Principal Update - BHS Families
November 3, 2024
In This Edition...
- Upcoming Events
- No "Senior Skip Day" on Monday
- End of 1st Quarter Reminders
- 1st Quarter Exam Make Ups
- Pink Week Final Total
- Academic Letter Luncheon
- Fentanyl Fathers Presentation Information - 11/6 for Seniors
- National Honor Society Food Drive - Ends this Week (11/8)
- Upcoming Test Out Opportunity - Applications Accepted 11/4 - 11/15
- Health Occupations Open House - Wednesday, 11/13
- McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act
- Senior Meeting Follow Up from October 23rd
- Important Updates to the Senior Class Meeting Slideshow
- Senior All Night Party - Volunteers Needed
- 2024/25 Tutor List and NHS Tutoring - Up and Running!
- Ordering Picture Retakes
- Portraits by Alex Senior Headshot Information - Due Date Clarification and Sign Up Included
- Livingston County Job Shadow Day - November 13th through the 15th (sign-up starts 10/23 @ 7 pm and is Now Open to ALL Grade Levels)
- National Honor Society's Senior Survivor Charity Applications
- Pictures from BHS (including Pink Week Events and Homecoming Week)
- BASE Foundation Parenting Series Information
- 2024/25 Advisory - Reminders on Traveling and Testing
- Ordering Your Student's Yearbook
- PSAT Results (11th Grade) and BigFuture School Possibilities
- PTO Volunteers and Meeting Information - Next Meeting 11/12 @ 7:30 am
- Senior Specific Information - *Includes Senior Communication from Mrs. Richards
- Financial Aid Information for Class of 2025 Families
- Scholarship Opportunities
- Michigan Assured Admission Pact - Important Info on Guaranteed College Admission
- American Legion Department of Michigan - Programs and Scholarships Available
- Is Your Student Interested in a Career in Construction? - Scholarship Opportunity
- Opportunities to Meet with BHS Administration
- BHS Counseling Department - October Counseling Newsletter Included
- Upcoming College and Career Support for Students - Career/College Calendar Link Included
- Upcoming College Visits - 6 Schools Coming to BHS the Next Two Weeks!
- Brighton Area Schools Student Wellness Information
- Weekly Wellness Lesson
- County-Wide Mental Health Network Reminders and Resources
- LESA Special Education Millage Information
- Course Curriculum Information
- Christmas Elf Holiday Giving Program
- Upcoming College Fairs
- University of Michigan Men's Basketball - Education Day
Upcoming Events
Monday, October 14th through Friday, November 8th - National Honor Society Food Drive
Sunday, November 3rd - Fall Play @ 2 pm and 7pm in BCPATuesday, November 5th - No School for Staff or Students
Wednesday, November 6th - Fentanyl Fathers Presentation in BCPA During Advisory (Seniors)
Thursday, November 7th - 1st Quarter Report Card Grades Visible in ParentConnect/StudentConnect
Thursday, November 7th - Deadline for Seniors to Order Class Panoramic Picture
Friday, November 8th - Academic Letter Lunch in Media Center During All Lunches
Friday, November 8th - NHS Food Drive Ends
Friday, November 8th - Senior Headshots Due for the Yearbook
Tuesday, November 12th - PTO Meeting @ 7:30 am in Main Office Conference Room
Wednesday, November 13th and Thursday, November 14th - Senior Headshots from Portraits by Alex (sign-up required)
Wednesday, November 13th - OK2Say Presentation in BCPA During Advisory (Sophomores)
Wednesday, November 13th - Health Occupations Open House in Health Occ Lab 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Thursday, November 14th - 1st Quarter PAWS Awards Breakfast (1st and 2nd Hour)
No "Senior Skip Day" on Monday
Every year, we get a number of phone calls and/or emails from parents telling us their student(s) told them a particular day is an official "Senior Skip Day." Please know that there are NO official sponsored/sanctioned "Senior Skip Days" recognized by BHS. The days are created by the Senior Class, normally attached to weekends/days off to give themselves even more time off. Please know that Monday is a normal day of school for all students, just like any other.
End of 1st Quarter Reminders
As you are all aware at this point, the official end of the 1st Quarter was on Friday, November 1st. As we prepare to kick off the 2nd Quarter on Monday, there are a few reminders to make sure you are aware of:
- Quarter 1 grades will be visible in ParentConnect and StudentConnect on Thursday, November 7th
- The 1st Quarter Exam grade DOES NOT impact a student's overall 1st Quarter grade. It only impacts the 1st Semester grade that will be calculated in January.
- The 1st Semester grade is the grade that impacts a student's cumulative GPA and is posted to their official transcript. The 1st Semester grade is calculated in the following manner: 40% 1st Quarter grade, 40% 2nd Quarter grade, and 20% Exam grade (average of 1st and 2nd Quarter Exams)
1st Quarter Exam Make Ups
We have had students asking if we will be having make up days for 1st Quarter Exams or not. We will NOT be having scheduled make up days for 1st Quarter Exams. As mentioned above, 1st Quarter Exams also have no impact on the 1st Quarter Grade, so making up the exam has no impact on teachers' ability to post 1st Quarter Grades. If your student is not sure when they can make up an exam they missed, the following would be options available for them at this point in time:
- During class time
- Before/after school
- During their Advisory period
They should work directly with their teacher to set up a time to make up their missed exam(s). If for some reason, none of these options work for them, feel free to have them contact me directly and I can work on setting something up for them.
