Cougar Connection
From the Principal...
Dear Colbert Families,
We are excited to invite you to our Stories, Songs, and Service Event on Friday, December 13! This special event will include delightful performances by our students and an opportunity for families to work together in spreading holiday cheer by creating cards for local organizations in our community. It’s a wonderful way to celebrate the season, and we hope to see you there!
As winter weather sets in, we kindly remind families to dress their children in weather-appropriate clothing, including hats, gloves, coats, and boots. We aim to get students outside for recess as often as possible to enjoy fresh air, even on chilly days, so it’s important that they are prepared to stay warm.
Thank you for your continued support in making Colbert Elementary such a fantastic community!
Warm regards,
Cari Trowbridge
A Note From the Counselor...
Just a reminder that our Tree of Sharing closes this Friday, December 6th. Gifts are due on Monday, December 9th, unwrapped please. Thank you so much for your support to help our Colbert families this holiday season.
We also have our annual Breakfast for Break food drive running through this week and next. Please check in with your child’s teacher for more details and how you can help!
Jenn Hoglund
Colbert Elementary
School Counselor
Stories, Songs and Service...Save the Date
Technology Use at Colbert
Please read the information below as it pertains to technology use at Colbert.
- Cell phones must be turned off and in a backpack during school hours. If a cell phone is out during the school day, it will be taken for the remainder of the day and parents will be informed.
Gizmos and iwatches are considered phones as well, and are expected to be turned off and in a backpack during school hours.
Ipads, Kindles and tablets of any kind should not be brought to school.
If a student needs to contact a parent they can do so from the school office or classroom.
If there is an emergency at the school, parents will be contacted by our front office.
District Nutrition Policy
As the holidays approach I just wanted to give our families a reminder about our Policy 6700 around Nutrition. As a district we are allowed to have only one class party a month with snacks that are not Smart Snacks. We encourage our families to contact their child's teacher for alternative ways that birthdays can be celebrated in the classroom. You can find the policy at the link below.
Dates to Remember...
December 19 - Spirit Day - Ugly Sweater
December 20 - Spirit Day - Cozy Comfy Day
December 23 - January 5 - Winter Break
January 6 - First Day Back after Break