Frog Pond Elementary
Volume 3 24 -25
Seasons Greetings Frog Pond Families,
The Holiday season is upon us! At Frog Pond we have a pet drive going on for December. Please see the flyer below about what donations are needed.
We look forward to seeing you all at the chorus and band concert on 12/11 and the very popular PTO events: Cookies & Milk with Santa and the PTO Elf Shop.
During this holiday season, my wish for each of you is that you enjoy the people in your lives, enjoy the holidays, and have a Happy New Year!
Thomas P. Denning
🌟 Students of the Month 🌟
📰 Frog Pond Press.....coming soon 📰
The 6th grade STEP classes with Mrs. Randall have been hard at work producing the Frog Pond Press, our school newspaper. Here are some photos that will preview some of the articles!
🦃 Turkey's Escape Plan 🦃
For Thanksgiving, the classes listened to the story, “Turkey’s Escape Plan” and created Lego mazes that helped the Turkey escape the farmer’s dinner table! At the end of the story, the classes discovered that the farmers were actually vegetarians and the turkey had nothing to worry about!
🎈 Third Grade Created Balloons Over Broadway in Array City! 🎈
🎃 Mrs. Truex's Class Learns About Pumpkins 🎃
Students in Mrs. Truex’s class worked with Mrs. Hartigan and Mrs. Kurz (FPE Speech Therapists) using their AAC devices and low tech books to learn all about Pumpkins. They worked on using their listening skills to follow directions, vocabulary skills to describe what a pumpkin looks like both inside and out, and tapped into their creativity by making a pumpkin craft!
🌎 World Kindness Day 🌎
Mrs. Covone's class celebrated World Kindness Day with a lesson on compliments. Then they created compliment bookmarks for their classmates!
Students Perform Scripts
In Mr. Sailer/Mrs. Cummings's class students performed scripts they wrote using the four sentence type. Students displayed their annotations in their reading anthology.
🌽 Fifth Grade Celebrates the Season with a Delicious Feast 🌽
🐟 Sixth Grade Students Dissect Fish 🐟
It's dissection time in 6th grade science! All sixth grade classes are examining the internal and external structures of a sea lamprey and a yellow perch to determine their similarities and differences. Here are some of Mrs. Arnold's students conducting their investigation.
🧈 Ms. Gunn's Class Learn Real World Activities 🧈
Ms. Gunn's math and science classes started off Thanksgiving week with some fun with real world activities. The classes began by using the recent flyer from ShopRite to plan a Thanksgiving meal for 8 people, must have items, and a budget of $150. They worked together to pick out their food items and then used their addition, subtraction, and multiplication of decimals skills to see how much money they were spending on those items. Some students did not spend the whole budget, so they were able to select extra items. They are all great shoppers! The next activity they worked on was learning "The Science Of Butter." The students each had their own container with heavy cream and salt and shook and shook until they formed their own personal butter! Each student was then able to taste their butter and take it home to share with their families. We hope everyone had a wonderful and filling Thanksgiving!
🎵 FPE Chorus and Band 🎵
The FPE chorus and band are excited to share their winter concert with the community! Please consider coming out to hear the sounds of the season on Wednesday, December 11th. Chorus performs at 6 pm, and band performs at 7 pm.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Mrs. Dreher ( for chorus, and Mrs. Hewitt ( for band!
🐾 Donations Needed! 🐾
Mrs. Wentzell's third grade class is learning about communities and how to be part of a community. As part of this, they are collecting items for the Southern Ocean County Animal Shelter. Please send in any items you would like to donate by December 18th. There is a collection box in the foyer. Give a pet their dream holiday! Fa la la la la!
News from the P.E. Dept
🧥 Lost and Found 🧥
Please remind your students to look for their lost items!
📅 Dates to Remember 📅
December 9th - 13th
Holiday Shop
December 12th
7:00 pm
December 18th
5th and 6th Grade
Holiday Party
December 19th
3rd and 4th Grade
Holiday Party
December 20th
Early Dismissal
December 23rd - January 1st
Winter Recess
📷 Order Your Yearbook Today 📷
Lifetouch Coupon Code
Please Remember to Download Pikmykid
Little Egg Harbor Mission Statement
Through open and collaborative communication among students, staff, parents, and the community, the Little Egg Harbor School District will provide modern facilities that support a culture of high expectations for individual achievement for all students. Students and staff will practice the value of good stewardship of resources by maintaining a sustainable environment for learning. A robust system of support, intervention, and enrichment will include a diverse range of experiences through access to supportive technology, after school programs, township agencies, and health and wellness initiatives that encourages, institutes, and rewards lifelong learning in our students.
Little Egg Harbor Board of Education
Office of the Superintendent
307 Frog Pond Road
Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087
Phone: 609-296-1719 ext. 1010
Fax: 609-296-3225
District Office Administrators
Dr. Lisa Antunes, Superintendent of Schools
Robert Green, Business Administrator
Kelly Lindenfelser, Director of Special Services
Melissa Gallagher, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Jacqueline Truzzolino, Director of Personnel, Planning, and Evaluation
Board Members
Dr. Christine S. Snyder, President
Chris Filiciello, Vice President
Howard Berry
Abby Martin
Laura Erber
Pamela Zeleznok
Allison Laurence