Pink Week Final Total
Our final Pink Week donation total is in! Thanks to the support of our Brighton community, the students, staff, and families of BHS, and our BAS PTOs, we will be making a donation to the Trinity Health Cancer Center in Brighton in the amount of $87,600. We also want to recognize our BHS Leadership Class and their families, as well as Leadership teacher, Mrs. Armstrong, for going above and beyond to pull it all together during the countless hours they spend on Pink Week's planning and execution. This year's total is a record donation on behalf of BHS, but I can tell you that the positive impact on local families stretches far beyond any dollar amount!
We are so appreciative of everyone who was involved in making the week a success! We recognize that it truly takes a community to make it happen, and we couldn't ask for a better one!
Academic Letter Luncheon
On 10/18, families of eligible students should have received an email inviting them to join us at BHS on Friday, November 8th for our Academic Letter Luncheon. Information on the Academic Letter Luncheon can be found here. Important information to be aware of includes:
- To be eligible, students need to have earned a 3.5 GPA or higher for TWO CONSECUTIVE SEMESTERS
- If you believe your student should have received an invitation and neither of you received an invite, please contact me ASAP and we will look into it for you
- Based on the eligibility criteria, only 10th, 11th, and 12th graders are eligible to earn their academic letter at this time
- On Friday, if you will be attending, you will need to sign in at the Main Office and then head to the Media Center from there. We will have pizza, but if your student would rather have something else, you are more than welcome to bring something for them
- Check with your student to see what lunch they have and the time it runs from to ensure you are showing up at the correct time
- Students should have received their actual academic letter at Registration in August, but they will be receiving their certificate on Friday
Fentanyl Fathers Presentation Information
On November 6th, our Seniors will be attending a presentation by the organization Fentanyl Fathers. Fentanyl Fathers is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit organization on a mission to prevent illicit fentanyl poisoning and overdose deaths among America's unsuspecting youth. The crisis of fentanyl and counterfeit pills is claiming far too many young lives, and we are committed to making a difference. Fentanyl Fathers Story
They provide assemblies all across the country to schools and their team of passionate bereaved parents travel across the country to directly educate students about the dangers of fentanyl, counterfeit pills, and the critical steps for recognizing and responding to an overdose. Through impactful presentations, they aim to empower youth with knowledge and resources, helping them make informed decisions and stay safe.
Parents can view all of the components of their presentation on their landing page by clicking Presentation Detail. This includes:
- Presentation Slide Deck - They use the Orange Deck
- Seaholm High School Presentation
- Dead on Arrival Video
- Student Survey Summary Sample
- School Reference Letters
The orange slide deck is the one that they will be showing at BHS. You can learn more at fentanylfathers.org. You can also see over 300 of their videos by going to YouTube and typing Fentanyl Fathers into the search box.
We plan to record the presentation at BHS so that we can share it out with families of our 9th - 1tth grade students as well.
National Honor Society Food Drive
The National Honor Society Food Drive ends this week!
Please see the message below from the Chair of this year's National Honor Society Food Drive Committee:
Hey BHS Parents and Families!
NHS has started our annual Food Drive at BHS! This year, it will run from October 15th to November 8th. BHS will be collecting cans and monetary donations to go toward helping end hunger within Livingston County. Gleaners Food Bank is able to help significantly more people with monetary donations. They are able to turn ONE DOLLAR into THREE MEALS!
Currently, 8.5% of Livingston County faces food insecurity. That's over 16,000 of your friends and neighbors. The goal of the food drive is to help raise enough money to help out those struggling with food insecurity in time for Thanksgiving and the end-of-the-year holidays.
All proceeds raised by the NHS Food Drive will go directly to the Gleaners Food Bank in Livingston County.
Money will be collected in high school students' first-hour classes. Students can either bring in cash or cans to class (every four cans is the equivalent of $1 donated), or those wishing to donate can go online to donate using the link below:
Brighton High School Food Drive
To help incentivize students to donate, prizes will be awarded to the three 1st Hour classes that raise the most money.
Please help donate to the cause, and help your friends and neighbors who may be struggling, even if you don't know it. Send your students to school with money, cans, or both, to donate in their 1st Hour or go online and donate to Gleaners!
Upcoming Test Out Opportunity - Applications Accepted 11/4 - 11/15
If your student is interested in trying to test out of a class(es) to earn credit toward their graduation requirements, there is still an opportunity to do so this school year. Important information is included below:
- Test Out will take place on Monday, January 20th at 10 am
- The Test Out Application needs to be filled out by the deadline. The Test Out Application will be open from 11/4 - 11/15. Applications can be picked up in the Back Office
- Students can only test out of up to TWO semester classes on January 20th (either two different semester-long classes or a one full-year course)
- Students will be provided with study materials and are required to get a minimum of a 78% in order to pass. Some courses also have additional requirements that must also be met.
