September 13, 2024
Back to School Night 7:00 PM 9/12/24
PTA Meeting 6:00 PM 9/16/24
Board of Education Meeting 7:00 PM 9/23/24 held in Library
PTA Fall Book Fair 9/23/24 to 9/27/24
PTA Mum Pick Up 9/26/24
PTA Fall Vendor Fair 9/28/24
Fourth Grade Aquatic Program 9/30/24 to 10/4/24
PTA Family Fun Night 10/4/24 - Moved from 9/27/24
Welcome Back to School!
The first study of the year for preschool is The Beginning of the Year. We are having fun learning about the school and who works here! The students have enjoyed going on a Pete the Cat scavenger hunt to find different locations in the building. They are also making new friends in their classrooms!
~Miss Barmore
The students in kindergarten have been busy learning so many new things! They have mastered how to use scissors, glue, crayons, play doh and watercolors. They have been working so hard with smiles on their faces while getting to know the specials teachers and eating in the cafeteria for the first time! They enjoyed listening to stories such as "First Day Jitters" and "Pigeon has to Go to School." We are so excited to see what the rest of September brings!
Mrs. Newman
The first graders are transitioning well into the school year. We spent some time reading literature and discussing what makes us unique and that together our class is complete. Each student decorated a crayon depicting their individuality, These are displayed outside our classrooms.
Mrs. Knapp
Second graders are off to a great start! It is September and back to school means new routines, friendly faces, and many smiles. The students are learning how to use virtual tools, such as My On for reading and Typing Club. Second graders are learning the routines of Reader’s and Writer’s workshops. All students enjoy having recess on the back playground this year and traveling to a new classroom for Spanish! Most importantly, we are practicing good study habits and using our Smile Files to keep organized. We might feel tired by the end of the day, but it is a “good tired” because everyone is trying their best!
Mrs. Collier
Phys Ed and Health News:
Welcome back to Phys Ed and Health! We have our mileage club on Fridays. We have a calming corner where students can go if they are upset or need time to refocus! There are fidget toys, pillows, and coloring books for them to use for 5 minutes and then rejoin the activities. We also have Class Captains that are selected every two weeks! Each homeroom has one and they help with warm-ups, demonstrate, and take injured students to nurse or run an errand! Students are selected based on our three PE Rules: Be Kind, Be Safe, and Work Hard! We have started off the year going over playground safety and various games that can be played at recess. In the upcoming weeks we will be doing cooperative games, soccer and football! Please remember to wear sneakers on your Phys Ed and Health Days! We look forward to a wonderful school year!
Mrs. Earley & Mr.Tiberi