Shearn Elementary
Information for the school year! Información del año escolar
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General School Info:
School Hours:
The school building opens at 7:15 for students. ALL students should be at school no later than 7:30. Students arriving after 7:40 are considered tardy. It is critical that your students are at school by 7:15 so they can have breakfast and be prepared for the day. School ends at 3pm.
Students are required to wear uniforms. Uniforms are purple, red or white top, khaki or blue bottoms. Students are permitted to wear spirit or grade level shirts sold by the PTO and jeans on Fridays only. Shoes are to be closed toe and must have backs. High heels, shoes with wheels, sandals, crocs and flip flops are not permitted. NO HOODIES or sweatshirts with logos-- the Shearn hoodie is ok, but students are not allowed to wear the hood on their heads in school. Students will not be allowed to wear purses during the day.
Cell Phones & Personal Technology
Students are not permitted to have cell phones in their pockets or on their person. If your child has a cell phone they may keep it on silent in their backpacks. Teachers may collect student cell phones during the day and return them at the end of the day as needed. If a student has their cell phone out during the school day it will be picked up by an administrator and a parent will have to sign it out in the front office. Students are not permitted to bring their own technology to school: iPads, laptops, tablets etc.
Student Personal Items/Toys
Pickup Tags
Pickup Tags will be provided for all parents at Meet the Teacher. Please bring this tag with you through the car line and walker gate in order for us to release your student to you. We will not release students without a Shearn pickup tag. If you enroll later in the school year, you will be given a pickup tag at enrollment.
All relevant school updates will be posted on Class Dojo. Download the ClassDojo app to your phone for free. Occasional callouts will be made to keep you updated as needed! Please keep in mind that during the school day, teachers do not check Class Dojo because they are teaching. If you have questions, please call our front office at 713-295-5236.
Breakfast & Lunch
All students receive free breakfast and lunch daily. Students may bring their lunch but they are not allowed to have soda, candy, fastfood or family sized bags of chips. At this time, parents are not permitted to eat lunch with their students.
Deliveries & Food
Birthdays & Celebrations
On your child's birthday, you may send nut-free store bought cupcakes or cookies (one per student) to school with your child before 10am. Additional food items such as candy, sheet cakes, juice, sodas, or fast food items are not permitted. Items that do not meet the established guidelines will not be served and will be returned home at the end of the day. Parents will not be allowed to interrupt instructional time to drop off items or to supervise this activity in the classroom. Party-type activities will not be permitted – i.e. photographs, balloons, gifts, favors, etc.
It is extremely important that students are at school every day. If your student is sick, or is absent for any other reason, please submit a note with the student's full name and the reason they were absent. This information will determine if the absence is excused. Ms. Hannan is the campus contact for questions related to absences and tardies. Keep in mind that even if an absence is considered excused it will still count towards a students total absences.
School starts at 7:30. Students arriving after 7:40 are considered tardy and parents are required to sign students in by the front office. Students that are tardy will recieve a tardy slip. The driveway will open at 7:15 and close at 7:40. Parents must park, walk up and sign their students in after this time.
Early Pick-Ups
Safety & Logistics
First Days of School
Arrival: For the first day of school, August 28 all parents will be permitted to walk their child to their classroom door for drop off (on aug 29 only prek and kinder parents will be allowed to walk in). On August 30 we will resume our regular year procedures and only students will enter through the front doors.
Dismissal: Please have patience as new parents get to know our dismissal procedures. Please do not park and walk up to get your child if you are a car rider.
Arrival Procedures
The car line for arrival will start on Lemac Dr adjacent to Westwood park. The bay/lane in front of the school will open for student drop off at 7:15am. Please do not park in the lane prior to this time. Students will enter the building starting at 7:15 and wait at their assigned locations until instruction begins at 7:30.
Student Pick-Up
All individuals picking students up from school at dismissal time MUST have a Shearn Pickup Tag. There are NO exceptions. Please do not share your pickup tag with unauthorized persons.
Dismissal Procedures
All parents must have pickup tags to pick up their child. Parents will fill out transportation information during Meet the Teacher.
Walker parents will line up on the gate by the parking lot and after their name is called they will walk down the side walk and pickup their child from the cafeteria door. This is the same procedure from previous school years.
Car Riders:
The car line for arrival will start on Lemac Dr adjacent to Westwood park. The bay/lane in front of the school will open for student pickup at 3:00pm. Please do not park in the lane prior to this time. Please do not make a left turn from Lemac Dr into the bay.
Rainy Day
All procedures will remain the same for rainy days.
Visitors & Volunteers
All visitors must sign in at the front office and obtain a badge. All parent volunteers must be pre-approved through the PTO or Principal prior to volunteering on campus and complete the VIPS course and background check.
- Become a Volunteer by completing this course:
- Field Trip Chaperones who assist with field trips must also clear the criminal background process and are prohibited from taking younger children/siblings on trips.
Back to School Events 2024-2025 School Year
Meet the Teacher & Open House
Meet the Teacher:
2nd-5th grade August 7th from 4-5pm
Prek-1st grade August 8th from 4-5pm
Open House:
August 29th from 4:30-5:30