BPS Community News
April/May 2024
The Bellevue Public Schools Community News is a family-focused communication that is distributed monthly during the school year to our students, families, and staff across the District. The BPS Community News is designed to provide a one-stop shop for all BPS news, youth sports, activities, and happenings in and around the community. All advertisements promote activities and programs that provide a benefit or service to the students, families, and staff of the Bellevue Public School District.
BPS News
BPS Summer Camps & Happenings
Community Happenings
It’s Bellevue Chamber of Commerce BellevueOpoly time! We’re so excited to have BPS Lied Activity Center on the game board . Don’t have a game board yet, stop in and grab one today, then check out the great things we have to offer!
Job Opportunities!
About Us
Email: bps@bpsne.net
Website: https://www.bellevuepublicschools.org/
Location: 2600 Arboretum Drive, Bellevue, NE, USA
Phone: 402-293-4000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BellevuePublicSchools/
Twitter: @BellevueSchools
To place an ad in the Community News: Guidelines, Pricing and Ad Reservation
We're shaping our future through engagement, innovation, and a culture of belonging. #ChampionsForChildren #TeamBPS #bpsne