- Students are charged $10 to test out of a class. Payments can be submitted online via a student's SBA account starting on 11/4.
Health Occupations Open House - Wednesday, 11/13
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act
November is Homeless Awareness Month and there are a number of resources available for students and their families to support them through any challenges they may be currently facing! This information can be helpful to have if your family is currently in need of support, but also in case you know of any student/family that is in need of support.
You may/may not be aware, but Brighton Area Schools is part of a consortium dedicated to supporting students in temporary living situations. Through this program, students receive financial assistance for educational needs, housing referrals, access to clothing and other essentials, general support, and technical assistance.
To ensure compliance with federal law, all school staff are asked to help identify
students living in the following situations: emergency shelters or transitional housing,
motels/hotels, cars, parks, public spaces, shared housing due to loss of housing or economic
hardship, or temporarily with a non-parent or guardian.
Our district's homeless liaison is Starr Acromite, and each building has trained staff members
ready to provide support. Our consortium contact at the Livingston Educational Service Agency is Candice Olrich.
For more information or assistance, please contact your building principal or Starr Acromite at 810-299-4040.
Senior Meeting Follow Up from October 23rd
The Class of 2025 did a great job both during their Senior Class Meeting and their Class of 2025 full class picture!
Following the Senior Class Meeting, Mrs. Richards provided our Seniors with the information that was shared during the Senior Class Meeting, as well as additional information that is important for them to have for the coming weeks and months. This information is also shared below so that you have it:
Hi Seniors!
This is a follow-up with information that was presented this morning for you and your families. Great job being present and attentive this morning, and excellent job taking your class picture! As promised, attached are the slides from today, along with a 1-page senior calendar linked here for your reference. I want to highlight a few items from the slides.
1. Yearbook Due Dates - this is a repeat of information that has been sent out in my previous September and October newsletters, as well as Mr. Evans’ weekly communications to families.
2. College Applications - be aware of the due dates that are approaching per college. If you are applying through Common App, you do not have to wait for teacher recommendations to submit your application(s). Once you add Mrs. Grossfeld as your Counselor, she will receive a notification to upload your transcript.
3. Cap N Gown Ordering - See packet from Herff Jones that was distributed after the class picture
- You can order online: www.highschool.herffjones.com or, call with any questions: 734.725.5743
4. Class of 25 Pano Picture Ordering (need to order by 11/7) - https://vando.imagequix.com/g1001172795
5. Senior Class Video Submissions - see slides 15-17
- Click on this link to submit images & video
6. Baby Picture Submissions - see slides 18-19
- Click on this link to submit baby pictures
We realize there is a lot of information to take in. Thank you to those students who joined the Senior Student Remind classes. We’ll continue to keep you updated. Please make sure you are checking email, social media, and Remind regularly. Please reach out if you have any questions or need anything! Keep up the great work!
-Mrs. Richards
Important Updates to the Senior Class Meeting Slideshow
The Senior Class Meeting Slideshow was provided to all Seniors following Wednesday's meeting. There are a few key updates that we would like to share with you based on the information that was provided within the slideshow.
- Senior All-Night Party Tickets and Senior Yard Signs (different from the ones with student pictures on them that are put out in front of the school at the end of the year and are part of the Senior Fee) are on sale. To purchase, use the links below rather than the SANP Website listed on the slideshow that was shared out on 10/23. The slides have been updated.
- Lawn Signs: https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/8df974dd-7b13-429c-b792-ebdbaf94f964
- Senior All Night Party Tickets: https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/0e276111-139a-4e39-ab46-da8d7888b55
- When ordering your student(s) cap and gown, there are multiple packages to choose from. It may be helpful to have the following information:
- Deadline for Group Ordering is November 17th
- Unit = Cap & Gown for $35 includes the mandatory items of a cap, gown, tassel, and medallion
- Package C for $46.95 includes everything in the Unit = Cap & Gown Package + an additional Memory Tassel
- As a reminder, you can order your student(s) cap and gown online or over the phone (call them with any questions at 734.725.5743)
- For those students who are planning on using a sibling's cap and gown, you just need the tassel and medal. The tassel is available on their website under the Grad Gear and Apparel tab for $11.95. You may still have the medal from a sibling as well. If not, those can be purchased at the end of May when we pass out cap and gown packages for $15 (cash).
Senior All Night Party - Volunteers Needed
Please see the following message from the Chair of the Senior All Night Party Committee:
ALL PARENTS!!! It's that time of year where we start recruiting parents that want to be a part of the planning committee for the Senior All Night Party (SANP). We have a few openings due to last year's members' kids graduating.
What has made the party so successful is having underclassmen parents be a part of the planning - so just because you don't have a Senior does not mean you cannot help. WE NEED underclassmen committee members to ease some of the burden on Senior parents and to help with consistency year to year.
