St Peter's Primary School
Friday 2nd August 2024
Be pleased, O God, we pray, to bless, acknowledge,
and approve this offering in every respect;
make it spiritual and acceptable,
so that it may become for us the Body and Blood of your most beloved son,
our Lord Jesus christ. he joins his hands.
Message from the Principal
WHOLE SCHOOL MASS - We invite all families to join us for our next whole school Mass at 9am on Thursday 15 August, prepared by Year Two. The Feast of the Assumption is one of the most important feast days of the year and a Holy Day of Obligation on the official Roman Catholic Church calendar. The Feast of the Assumption is the principal feast of the Blessed Virgin, the mother of Jesus Christ. This holy day marks the occasion of the Virgin Mary's bodily ascent to heaven at the end of her life.
PAUL LITHERLAND - On Wednesday 21 August, our school will have the pleasure of hosting
Paul Litherland, for both a student and parent presentation. Paul is a renowned cyber-safety speaker and owner of Surf Online Safe. He will be presenting one parent session, to be held on
Wednesday 21 August at 6pm (Term Three, Week Six) in the Library.
Paul will share his experiences as a WA Police Officer in the Technology Crime Investigation Unit and speak about the need for students and parents to remember the impact of their digital footprint, maintain levels of privacy when using apps and apply methods to remain safe in an online environment.
Paul’s parent presentations will cover a wide range of topics and will last between 1 to 1.5 hours depending on questions.
Subjects covered may include:
– Cyber Bullying – Legislation surrounding this and how it is affecting our children.– Digital Citizenship – Where our children are going online, the Apps they are using and the information they are sharing.
– Online Footprint – How easy it is to find children online and what they can do to minimise their risk.
– Social Networking & Networking in general – How the systems work and how to overcome their reach.
– Online Gaming and Website Use – Risks and uses.
– Tips & Tricks – How to keep an eye on your children through software and hardware. Easy instructions on what we can do to keep them safe.
Paul is very much in demand and has been presenting to children and parents at many schools over the years.
Please visit the following website which includes a bio for Paul and further information on Surf Online Safe - www.surfonlinesafe.com.au
Please RSVP by clicking the link https://bit.ly/3ypVTHR
YEARBOOK - We are excited to be in the process of creating our 2024 St Peter’s Primary School Yearbook with 3P Photography. We will be following the same process as last year, where the
St Peter’s Primary School Yearbook has not been included in your family school fees, and you will need to order and pay online for a 2024 Yearbook.
Our Yearbook will be the same structure as the past, including our school photos, class pages, and a variety of photos and details from specialists and other school events held throughout the year.
All families are able to purchase a copy of their Yearbook from the link below. You are welcome to purchase multiple copies of the 2024 Yearbook you would like on for each of your children. Families will have until Friday 20th September 2024 to purchase a Yearbook.
Please note, that although you will need to order and pay for your Yearbook now, the Yearbook will be distributed to families towards the end of Term Four, to ensure that we can include as many events as possible in the Yearbook before it goes to print.
Click here to purchase your 2024 Yearbook and head to the Event tab - https://app.quickcliq.com.au/parents/fundraising.aspx
NAPLAN - Last week our students in Years Three and Five brought home their NAPAN results. In your child’s envelope you would have received their individual student report, as well as an information brochure for parents. These results have also been made available via SEQTA.
If you have any questions regarding NAPLAN or your child’s results, please contact the classroom teacher.
I would like to congratulate all our Year Three and Five students for their hard work and outstanding effort over the four NAPLAN assessments. They should all be very proud of their results!
MUSIC TEACHER - As mentioned in the Week One newsletter, Miss Sharni Cumming has taken over the Music position for Semester Two 2024 on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I am pleased to announce that Miss Bella Garland has been appointed as the Music Teacher for the Monday and Tuesday. Thank you in advance for joining me in making both Sharni and Bella feel welcomed in the St Peter’s community.
