The Eagle Eye
January 17, 2025
From Ms. Cooke's Desk
Heards Ferry Families -
I hope you have had a great start to the new year. In two short weeks at school we have celebrated "Cookies for Character" (open-mindedness), had Ridgeview 8th grade Chorus / Band/Orchestra visit, celebrated PBIS points, and even had a snow day! It's great to be an Eagle :).
Wishing you all a safe MLK weekend - your proud principal,
Staff Shout-outs!
Have a staff member you'd like to recognize? Please submit your kudos HERE and they will be shared with the individual!
Staff Spotlight
Literacy Coach Corner
I hope you enjoy these tips for launching your young writers at home.
From "Launching Young Writers" By: Colorin Colorado
Writing is such an important thing in our lives. However, it is one of the most difficult things for children to master. By starting early with some simple activities, you can help your child develop writing skills at a young age that will contribute to future success.
Day-to-day activities:
*Make sure your child sees you writing and talk about your writing so he/she begins to understand why it is important.
*Encourage your child to write even if it is just scribbling at first. Give them opportunities to sign birthday cards, write stories, and make lists.
*As your child gets older have them help you write. This might include letters or shopping lists.
*Encourage your child to take notes on trips or outings and describe what he/she saw.
*Encourage your child to copy things. An example might be learning the lyrics to a favorite song by writing them down or copying a favorite poem.
*Encourage your child to read the stories that they write. Listen carefully and give positive feedback.
*Write notes for your child to read on a family message board.
*Help your child write letters and emails to relatives and friends. Be sure to send your child a letter or note once in awhile too. A pen pal is another great consideration!
*Encourage your child to keep a journal.
In our next newsletter, I will share a few more tips to help and support your young writers. I hope these ideas are helpful!
Write Score Assessment (Grades 3-5)
Our students in Grades 3-5 will be taking Write Score Assessment on the date(s) listed below. The genre will be informational. Please see the attached flyer for more information on this assessment.
3rd Grade- 1/27 and 1/28
4th Grade- 1/28 and 1/29
5th Grade- 1/27 and 1/28
Please reach out to Jennifer Hidock (Literacy Coach) hidockj@fultonschools.org with any questions.
IB News
Cookies for Character: Knowledgeable is the Learner Profile attribute for January! Students who have shown a thirst for expanding their knowledge will be recognized at our February 7th celebration!
International Inquirer Program: The topic of study for January is nature. Students will be exploring the animals, plants, and national parks of their country of study!
Exhibition: Our 5th grade Exhibition Orientation was held this week! Teachers met with their groups to begin brainstorming their topics, and Mrs. Yancey met with 25 IB students from Riverwood High School who will serve as mentors for our students! The Exhibition presentations will be held April 2nd – Times TBD.
Please reach out to Allie Yancey with any questions about our IB program yanceyla@fultonschools.org
PBIS Updates
Our SOARing Eagles celebrated the second quarter with a BINGO party! Students who earned at least 150 Eagle points between October 14th and December 20th were eligible to win exciting BINGO prizes, including “Cooke and a Book” (Ms. Cooke reading to your class), Karaoke with Ms. Dunagan on Heards Ferry Live, and a pie from Ms. Janusz. The excitement was contagious! Be sure to stay tuned for the third-quarter PBIS party, where students who earn 150 Eagle Points between January 7th and March 14th will be eligible for more fun parties!
Eagle Alliance News
HFE Winter Carnival
The HFE Winter Carnival 2025 is on January 25, 11 am-2 pm! EA members can buy their tickets HERE and non-EA members can buy HERE. We are still in need of volunteers for the event, so please sign up HERE and help us make this beloved event a success!
Sandy Springs Education Force Book Drive
Sandy Springs Education Force (SSEF) distributes 15,000 books a year to public school students in Sandy Springs who may not have their own books to read and enjoy. Please help by donating new and gently used books from 1/22-24 during morning carpool or on 1/25 at Winter Carnival. Volunteers are needed during morning carpool to collect the books so please sign up HERE to help out. For a list of the most popular books and to learn more about SSEF visit their website HERE.
1st Annual Sweetheart Dance
HFE girls are invited to bring their favorite Sweetheart (adult) on Friday, 2/7 from 6-8 PM to HFE. Start planning your red, white, and pink attire now for an evening of dancing, games, and delicious treats. EA members can buy their tickets HERE and non-EA members can buy their tickets HERE.
Order your Yearbook!
HFE is Out of this World and so is this year’s yearbook! Click HERE to buy yours for $30 today using 14991 as our school code. Prices will go up after 12/31. Yearbook ads are also on sale and are limited in quantity; click HERE for details and order one today!
Resources from Previous Newsletters
Parent Handbook
The 24-25 Parent Handbook can be found on the Heards Ferry website under "Students and Families" https://heardsferry.fultonschools.org/
Volunteer Training
ALL volunteers in the school must complete mandatory volunteer training before being allowed in the classroom. Upon entering the school to volunteer you will be asked to show your ID, sign in on our computer, and wear a name tag for the duration of your visit. Please make sure the name tag is clearly visible at all times.
Volunteer training must be completed every two years.
Visit the Fulton County Schools Volunteer site for more information and to complete the training.