If you are interested in being on the planning committee, please either reach out to me (Michelle Letendre) via messenger or email at michelleletendre@gmail.com
NOTE - this is only recruiting people that want to be a part of the planning - not volunteer just the night of. That request will come out after Spring Break.
2024/25 Tutor List and NHS Tutoring - Up and Running!
Each year, the BHS Counseling Office releases a list of potential tutors if your student is struggling in a particular class and in need of additional support. We always encourage students to start with their classroom teacher (they are at the very least available from 2:20 - 2:50 each day for support), but if they find themselves needing more assistance, the 2024/25 Tutor List can be found here.
If your student would like to work with a peer tutor, we have the ability to help facilitate that as well. Our BHS National Honor Society has peer tutoring options available starting this week! Please see the information below regarding peer tutoring:
Here is a link to the NHS Tutoring page. It has information about the two tutoring options, as well as a link for students to sign up for the drop-in tutoring sessions (https://bit.ly/BrightonNHSTutoring).
We are pleased to announce the return of the National Honor Society’s Tutoring Committee. We understand that many students feel more comfortable seeking help from a peer rather than adults. Our goal is to provide the students at BHS with an opportunity to get assistance in a wide range of subjects in a platform that is easy and supportive.
Tutoring Sessions
We will be hosting walk-in tutoring sessions every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30pm in Room B1 (located at the front of the school next to the Main Office).
Attendance Process:
We will provide students and parents a Google Form for students to sign-up to attend the tutoring sessions. This Google Form will ask them to submit their name, the day of attendance, subject for which they need assistance, or any preferred tutor we have to offer.
Additional Information:
Students are not required to stay the whole time
We encourage students to bring any materials they may need for their work
There will be at least 2 tutors required to stay the whole time. We will do our best to provide additional tutors to meet the needs of students
We are excited to get this running and to make this year a success for all students!
Since this is a new program, we may need to make adjustments to better meet the needs of our students.
Thank you!
NHS Tutoring Committee
Ordering Picture Retakes
In order to order, you will need to know a few important pieces of information:
- If you use the QR code or the direct link, you will need a unique code for your particular student. Please contact Matt Evans (evansm@brightonk12.com) or Amie Konieczny (konieca@brightonk12.com) with your student's name in order to obtain their unique code.
- If you ordered your student's original pictures and received their picture packet, but have not yet returned the packet, you must do so prior to receiving a picture retake packet. Please see the following information from the picture company regarding returning your previous packet in order to receive a new one.
Portraits by Alex Senior Headshot Information - Due Date Clarification and Sign Up Included
The "to-do" list for a Senior (and Senior parent) is a long one. There are three important tasks to ensure each Senior is honored in the 2024-25 BHS Yearbook. Seniors must submit their Senior Headshots to the yearbook by November 8th, along with a list of Senior Activities. Parents may also buy an "ad" to recognize their special Senior. If you do not have a photographer submitting pictures on your behalf, students will have the opportunity to have Portraits by Alex take their Senior picture on either 11/13 or 11/14 for $50. Senior Yearbook Recognition Ad prices go up by 12/2. Of course, Seniors will also want to order a yearbook as a treasured memento of their Senior year. Take care of all three tasks at once at https://www.yearbooknerds.com/brighton-high-school!
Brighton High School Yearbook Flyer
If your student is in need of getting a headshot portrait taken for the yearbook, Portraits by Alex will be at BHS on November 13th and 14th. They MUST sign-up to get their picture taken. Portraits by Alex will be here from 7:30 am - 2:00 pm in B1, by the Main Office on these dates. After they sign up, they will receive a confirmation to know when to go to B1, and on which day. They'll show their teacher that email confirmation to be excused from class. The cost is $50, cash or check, made payable to Portraits by Alex.
It is very important to note that the student must access the Google Form linked HERE to sign up. This form is not available to emails outside of the brightonk12.com domain. Parents can only sign their student up if they are logged into their student's email account.
We have gotten a number of questions regarding the 11/13 and 11/14 dates for Seniors planning to get their Senior Headshot taken by Portraits by Alex at BHS. To clarify, these dates ARE correct. They come later once we have had a chance to go through all submissions and determine who has not submitted a Senior Headshot yet in case they still want to do so. It gives us the opportunity to reach out to students and parents and Portraits by Alex submits the images directly to the yearbook company all at once in bulk.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Livingston County Job Shadow Day
Liv Co Job Shadow Day is once again being offered this year to our students. BHS, in partnership with Livingston ESA’s Career Development Department, has planned a countywide, bi-annual event, Liv Co Job Shadow Day, on Wednesday, November 13 - Friday, November 15, 2024. This is a one-day activity designed to show students a bit about what a day in the life of different careers is like. There are many diverse opportunities for students to shadow, ranging from aircraft mechanics to veterinarians to HVAC technicians. This event is historically limited to 11th and 12th graders, but this year, they have opened it up to ALL grade levels.
