Stetser Weekly Parent Update
October 4, 2024
Upcoming Dates
October 9th - 11:45 am dismissal for students / Staff Inservice
October 13th - Deadline to sign up for the 21st Century Before and After School Programs
October 14th - No School - Indigenous Peoples' Day
October 16th - PTO Meeting in the All Purpose Room @ 4:00pm
October 23rd - No School for Students / Staff Inservice Day
October 28th - Before and After School Program expected to begin
Homecoming Spirit Week
Stetser Scholars enjoyed participating in our Homecoming spirit week this past week. See some pictures of the fun below:
21st Century Before and After School Programs
Our before and after school programs are expected to begin on October 28th. If you are interested in registering, please use the QR code on the flyer or click the link below. The deadline is October 13th. If you need any support, please reach out!
PBIS at Stetser
Stetser Gators are:
Students earn Gator Teeth for following school expectations.
We had our PBIS Kick off assembly and we celebrated our Gators of the Month this past week. Congratulations to all!
Mylin Butler
Jae'lah Payne
Juwariyah Grant
Journei Robertson
Skylah Cameron
Olivia Polk
JonMarie Jurkofsky
Brahin Bess
Allen Penson
Za'nya Nickens
Arwa Salim
Kash Parker
Jayla Chambers
Kaniyah Harding
Araceli Sanchez
Dakota Polk
Yolanda Marrero
Adrieyls Rivera-Dominguez
Jahmir Ruiz-Rey
Princeton Mcknight
Joe Corbi and Claire's Gourmet Fundraiser for PBIS
Students received sales flyers this week for our annual Joe Corbi and Claire's Gourmet Fundraiser to support our PBIS programming. The fundraiser runs from October 1st - October 22nd with an expected delivery date of November 19th. Students have the chance to win some exciting prizes!
Help us Shout Out our Sensational Stetser Staff!
Has a staff member here at Stetser made a difference for your child? Did a staff member go above and beyond for your child or family? This is your time to shout them out. We would love for families to fill out the Google form when a staff member has impacted you in a positive way, so we can celebrate them here at school.
Thank you for helping us to keep our staff encouraged, feeling appreciated, and giving their best to your children for a successful year!
Please fill in the short form below:
Social Emotional Learning
Clipper Connection
Clipper Connection (October 2, 2024)
Community News
Join Us for Our Hispanic Heritage Month Closing Fiesta!
As we wrap up Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re excited to invite the entire CUSD community to our Closing Fiesta on Tuesday, October 15th!
Throughout the month, our schools have been celebrating Hispanic culture, from classroom activities to school-wide events, and now we want to bring everyone together for a final celebration.
The fiesta will be filled with music, food, art, karaoke, and dancing!
Students and staff will celebrate from 1:00 – 2:15 p.m., and we welcome the community to join in from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m. We hope to see you there!
Chester Community Clinic located at Widener University
For Occupational Therapy /Physical Therapy: The clinic hours of operation are normally Monday through Thursday from 4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. To schedule an appointment or inquire about services, call 484-489-2834.
For Speech Therapy: To schedule an appointment or for more information about clinic services, please visit our website or email us at slpclinic@widener.edu. https://sites.widener.edu/speech-language-pathology-clinic/
Youth Wrestling
Chester Upland Youth Soccer
On Sunday, Oct 13th from 5:30-7pm, Swarthmore College Women's Soccer is hosting a free clinic for girls aged 5-12. No registration is required. Bring a water bottle and your own ball if you have one. See the flyer below for more details.
DCIU Parent Training
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Please use this link to view the daily breakfast and lunch menus
Just a note - we do not serve Peanut Butter - Sun butter is used.
Emergency Contact Forms
Please send completed emergency contact forms back to the school. They were sent home the second day of school. If you need another copy, please reach out to your child's teacher.
Arrival and Dismissal
• Students in the pre-k classroom enter directly through their classroom door at 8:45am and must be signed in by an adult.
• All students in grades K-5 enter school through the rear doors of the Gym/All-Purpose Room beginning at 8:30am. This door will close at 9:00am.
• Students in the Life Skills classrooms will enter the front door beginning at 8:30am.
• Students will be escorted to their classroom by their homeroom teacher at 8:45am.
Students will be marked tardy after 9:00am. If your child arrives to school after 9:00am, they must enter school through the front doors and stop at the front office to be signed in by an adult.
• Students will be dismissed from the rear of the school from their classroom doors at 3:45pm. Please check-in with your child's teacher so that we ensure everyone is leaving with their designated adult.
If your child needs to leave school early, the parent/guardian or designee should report to the front office for an early dismissal slip. An early dismissal is before 3:00pm. Your child will be called to the front office for an early dismissal. Parents will not be permitted to go directly to your child’s classroom. Students are not permitted to leave school grounds alone. Students will not be permitted to leave school early with an older sibling or anyone under the age of eighteen without written consent from the parent/guardian or designee.
Early Dismissals end at 3:00pm. Please plan accordingly if you need to pick your child up early.
Family Resources
Below you will find the Parent and Student Handbook, Title 1 information (powerpoint), and Right to Know letter. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.