Eckstein Weekly News
February 14, 2025
Upcoming Dates
- Feb. 17-21: Mid-Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
- Feb. 25: Black History Month Assembly (AM Assembly Bell Schedule Below)
- Mar. 4: EIM Side-by-Side (7 pm)
- Mar. 6: Concert Band Festival (7:30 pm)
- Mar. 13: Orchestra Concert (7 pm)
- Mar. 20: Jazz Band Festival (7:30 pm)
- Mar. 27: Student Led Conferences (NO SCHOOL FOR EMS STUDENTS ONLY)
- Mar. 29: Band Solo & Ensemble & Orchestra Day
AM Assembly Bell Schedule for 2/25/25 - Black History Month Assembly
Period 1: 8:55 AM – 10:40 AM
Period 2: 10:45 AM - 11:35 AM
Period 4: 11:40 AM – 1:00 PM
1st LUNCH: 11:35 AM - 12:05 PM (Class 12:10 PM – 1:00 PM)
2nd LUNCH: 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM (Class 11:40 AM – 12:30 PM)
Period 3: 1:05 PM - 1:55 PM
Period 5: 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Period 6: 2:55 PM - 3:45 PM
Help Needed for Concessions at Basketball & Volleyball Games in Eckstein Gym
This year we are hosting many middle school basketball and volleyball games in our gym. Our students would like to sell concessions during these games. The proceeds from the sales will go to our ASB. ASB supports the entire student body and funds such things as new uniforms for our sports teams, Eagle Nights, and special guests for our assemblies.
In order to have our students run a concessions stand we need at least one adult to oversee the stand. You would not be selling anything, just watching the students.
Games are on Saturdays and run for 1.5 hours beginning at 8 am and ending at 3:30 pm. We would like one adult per game.
Volunteers will need to be cleared through the SPS Volunteer Application.
Please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F45AFA829A6FBC61-54982325-help
Help Needed for Upcoming Eagle Nights
We have two dances scheduled this spring. We can’t do them without parent chaperones to help! Please consider signing up.
6th & 7th grade dance 3/21: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0B48A8A623A13-55100527-eckstein
8th grade semi-formal dance 5/16: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0B48A8A623A13-55100566-8thgrade
2025/26 School Year Elective Requests Due by 11:59 pm on Friday, February 14
Current 6th and 7th graders must request elective requests for next school year by Friday, February 14, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.
Please have your student access the elective form on Library Schoology Page, posted on 2/7.
TA forms for current seventh graders will be available later in the spring.
PE Waivers for 2025/26 will be available in the fall of 2025.
Instructional Lunch for Unexcused Lates
Reporting to class on time for instruction is essential for our student's academic success.
- We will review the weekly total of unexcused lates beginning the week of March 5, 2025.
- Students who accumulate 4 or more total unexcused lates during the week will be assigned Instructional Lunch one day the following week.
- The goal is for students to make up instructional minutes missed because of their tardiness.
- Instructional Lunch will be held in a classroom during lunches and supervised by an administrator or teacher.
- Students will receive a pass before lunch to remind them that they have instructional lunch. Lunch will be provided to students who get a school lunch: those who bring a lunch from home will eat while in Instructional Lunch as well.
- Students will be asked to work on school work and review their academic progress on the Source.
Parent/guardians will receive an email communicating that their student has earned an Instructional Lunch because they accumulated 4 or more unexcused lates during the previous week.
Our hope is that Instructional Lunch will help encourage students to report to all of their classes on time and be ready to learn.
You can use the Source to check your students’ attendance record. You can see all absences and lates that your student has accrued since the first day of school. We encourage you to check in with your student and review their attendance record together.
Student-Led Conferences - March 27, 2025
Hello Eckstein Families! Homeroom teachers will soon be reaching out to you to schedule a Student Led Conference on March 27, 2025.This is a NON-SCHOOL day for Eckstein students ONLY, so that we can hold these conferences. Your student will have the opportunity to share with you in a formal setting, their goals, accomplishments, and areas of growth. Please look for a message from homeroom teachers and sign up for a time on that day for you and your student to come to school for the conference. Remember, these are STUDENT Led, and teachers are only hosts this day. We look forward to seeing you March 27!
Attendance Matters
Health Guidance for Going to School from SPS and OSPI
Showing up to school every day is critical for children’s well-being, engagement, and learning.Make sure to send children to school if:
They are generally healthy and well and can participate in usual day-to-day activities, even if they:
- Have a mild cold, which may include a runny nose and/or mild cough that they can cover.
- Have eye drainage without fever, eye pain or eyelid redness.
- Have a mild stomachache.
- Have a mild rash with no other symptoms.
- Have head lice. Though they are annoying and should be treated, lice are not a reason to exclude a child from school.
- Have been fever-free for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medicine such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen during that time.
Avoid keeping children at home unless they are too sick to participate in school. For questions, please contact our nurse, Amelia Kaune – 206.252.5017 or aakaune@seattleschools.org
School Avoidance
Children may avoid school due to anxiety (symptoms may include decreased appetite, feeling tired, stomachache, headache etc). If you are worried that your child may be suffering from anxiety, talk with the school nurse, social worker, or Wellness Center to discuss the challenge and identify what can help your child stay in school.
Needs and Leads with Ms. Davenport, School Social Worker
Amazon Wishlist: Eckstein Community Cupboard Wishlist
We are in need of socks, shampoo and conditioner, and 2XL sweatpants as well as all the regular supplies! Thank you again for your donations!
Well Spring
For free clothing and other necessary items, the Wellspring Family Store provides a welcoming place for families experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless to shop for free for items for children ages 0-17.
To request clothes for your children email familystore@wellspringfs.org
Save the Dates
Save the Dates
- Student-Led Conferences - March 27, 2025 - NO SCHOOL FOR ECKSTEIN STUDENTS ONLY
Learn more: https://ecksteinms.seattleschools.org/news/student-led-conferences-march-21-2024/ - Eighth Grade Promotion Celebration - June 17, 2025; 5-6:30 pm
Eighth Grade Cruise - June 18, 2025.