Sign-up for students opened on October 23rd at 7pm; students can register and sign up on the same day! Registration involves a parent signature to confirm students' permission to participate. Students can preview the website ahead of time to see what Job Shadow Opportunities are available at the Livingston Career Hub. Please note that career availability is on a first-come, first-served basis, so it would be a good idea to have a list of top five choices. Some careers require extra paperwork, so please check that out ahead of time. Extra forms are attached to the Job Shadow Profile. All extra forms are due to the employer via email by November 6th, or the job shadow will be canceled.
Please see your counselors or CTE teachers for more information. It’s a great way to check out different careers to see if it’s the one for you!
More information on this opportunity can also be found here.
National Honor Society's Senior Survivor Charity Applications
The National Honor Society's Senior Survivor Committee is looking for charities to be the beneficiary of this year's Senior Survivor Fundraiser. If you know of any charities that may want to apply, please feel free to forward the flyer with them. All interested applicants must also fill out the Google Form to submit their interest in being selected as this year's charity.
Important information for any interested charities:
- Applications are due by December 15th, 2024.
- Charities will be evaluated by Brighton Area Schools Administration in a timely manner.
- All charities will be asked to submit a short, two-minute video highlighting their charity.
- Charities need to email their video, or a link to their video, to nhs@brightonk12.com
- Videos will be due by January 5th.
- National Honor Society Members will view videos and participate in blind voting.
Pictures from BHS (including Pink Week Events and Homecoming Week)
Former BHS counselor, Lynn Gregg, does a fantastic job coming to many of our events at BHS. He takes pictures for us to capture these memories, and makes them available for purchase to the public if anyone would like to do so via his website. I would encourage you to take a look at his website for Lynn Gregg Photography and see the moments he was able to capture!
BASE Foundation Parenting Series Information
The BASE Foundation is proud to sponsor part of a parenting series offered to the community. This particular virtual (Zoom) session is entitled ADHD: Myths & Misconceptions Separating Fact From Fiction and more information can be found here.
The Zoom meeting information can be found on the flyer, but will be led by licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Pamela McCaskill. It will be held on Thursday, November 21st from 7 - 8:30 pm.
2024/25 Advisory - Reminders on Traveling and Testing
*There will be Advisory this week, so please encourage your students to use it wisely. Please encourage your students to use the Advisory period to catch up on missing work, make-up assessments, and receive additional support from their teachers in subjects they are struggling with. The end of the 1st Quarter will be here before we know it!
Going forward, in addition to staying in their Advisory class, students are given additional opportunities to utilize their Advisory period in a way that sets them up for success. The opportunities include:
1) Traveling to one of their teacher's classes to receive additional academic support
2) Making up a missing test/quiz with one of their teachers or in the Media Center
We encourage students to take advantage of both of these opportunities. If they are planning to do so, there are a couple of important reminders as it relates to both traveling and Media Center Testing for them to remember:
- If a student is traveling, they MUST get a pass from the teacher they are planning to see by the end of the day on Tuesday.
- Teachers may utilize the Media Center during Advisory as an alternative testing site for students, but do not have to (they can have them test with them instead).
- ALL quizzes and/or tests must be sent to the Media Center by the classroom teacher by Tuesday at 2:50 pm. No quizzes/tests will be accepted on the day of Advisory. This means students need to communicate with their teachers and make sure any tests/quizzes they plan to make up are sent down in advance.
- If a student is planning to travel or take a make-up test/quiz, they should email BOTH their Advisory teacher and the teacher they travel to on Advisory Wednesday upon showing up to the appropriate location.
Ordering Your Student's Yearbook
Our Yearbook students are already busy capturing moments and memories to create a keepsake that you and your students will look back on for many years to come. Get ahead now and order your yearbook today! If you do not order a yearbook by the deadline, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to get one for your student(s).
Yearbooks are available for order at https://www.yearbooknerds.com/brighton-high-school
Senior parents, consider purchasing a personalized yearbook ad for your student to allow for a personal message with your favorite photos! Yearbook ads can be purchased from the same site listed above.
PSAT Results (11th Grade) and BigFuture School Possibilities
PSAT/NMSQT test results from the October school-day test date are now available to students! These test results provide valuable information in regard to strengths and areas of focus for students prior to April's SAT test. When tied to a student's College Board account, a wide variety of resources are available via Khan Academy that are directly linked to these identified areas of needed focus.
In addition to these resources, there is a new resource available to students that it would be beneficial for them to take access. This new resource is the BigFuture School mobile app.
Here’s how it works:
• Students who provided their mobile number during digital exam setup will receive a text message when their scores are available. They’ll need their phone number to securely access the app, but no password is required
• In addition to their scores, they’ll see a sample list of growing careers in their state that connect to the math, reading, and writing skills they demonstrated on the PSAT/NMSQT or SAT
• Students can opt-in to Connections™ to hear from institutions that may be a good fit
• Students who can’t or don’t want to use the app can still get their scores via a PDF report from their school or by logging in to their College Board account
PTO Volunteers and Meeting Information
BHS PTO is an active part of your student’s overall high school experience. In addition to others, the BHS PTO proudly supports the following activities throughout the school year: educational student assemblies, Academic Letter, Academic Wall of Fame, Freshman class activities, staff and student appreciation events, financial support for student-run after-school clubs and organizations, and the Senior Picnic. All activities are supported through the generosity of BHS families. If you would like to donate to the BHS PTO, you can do so here.
