DMS Newsletter
September 2024
Welcome to DMS!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! The beginning of school is always an exciting time for students, parents, and staff. Please encourage your students to take advantage of the many activities we have for students at DMS. Currently, we have Football, Cross-Country, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Soccer, Girls' Golf, Crochet Club, and Student Council
Dates to Remember
- Sept 2 - NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)
- Sept 10 - School Board Meeting
- Sept 17 - Citizenship/Constitution Day
- Sept 17 - PAC Meeting
- Sept 30 - NO SCHOOL (Teacher Inservice)
- Oct. 2 - Picture Day
Picture Day
Picture Day is Wednesday, October 2. All information about picture day, ordering pictures, etc. will be sent to you in an email from Jostens. Picture Day ID: FE106724.
Student Success
DMS has many structures and processes in place to make sure your child has a successful year, both academically and socially. We have high behavior expectations for each student in our classrooms. Teachers have adopted the Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) process for the classroom. The process concentrates on teaching appropriate behaviors, not just expecting them. The PBIS process also affirms students when right decisions are made. Our guidelines for success are Prepared, Engaged, Attitude, and Kindness. These behaviors are taught throughout all classes by all staff.
Peanuts & Tree Nuts
We do have multiple students in our building that have peanut/tree nut allergies. If you have a child that brings a sack lunch to school, please remind them to be very careful when bringing anything with a peanut or nut product. There are designated peanut zones in the cafeteria, and I expect the student body to be responsible and sanitary when eating peanut or nut products. Peanuts and or tree nuts are not to be brought or eaten as a snack in the locker area or classroom
Dress Code Expectations
Please take a moment to visit with your child about dress code at school. The DMS dress code can be found on page eleven of the student handbook (student planner). A few items to discuss for boys might be tank tops (cover upper body) and pants need to be pulled up and at waist level. For girls shoulder straps on blouses or tanks must be greater than 2” and no midriff should show. Girls should not wear low cut tops that reveal cleavage. Skirts and shorts should extend below the fingertips when held straight down. Any clothing that is vulgar, is gang related, or belittles other races, genders, nationalities, or religion has no place at school.
We Are Here to Help
Middle school is a time of transitions for students as their young adolescent brain is just beginning to develop and increase cognitive (frontal cortex) skills. This combined with maturity of their bodies can sometimes make us feel like our child has somehow changed overnight. Please know you can contact any of our counselors Amanda Kuhn (6), Amanda Jilek (7), and Trista Dakken (8) at any time if you need advice or simply want to share information about your son or daughter.
DPS School Pantry and Closet
Dickinson Public Schools Pantry and Closet is available to help serve the needs of families whose children attend school within DPS. If you need access to the School Pantry or Closet, please contact Ms. Vedder, our school social worker @ 701-456-0021, Ext. 2314. You will need your child’s student ID number for entry.
Free Dental Care
Dickinson Middle School has once again partnered with Ronald McDonald Care Mobile to provide preventative and treatment dental services to students in need from October 1 – October 4. Please contact Trista Dakken (tdakken@dpsnd.org) or call her at 701-456-0021, Ext. 2108 for more information.