Class of 2027 Monthly Newsletter
February 2024 - Academy of International Studies
Important Links to Remember:
Black History Month Celebration
Stay tuned for more details about an assembly at the end of February! Ms. Hernandez, Dr. Johnson, and Ms. Brown are currently working on a plan and trying to get students involved in all parts of the process, so if your child is interested in presenting, reciting, dancing, or otherwise celebrating Black History, encourage them to complete the survey posted on Schoology (on Jan 18 in the Class of 2027 page) to sign up to be a part of the show!
Schwoerke's So Long (for now!)
February 2nd is scheduled to be my last day before maternity leave! While I am excited for my bundle of joy to arrive, I will miss all of the ninth graders while I am out on leave. I have situated plans to keep students working, inquiring, and learning, and I am looking forward to seeing all of the progress they will have made by the time I return in April!
While I am out, please feel free to reach out directly to any of the other ninth grade teachers with questions about inidivudal classes or to our grade level deans, Tom Craig (tcraig@crec.org) and Ben Simon (bsimon@crec.org) with questions about American Literature or any grade level concerns. I hoped to be able to introduce a long-term subsitute before I leave, but nothing has been confirmed yet. No matter who ends up covering my classes during my absence, please help remind your children that there IS work to be done (resources will be printed and distributed and posted on Schoology for ease of access!).
Students and parents can monitor academic progress, attendance and other information in PowerSchool.
General Academy of Intentional Studies Info
Assignments and deadlines posted daily! *If you would like a parent code to access your child's courses, email Becca Schwoerke at rschwoerke@crec.org and I will send you the unique code!
Upcoming Dates to Remember!
Fri Feb 16: early dismissal
Mon Feb 19-Tues Feb 20: February Break
Wed Mar 13-Thurs Mar 14: Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences (early dismissal days)
Fri Mar 15: early dismissal
Wed Mar 20: early dismissal
Fri Mar 29: NO SCHOOL- Good Friday