Our PTO at BHS has already been hard at work this year supporting BHS staff and students in a variety of ways, including student lunch treats, supporting our teachers by providing them with a meal before Parent/Teacher Conferences, and more.
Next PTO Meeting: Tuesday, November 12th at 7:30 am in the Main Office Conference Room.
All are welcome!
Senior Specific Information
Senior Specific Dates/Events
Here are some important dates included below that you may want to put on your calendar now and your student may want to participate in.
Wednesday, November 6th - Fentanyl Fathers Assembly during Advisory (take "C" Lunch)
Friday, November 8th - Senior Headshots due for the yearbook
Wednesday, November 13th - Portraits by Alex Senior Headshots taken @ BHS ($50)
Thursday, November 14th - Portraits by Alex Senior Headshots taken @ BHS ($50)
Wednesday, February 5th - Junior vs. Senior Volleyball Game in the BHS Fieldhouse @ 7:30 pm
Wednesday, March 5th - Senior Class Council 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
Tuesday, April 22nd - Staff vs. Student Basketball Game
Friday, April 25th - BHS Lip Dub
Monday, May 19th to Friday, May 23rd - National Honor Society's Senior Survivor Week
Tuesday, May 27th - Seniors' Last Full Day
Wednesday, May 28th to Friday, May 30th - Senior Exams
Thursday, May 29th - Senior Sunset in the BHS Stadium starting @ 8 pm
Friday, May 30th - Cap and Gown Pick Up starting @ 8 am
Friday, May 30th - Senior Walk at BHS starting @ 9:45 am (family and friends encouraged to attend)
Friday, May 30th - Senior Picnic in the BHS Stadium following the Senior Walk @ approx. 10:30 am
Friday, May 30th - Senior Elementary Walk (more information to come) @ approx. 11:30 am
Wednesday, June 4th - Summa Cum Laude Breakfast (invite only) in the BHS Cafeteria @ 8 am (parents invited)
Wednesday, June 4th - MANDATORY Graduation Practice in the BHS Fieldhouse @ 10 am
Friday, June 6th - Brighton High School Commencement Ceremony in the BHS Stadium @ 7 pm (rain date is Saturday, June 7th @ 7pm)
Saturday, June 7th - Senior All-Night Party at BHS from 10 pm - 4 am
Updated Senior Portrait Due Date
The deadline for Senior Portrait submissions is November 8. Don't wait to order your yearbook! If you'd like to surprise your special Senior at the end of the year, consider purchasing a Recognition Ad. Visit https://www.yearbooknerds.com/brighton-high-school to check all three off your list!
Recent Senior Communication from Mrs. Richards and Senior Information Sheet
Hi Seniors and Families!
It's been a busy but exciting start to your Senior year, and I hope you enjoyed Homecoming week. I have a few reminders that I want to put on your radar. The beginning of the bulletin, linked below, has updated information, but I've also included repeat information at the bottom so that it's all in one place for you. Mr. Evans has been sending out Weekly Family Updates as well, so there is some overlap of information for families. We are trying to be as proactive as possible to help you have a successful year. We are here for you!
BHS Bulldog Senior Bulletin - October Update
In this bulletin:
- Mandatory Fall Senior Meeting!
- Common App Reminder
- Upcoming College Visits
- Upcoming College Fairs
U of M Society of Women Engineers Shadow Day
- 24/25 Application Fee Waivers Reminder ($0 College Applications)
- Michigan Assured Admission Pact - Guaranteed College Admission
- Michigan Achievement Scholarship Update & Additional Scholarship Opportunities
- Yearbook Reminders
- Senior Picture for Yearbook
- Counseling Update from Mrs. Grossfeld
- Upcoming Senior Presentation 11/6 - Fentanyl Fathers
In addition to this, each year the Senior Class Council produces an information sheet that is a one-stop shop for all things Senior year. View this year's Senior Class Council Information Sheet here. We would encourage you to have your student follow the social media accounts listed and also join the Remind App listed at the bottom of the page based on their last name to receive updates over the course of the year.
Financial Aid Information for Class of 2025 Families
Hello Senior Families,
Financial Aid season is right around the corner! This means it's time to get ready for the 25-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to open on December 1st. Regardless of what the plan for after high school is, we encourage every Senior family to fill out the FAFSA. This email includes many financial aid resources for your convenience.
Here's what you can start doing NOW in terms of financial aid:
- Each Senior and a parent should aim to create their FSA IDs prior to December 1st. (They take time to verify)
- Use this tool or this resource to find out which parent(s) needs to be part of the FAFSA process.
- Attend a financial aid webinar or watch this recorded webinar.
- Learn about the Community College Guarantee and Michigan Achievement Scholarship. Informational webinars can be found here.
- Look into scholarships offered at the schools you are applying to. Local scholarships are updated here throughout the year. National scholarships can be found at websites such as Going Merry, Fastweb, CollegeBoard Big Futures, and many more.
