Te Whare Akoranga o Maungawhau, Dec 19, 2024
From The Principal
Non-uniform day + ICE-BLOCKS tomorrow
1pm pickup!
Kia ora koutou
As we wrap up another successful school year, we can look back on so many opportunities for learning, academic & personal growth and richness of experiences our students have benefited from.
While this year has heralded a number of Education Policy changes, the intent at the heart of the NZ Curriculum still remains, as was originally conceptualised back in 2007, to equip and enable children to;
be creative, energetic, and enterprising
seize the opportunities offered by new knowledge and technologies to secure a sustainable social, cultural, economic, and environmental future for our country
work to create an Aotearoa New Zealand in which Māori and Pākehā recognise each other as full Treaty partners, and in which all cultures are valued for the contributions they bring
in their school years, continue to develop the values, knowledge, and competencies that will enable them to live full and satisfying lives
be confident, connected, actively involved, and lifelong learners
As a set of ongoing guiding principles for the education we provide, this is also echoed in our own vision for students who are ‘Wide-eyed and Enthusiastic About Learning’.
For us, this vision is more than just a slogan, underpinning the expectations for engagement, excellence and high standards that we strive for, alongside the shared values embedded in our touchstones.
Achieving this takes a collaborative effort, with teachers, support staff, parents, families and, of course, the children themselves. Collectively, we (and they) can be proud of the hard work that has led to so many accomplishments.
I’d like to finish the year with sincere thanks to the team who make it possible, acknowledging the mahi of our hardworking teachers and support staff.
I’d also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the much-valued staff we farewell at this time, including Glenys Knox and Fran Mes, with well wishes going to our intrepid adventurers heading overseas, Rose Salama, Ariane Cox and Lucy Gilbert. Nicole Bailey (currently part-time), who has been with MENPS for a number of years (including in leadership roles) will also be relocating out of Auckland this year, with our thanks for her service to our school.
It’s people who make the difference, and they are all members of the team who will be sadly missed, but I have no doubt they will continue to make a positive contribution in all that they do.
A special mention also goes to Brent Beaumont, Y6 Teacher and all round 'resident scientist', who has finally made the decision to embrace what sounds like a very busy retirement!
While he may hopefully return for relieving ‘guest appearances’ from time to time, it falls to me to acknowledge his service to our profession, and the truly remarkable contribution he has made during his teaching career, both here and at other schools. Brent is truly unique, and I know all those children who have benefited from his guidance will share our appreciation for what he has brought to our school.
I am sure you will also extend a warm welcome our new team members for 2025 - Saiantha Gopal (Y1), Olivia Wallace (Y4), Cassie Zhang (Y5) and Sharon van Vollenhoven (Y6).
With a significantly-increased amount of contractual classroom release time for all Primary teachers next year (long overdue relative to Secondary colleagues), I am also pleased to announce that the teaching team will benefit from the addition of two in-house specialist teaching roles from next year - Marc Colenso (Music) and Lucy Matene (Te Reo Māori).
Term Dates, 2025
Looking ahead, the first day of Term 1 begins with our usual Parent/Teacher meeting, which your child may attend if you wish (encouraged, but not required). This is an opportunity to discuss goals for the year, make a connection and pass on any information you would like the teacher to be aware of.
Please book ahead now to secure your time by clicking the link and code below. If for any reason you cannot make the designated date work, please contact your child's teacher (the week before school resumes) to make an alternate arrangement.
Classroom programmes begin the following day, Tuesday, 4 February. Term dates for 2025 can be found below.
There will be much more to share in relation to exciting plans, goals and projects for the year ahead when we return, but for now I want to conclude by passing on best wishes to all our families for the holidays on behalf of the MENPS team, with a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Book Your 2025 Parent Teacher Conference Now (Feb 3, 2025)
Events & Reminders
Friday 20th December:
- Non Uniform Day - donate a piece of uniform to the uniform shop
- Final School Assembly - 12:30pm - 1:00pm
- PTA Ice block sale $2 - 1:00pm
- End of School Year - EARLY FINISH - 1:00PM
Wishing everyone a very happy holiday session and thank you for all the smiles and kindness you show me throughout the year! Nga mihi, Kind Regards Shannon
2025 Term Dates
TERM 1: Monday 3 February (Welcome Day - Parent Conferences)
- Classes resume Tuesday 4 February – Friday 11 April
Waitangi Day: Thursday 6 February
School closed Friday 7 February
TERM 2: Monday 28 April – Friday 27 June
- *TEACHER ONLY CURRICULUM DAY - Friday 30 May (School closed for instruction)
King’s Birthday: Monday 2 June
Matariki: Friday 20 June
TERM 3: Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September
TERM 4: Monday 6 October – Wednesday 17 December
- *TEACHER ONLY CURRICULUM DAY - Friday 24 October (School closed for instruction)
Labour Day: Monday 27 October
*The government has allocated 2 days to be designated as Curriculum Teacher-only Days in the 2025 school year.
The following Public Holidays fall within the school holidays:
Auckland Anniversary Day: Monday 27 January
Easter Good Friday: Friday 18 April
Easter Monday: Monday 21 April
Easter Tuesday: Tuesday 22 April
ANZAC: Friday 25 April
Non-Uniform Day - Friday 20 December
Tomorrow we will have a school wide Non-Uniform Day! Students can wear their own clothes to school that day.
Do you have old uniforms you no longer need?? If you have any second hand uniforms that your child no longer fits or needs (and are still in good condition!) then please donate these to the MENPS PTA Second Hand Uniform Shop to be sold to our community in 2025.
A donation box will be outside the school office on Friday 20 December for any uniforms that you no longer need. Thank you for your support!
Big shout out to Jane Cunningham for your time and energy running the Uniform Shop again in 2024!! Thank you ⭐
Second Hand Uniform Shop - January Hours
Shop will re - open in the week BEFORE school starts on Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th January from 11am - 12pm - so be in quick to grab a bargain amongst all the new donations!
PTA Second Hand Clothing Drive 2025
Further details to follow in the new year regarding donation and sale dates!! Thank you for your support.
PTA Roles 2025 - Can you help??
PTA Communications Officer
We need a Communications Officer to support the PTA in 2025! This role includes working with the event planning teams to assist with comms for upcoming PTA events/initiatives, and includes writing the PTA section of the weekly school newsletter. No experience required, it is a fun and easy role to support MENPS and the PTA! Any questions - email menpspta@gmail.com
Ice-Blocks for sale tomorrow - 1pm - $2
Ice-blocks for sale under the canopy tomorrow after school (1pm). $2!
Yummy Nectarines, Peaches, Apples - Save those Stickers!
Yummy Apple has now updated their School Sticker Promotion to include any fruit that has a YUMMY sticker on it. When biting into your Yummy nectarines or Yummy peaches this summer please save the sticker if it is a Yummy sticker. Yummy stickers can be stuck to any piece of paper in rows of 10. Yummy Fruit collections can be brought into school to the office next year.
PTA - Supporting our school through fundraising & fun events
Email menpspta@gmail.com I Follow us on Facebook
Refer to the PTA website for information on the various fundraising and community activities
Co-Chairs Pam Clifford & Svantje Reiber
Secretary Chelsea Chen
Treasurer Linda Waddington-Miller & Paula Tran
PTA Advisor Chantal Brunner
School Representative Hilary Edwards