BOOK FAIR AND BOOK WEEK - During Week 6, commencing Monday 19 August, we will be celebrating Book Week and hosting our Book Fair. The Book Fair will be held in the Library from Monday to Thursday 8:00-8:30am and 3:00-3:30pm. I would like to thank Mrs Sharon Zanotti for
co-ordinating this event.
The play, “Maybe a Miracle” is also coming to St Peter’s to perform for our Year One and Year Two students on Tuesday 6 August. The play is based on three books from Book Week called Timeless, The Concrete Garde, Every Night at Midnight.
Throughout this exciting week, our St Peter’s Dads has extended an invitation to all Dads and Father Figures to come into the classroom and read a book to the children and their child’s class. The purpose of this is to engage Fathers in the school community, as research shows that school that specifically target fathers will see better outcomes for students.
Author, Chenee Marrapodi has released a new book, “Breaking Pointe,” based around dance, and a very big part of the plot centres around Type 1 Diabetes. Chenee is scheduled to present to the
Year Four students on Tuesday 20 August. She is looking forward to reading to our students and getting them excited about reading and writing!
We will be holding our Book Week Dress-Up Parade on Wednesday 21 August at 8:50am.
HOLY COMMUNION - This weekend many of our Year Four students will be receiving the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. Please keep these students in your prayers. A lot of work goes on behind the senses to prepare our students to receive their Sacraments and I would like to acknowledge and thank those people for all the support they have provided to our students and their families.
Courtney Caputi
Assistant Principal RE News
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION - This weekend we celebrate the students who are receiving the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. Please keep these candidates in your prayers.
Friday 2nd August 6pm
Saturday 3rd August 11am
FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION - On Thursday 15th August, we will be honour Mother Mary with a whole school Feast of the Assumption Mass. Mass will commence at 9am at the Church and you are welcome to attend.
Person of the Week - Week 2 - 25/7/2024
CASEY HIGGINS - PRE PRIMARY BLUE - Casey, you are a star student who deserves to be recognised for your outstanding start to pre primary. I couldn’t think of a better way to describe you, but with an acrostic poem for your name.
C is for caring. Casey, you are always an excellent friend to everyone in our class. You are consistently finding ways to make sure that everyone is cared for. Whenever someone feels a bit sad or is not sure what to do, you are the first to help.
A is for amazing. Your sweet and considerate personality is an asset to our class. You always try to be your best, while encouraging others to do the same. You are an excellent role model for all our true values, both inside and outside the classroom.
S is for sincere. You are genuine in your all your ways, always staying true to yourself while respecting the choices of others. Your honest and nurturing nature makes you a trusted friend in the class.
E is for enthusiastic. You are an enthusiastic participant in our class. You willingly attempt all learning tasks with a positive, can-do attitude. You approach tasks with a growth mindset, rarely letting the worry of making a mistake get in the way of giving things a try.
Y is for your kind heart. Your kind heart reflects all that St Peter’s stands for. Your kindness is reflected in all your actions and words, making our class a better place. If anyone would put the needs of others before their own, it would be you.
Casey, thank you for helping make ppb an amazing place. Congratulations on being the junior person of the week!
DARCY NIELSON - FOUR MAROON - Congratulations to Darcy for being the Senior Person of the Week! Darcy, there are so many amazing qualities I can use to describe you. You inspire everyone around you each day with your hard work and determination. There is no task too difficult for you, as you put 100% effort into all challenges you face, achieving success and trying your best. Darcy, the kind actions you do for those around you don’t go unnoticed. Whether it’s including others in games or putting a smile on someone’s face, you can always be counted on to bring happiness and kindness wherever you go.
You embody the spirit of our school community by displaying the TRUE values in everything you do. Something that makes you so special is your enthusiasm and zest for life. This is evident in your bright smile, and the way you greet your peers and teachers so warmly each day. A quote from Mother Teresa reminds me of you; “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”
Darcy, you are a ray of sunshine and such a delight, I certainly leave happier after I’ve been in your presence. We are so proud to recognise you as our Senior Person of the Week and celebrate all the amazing things you are. Congratulations Darcy!