- Reach out if you have questions. I am here to help students and families with anything college-related, including financial aid! (farinac@brightonk12.com)
Why should I fill out the FAFSA?
- Everybody is eligible for some amount of financial aid. You won't know what you qualify for unless you fill out the FAFSA.
- It is the only way to qualify for the Community College Guarantee, and is necessary to be considered for the Michigan Achievement Scholarship.
- You are planning to attend college OR a career training program after high school.
- It allows schools to consider you for more scholarships, grants, and other aid.
- It's FREE and you do NOT have to accept any of the aid that is offered to you.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
Clarice Farina
Brighton High School
College Adviser - Advise MI
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & every other Monday
Scholarship Opportunities
We are regularly looking for potential scholarship for our students to help offset the cost of any type of postsecondary education our students pursue. One of these options is the scholarship directory. Within this directory, you can find scholarships available for a variety of different categories. Scholarships specific to this year's Seniors can be found here. You will find scholarship information for a multitude of scholarships dated as far out as August 31, 2025. You may also be interested in some of the Michigan-specific scholarships listed as a separate category. This page is one of many resources available for students when it comes to potential scholarship opportunities so we would encourage you to check it out! Our counseling website also includes pages for both local/state and national scholarships that your student may apply for.
Michigan Assured Admission Pact - Important Info on Guaranteed College Admission
The Michigan Assured Admission Pact (MAAP) was developed in 2023. The goal was to remove uncertainty from the college admissions process for students.
10 of the 15 public universities banded together and are guaranteeing admission for students who have a 3.0 GPA or higher; all the student needs to do is apply.
For more information, a list of participating schools, as well as an updated FAQ, visit the MAAP website.
American Legion Department of Michigan - Programs and Scholarships Available
The American Legion Department of Michigan offers high school students several opportunities to gain valuable experience that will last a lifetime. At the same time, students can earn money for college or earn the needed community service points required on many college entrance applications, including the West Point Military Academy. They are currently offering over $75,000 in scholarships for both college, as well as skilled trades.
For more information, check out their information they have shared regarding programming they currently offer students in grades 9 - 12!
Is Your Student Interested in a Career in Construction? - Scholarship Opportunity
Attention Seniors! Are you interested in pursuing a career in construction? If so, there is a Brighton-based construction company, Schafer Construction, offering $2000 scholarships through their Build Better Foundation. Students may use this money for tuition, certification, PPE and other equipment. The deadline for this scholarship is December 31, 2024.
For more information about this scholarship opportunity, and how to apply please see the link in your email.
Opportunities to Meet with BHS Administration
If you need to meet with your student's Grade Level Principal for any reason, please don't hesitate to reach out. If your student has a 504 and returned to BHS this fall, you should have received an additional communication offering you the opportunity to have your student's support plan continue as written, or the chance to meet to address any necessary changes. If your student has a 504 and is a Freshman, you have received an additional communication asking you to set up a time to meet to discuss the plan in greater detail, in order to help facilitate a smooth transition to a new environment this year. To contact your student's Grade Level Principal, please see the information below:
Mr. Matt Evans (10th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4101
Email: evansm@brightonk12.com
Schedule an Appointment Directly
Mrs. Tracie Richards (12th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4114
Email: richardst@brightonk12.com
Schedule an Appointment Directly
Mr. Nate Grabowski (11th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4103
Email: grabown@brightonk12.com
Schedule an Appointment Directly
Mrs. Jennifer Napuli (9th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4112
Email: napulij@brightonk12.com
BHS Counseling Department
The October Edition of the BHS Counseling Newsletter can be found here.
As a reminder, if you would like to meet with your student's counselor for any reason, you can reach the Counseling Office at (810) 299-4150. You can also schedule an appointment with their counselor using the following links below:
9th Grader: Mrs. Petit - https://bit.ly/MrsPetit
10th Grader: Mrs. Caverly - https://bit.ly/MrsCaverly
11th Grader: Mr. Miner - https://bit.ly/MrMiner
12th Grader: Mrs. Grossfeld - https://bit.ly/MrsGrossfeld
Upcoming College and Career Support for Students - Career/College Calendar Link Included
We would encourage you to look at the most up-to-date version of our BHS Career and College Calendar for additional opportunities for parents and students.
There are a number of opportunities for students to engage with both college representatives, as well as employers in future career fields if they are interested. We are encouraging students to engage in these opportunities as it can help them determine what their next steps may be following graduation. Our goal is to make sure that all of our students are leaving BHS with a plan, and support them in the pursuit of that plan, whatever it may be!
