this year through Infinite Campus. Next week, we will begin reaching out to those families who have not completed that update for this school year. Students without an updated OLR will not be allowed to attend.
Students will be eating lunch at the Career Center before returning to Lakeview and will need to bring a packed lunch with them on the day of the field trip. Please note that students will not have access to a refrigerator to store their lunches. If your student would like the school to provide a lunch on that day, please fill out this Google Form well in advance so we can account for that. This form was also sent to families through Talking Points yesterday.
Upcoming Art Showcase
PLSD and the Pickerington Community Arts Committee are collaborating on an art exhibit that features the artwork of PLSD students. The reception is this coming Tuesday, the 21st, from 6:00-7:30 pm, at the Pickerington Public Library (main branch). The exhibit runs through March 8th.
Last Call for Yearbook Orders!
This is the last call to order the 2024-25 Lakeview JH Yearbook. Only 26 copies remain, so get yours today! Sales close on the 20th of January or when the books sell out, whichever comes first.
Order your student's copy today at this link: https://yearbookforever.com/school-store/xGDo6Ta6yom1WZyy7HSv14BJ
2025-26 Global Scholars
Scheduling for 25-26 is approaching! The application for the incoming cohort of Global Scholars is 25-26 is now open.
If you'd like to read more about the Global Scholars Program, visit https://columbusworldaffairs.org/program-training/global-scholars-diploma/
We had a waitlist for the 24-25 incoming cohort, so don't wait to apply!
Global Scholars 25-26 application:
If you have questions, reach out to Dr. Marie Hurt, marie_hurt@plsd.us
Previous Information
Technology Update
Information was previously communicated by Dr. Kara Jackson, the Executive Director of Academic Innovation and Instructional Technology, in regards to House Bill 432, which went into effect in Ohio earlier this school year.
This information serves as a follow-up to the communication sent to all Pickerington Local School District families on October 24, 2024, regarding Senate Bill (SB) 29. The bill, now known as House Bill (HB) 432, has undergone significant changes. Below, we’ve outlined the recent revisions and included important reminders about student information and technology updates.
Key Updates to HB432 (formerly SB29):
Reduced Monitoring Notifications:
Recent changes have reduced the number of notifications school districts are required to send regarding student monitoring activities.Elimination of Routine Monitoring Notifications:
Notifications are no longer required for general monitoring of student activities used for instructional purposes.
Student Photos and Information
As we head into 2025, we encourage families to update their contact information.
If you prefer that your child’s photo, voice, or other “school directory” information not be used by the District or school on its communication platforms, please notify your child's school to OPT OUT.
Maintaining accurate contact information ensures that you receive timely updates and important notifications.
Dress Code Reminder
As the weather has gotten colder, we have seen more and more students wearing slippers and bringing blankets to school. As we start the new quarter, we will be reminding students as well, but please touch base with your student(s) and remind them that slippers and blankets are not allowed.
The athletic website for both PHSN & LJH is now live. Use the https://pickeringtonpanthers.org/ to watch for announcements! All coaches will be using this website for updates and announcements, so please check here if you have any questions. When you go to https://pickeringtonpanthers.org/ you will need to click on "more" and then Final Forms is under "Athletic Registration".
Girls Lacrosse Information
For any girls interested in playing lacrosse for Lakeview this spring, there is an informational meeting on Tuesday, February 4th, starting at 6:00 pm in the Pickerington HS North Lecture Hall. Come learn more about the exciting program ahead of the upcoming season!
The Community Corner
The Lakeview Family Feedback Form
Recent Family Feedback
We did not receive any new feedback within the past week.
2024-25 School Year Calendar
Lakeview Junior High Important Links
Office Hours 6:45 am - 3:15 pm
Email: ben_baptist@plsd.us
Website: https://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/Domain/19
Location: 12445 Ault Road, Pickerington, OH, USA
Phone: (614) 830-2200
Facebook: Lakeview_JH_PLSD
Twitter: @lakeview_jh