Merit Certificates - Week 2 - 25/7/2024
PPB William Pezzin / Klara Floyd / Molly Trant
PPM Rachel Zhao / Melody Huynh / Alice Teh
PPW Ethan Li / Evelyn Hong / Austin Edwards
1B Ella Brecciarolli / Frederick Tang
1M Aydin Bartholomew / Bridie Hughes / Callum Robb
1W Lucy Jamieson Blight / Noah Power / Michelle Tran
2B Jessie Cao / Clara Attard / Teddy Bartlett
2M Amabella Paullehe / Zofia Burke Allenby / Jordan Than-Htay
2W Emilio Angarita Perez / Tayla Jakovcevic / Michael Williams
3B Knox Drabarek / Veliana Kule / Nevan Gor
3M Eden Hoang / Olivia Sun / William Jury
3W Logan Tartaglia / Zyah Siriwardena / Isabel Foo
4B Matthew Owens / Emmersyn Lewis / Kenny Ho / Skyla Guardione
4M Beatrix Marshall / Marcus Camilleri / Samuel Bellombra-Sims
4W Leilani Njeru / Leonardo Farbon / Elijah Armstrong
5B Leo Luca / Ethan Doss
5M Harry Maldenis
5W Ciaran Phelan / Stella Cream
6B Noah Vassoodaven / Evie Brook / Megan Vu
6M Madison Carmody / Olivia Armstrong / Justin Cho / Zac Glover
6W Mia Camilleri / Elsie Flegg / Arie Barbaro
Book Week / Book Fair 2024
IT News
St Peter’s Primary School has enabled a new feature in the SEQTA Engage app, allowing parents to notify the school of their child's full day/multiple absences.
Please note that this feature is only for full day/multiple absences. If you are picking up your child for an appointment, you must still sign them out at the front office.
Click the link below for more details.
Interschool Cross Country Carnival
On Tuesday 23rd July, our Interschool Cross Country team showcased exceptional talent and determination at the CPSSA competition. Despite facing treacherous weather conditions and fierce competition, our students competed with remarkable resilience.
We are proud to announce that our school achieved an impressive 3rd place overall, with the girls' team securing 4th place and the boys' team earning 5th place.
Our students' success is a testament to their dedication, having braved the cold mornings for training sessions leading up to the carnival. This commitment was clearly reflected in their outstanding performances.
We extend our gratitude to our parent volunteers who assisted on the day, as well as to the parents who cheered on our students, providing much-needed encouragement over the finish line. A special thank you goes to the staff who led the early morning training sessions, ensuring our students were well-prepared for the competition.
A special shout out to our medal winners:
- Kallan Bennett: Bronze medal, A Division Boys
- Elodie Maye: Bronze medal, B Division Girls
- Henry Eastman: Bronze medal, A Division Boys
- Dion Cole: Gold medal, B Division Boys
- Asher Raveendrakumar: Gold medal, A Division Boys
Congratulations to all our competitors for their fantastic efforts and achievements!
Jeans for Genes
Jeans for Genes Fundraising during the month of August.
You may see the staff wearing their jeans on Fridays for the month of August. As part of our Wellbeing program, as a staff, we have decided to fundraise for Jeans for Genes to raise money for the Children’s Medical Research Institute and help save more kids’ lives.
Jeans for Genes raises money for the Children’s Medical Research Institute to find cures for children’s genetic diseases, cancers and other conditions affecting 1 in 20 kids!
Canteen News
P&F News
To purchase your Entertainment Book please click
Community News
- MAYLANDS GOLF CLUB - will be hosting a Junior Golf Clinic from 8th August - 29th August. For more information, please email info@maylandsgolf.com.au
- BI-FOLD SPARK TELETHON - ADHD WA - For more information, please click - https://bit.ly/4ceCPuD
- VACSWIM ENROLMENTS - are now open. For further information, details of locations and how to enrol, please visit our website.
Contact Us
Office Hours
8am - 4pm School Term Only
Follow us on:
Instagram @ Instagram
Facebook @ Facebook
Twitter @ Twitter
Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900