Upcoming College Visits
- Northern Michigan University - Thursday, 11/7 in the Collab Lab during 3rd Hour
- U of M Dearborn - Thursday, 11/7 Outside the Cafeteria during All Lunches
- Grand Canyon University - Thursday, 11/7 in the Collab Lab during 5th Hour
- Kuyper College - Friday, 11/8 in the Collab Lab during 3rd Hour
- Alma College - Monday, 11/11 Outside the Cafeteria during All Lunches
- Michigan Tech University - Tuesday, 11/12 Outside the Cafeteria during All Lunches
Brighton Area Schools Student Wellness Information
As a part of the BAS Strategic Plan, we are always trying to find ways to maximize and support student growth. One of many ways we do this is through the Brighton Area Schools App. This app can be downloaded for free on iTunes and Google Play. It is loaded with resources for students and parents. In addition, consider using the "Your Best, Your Growth, Your Future" part of the app to submit a goal and receive 1:1 support and feedback to help you achieve it! The app will also allow you to receive notifications on what is happening throughout BAS and be updated on future events and information.
Weekly Wellness Lesson
Each week, we will be sharing out a weekly tip/resource with our families. This week's tip:
"Looking Out for Self-Doubt"County-Wide Mental Health Network Reminders and Resources
As a member of the Livingston Educational Service Agency (LESA), we are provided with a number of community resources and informational sessions designed to support families as it relates to a variety of different topics.
This month's County-Wide Mental Health Network Reminders and Resources Newsletter includes information on the following:
- Upcoming ParentGuidance.org Events
- Emergency Family Resources - Food and Holiday Gift Programs
- Upcoming County-Wide Mental Health Network Events
- MDHHS School Responses to Vaping and Tobacco Use Survey
LESA Special Education Millage Information
At this time, we would like to share a letter and video with all of you regarding the upcoming special education renewal and restoration that will be on the ballot on November 5th. Ultimately, this represents just over $3 million of our annual budget. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask and we will do the best we can to answer any questions you may have.
Course Curriculum Information
Brighton High School teachers have been working to review and revise their curriculum to ensure proper alignment with state standards, as well as alignment between what is being taught by teachers who are teaching the same course. Once this process has been completed, the curriculum is housed within the district's curriculum warehouse database, Rubicon Atlas. Below you will find the district's communication from the BAS Curriculum Office surrounding this curriculum warehouse database and how to access the curriculum within it.
Christmas Elf Holiday Giving Program
Please see the message below from the Christmas Elf Program. Each year, they do amazing work with the community to make sure our students are supported!
We’re thrilled to announce the start of the 17th Annual Christmas Elf Program! For over a decade, we’ve worked alongside Livingston County schools and you—our loyal sponsors—to serve underprivileged students and children in our local communities. We truly couldn’t do this without your support!
Exciting news for 2024! We are now officially a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Charity under the formal name Christmas Elf Program. Some of you may remember when our Founder & President, Amy Crotty, ran this program out of her home. Over the years, we’ve sponsored thousands of children, and this new milestone will allow us to continue this meaningful work for many years to come.
As the holiday season approaches, we invite you to secure your sponsorship for 2024. Please choose one of the following options by Wednesday, November 6th:
Sponsor children:
Click below to sponsor one or more children. You’ll receive their wish lists via email before Thanksgiving. You can purchase the requested items and drop them off at Green Oak Charter Township Hall from December 6th to 8th. The budget per wishlist is $200 - $250. Feel free to sponsor as an individual, with your family, team, or co-workers.
Monetary Donation:
Click below to donate. Monetary donations will be used to purchase gift cards for high school students. Donations can be made through our partner, Zeffy, and any amount is greatly appreciated! Zeffy is a donation platform specifically for non-profits. You do not need to set up an account and can donate using any major credit card. The Christmas Elf Program is not charged any processing fees by Zeffy, but you can choose to help cover the credit card processing fee when making your donation. You will receive a confirmation email, which will also include our tax ID number for tax write-off purposes.
We continue to work closely with Brighton and Howell Public Schools and the Livingston Educational Services Agency (LESA) to identify families in need. Please note that all names remain confidential for both sponsors and recipients.
New this year: We've increased the budget per child to $200 - $250 to better meet their needs. Please see the sponsor form for more details. Thank you for your unwavering support! You are truly a blessing to the children and families of Livingston County!
Upcoming Community Events and Opportunities for Students
Upcoming College Fairs
In case you missed the College Fair at Cleary University, there are a number of additional college fairs coming up between now and the end of the school year. The Michigan Association for College Admission Counseling and the Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers keeps a list of upcoming, accredited College Fairs that they post for anyone who is interested. The list can be found here.
University of Michigan Men's Basketball - Education Day
Please see the message below form the University of Michigan Athletic Department:
We’re excited to announce that on Friday, November 15th at 6 PM, the Michigan Men's Basketball team will proudly host our Sixth Annual Education Day as we take on TCU! This special event is designed to celebrate education and engage students and staff across the state!
We would love for your students and staff to join us for this thrilling game! To make it even more accessible, we’re offering discounted tickets at just $10 each. You can easily purchase tickets by clicking HERE!
Don’t miss out on this fantastic chance to cheer on our team while fostering community spirit and supporting education!
Go Blue!
Brighton High School
Website: https://www.brightonk12.com/Domain/465
Location: Brighton High School, Brighton Road, Brighton, MI, USA
Phone: (810)299-4100
Twitter: @BrightonHS