PV Bobcat Bulletin
December 2024 - 2025
Principal's Update
Hello Prairie View Families!
I hope that everyone had a very relaxing Thanksgiving Break with lots of family around you all! November was a great month with lots of great happenings at Prairie View! Our spell bowl team had their competition with the most words spelled in their division, we had a fantastic Veterans day program put on for our local veterans, and we had a great Title 1 Family Game night with lots of reading and problem/puzzle solving for all the families that participated. With just a few short weeks here in December, we are not going to slow down! We have our middle of the year iReady diagnostic testing coming up to show the progress and growth our students have made so far, boys basketball games finishing up, class parties, and our Peace on the Prairie Day. It is going to be a short month with lots of hard work and fun! As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our staff with questions and we will get you what you need. I hope you all have a safe and healthy holiday season this year!
Mr. Kris Staats
Prairie View Elementary
Important Upcoming Dates
December 3rd - Boys Bball Game @ PV
December 5th - PV Holiday Music Program @ NPHS 6:00 pm
December 9th - PV PTO Meeting @ 3:30 pm PV Library
December 19th - Class Parties
December 19th - Boys Bball Game @ PV
December 20th - Peace on the Prairie Day
December 23rd - January 6th - Winter Break (Students return January 7th)
Student Council Spirit Week
Nurse Updates
Prairie View Office Information
Mr. Kris Staats - Principal - krisstaats@npusc.k12.in.us
Mrs. Jane Bealor - Secretary/Treasurer - jbealor@npusc.k12.in.us
Mrs. Julie Abbott - Secretary - juabbott@npusc.k12.in.us
Fax: 219-778-9237
6434 E. 700 N.
Rolling Prairie, IN 46371
Daily School Hours
School Hours
8:20 am - Breakfast
8:30 am Start Time
8:40 am Tardy Bell (Class Starts)
3:10pm End of School Day
Prairie View operates on Central Standard Time (CST)
PV E-Learning Schedule
Please see the below schedule for our E-Learning schedule if there are snow days where e-learning is used.
The first two snow days will NOT be e-learning. Those are regular snow days that will be made up at another time.
Our 3rd snow day and those days that follow WILL become e-learning days. According to Indiana public education expectations, teachers must zoom with our students on these days for two and a half hours for attendance to count.
Winter Weather
With the cold weather here to stay, please make sure that your students are coming to school prepared for recess with hats, gloves, coats, and snow gear if there is snow on the ground. Students who do not have snow gear will need to stay on the black top area of the playground while outside.
Late Start Fridays
On Fridays school starts later that usual. This is part of our PLC process where teacher have collaborative time to work together to improve our practices and be as best as we can for our students.
Students may be dropped off as early as 8:20 am on theses days.
Late Start Friday
9:05 am - Breakfast
9:15 am - Start Time
3:10 pm - End of Day
Other School Time Information
2 hr delays
Important to keep ALL contacts updated with the office.
Families will be notified by school messenger and will be on the local news.
Schools starts at 10:30 am
No Early Drop Off
No Breakfast Served
Early Release
Important to keep ALL contacts updated with the office
Families will be notified by school messenger and will be on the local news.
Students will go to the location designated on their enrollment forms.
School Cancellations
Important to keep ALL contacts updated with the office.
Families will be notified by school messenger and will be on the local news.
Students have E-Learning
Veterans Day Program
NPUSC - Model Professional Learning Community District
NPUSC values professional development and our Professional learning community culture. During late start Fridays, teachers met to learn to grow together. At Prairie View, the teachers spend time answering and planning for the following questions together in their teams:
What do we want students to learn? (Essential standards)
How do we know they’ve learned it? (Common assessment development, scoring and analyzing
What do we do if they didn’t learn it? (remediation planning and RTI blocks)
What do we do if they do learn? (enrichment and RTI blocks)
In addition, we spend time learning together about new and innovative methods to become the best teaching staff we can be. Thank you for the continued support to allow teachers to grow and learn and be the best they can be for our students!
- Remember to get your background checks in for the year. Background checks must be turned in at LEAST 7 school days in advance to ensure you can participate in whatever activity you were hoping to join us for. Click here to fill yours out today!
Smart Social Digital Resources
We are excited to announce that the New Prairie United School Corporation has recently partnered with SmartSocial.com for its on-demand resources for parents and students. SmartSocial covers a wide range of digital and social media topics that we feel are relevant to our students. We have purchased parent memberships for every parent in our district to give you access to these resources and help you learn how to navigate the negative (and positive) parts of social media with your students.
CLICK HERE to sign up.