
Week of August 19, 2024
Welcome Mustangs! 😊
PLC Wednesday Dismissal at Miller: 1:40pm
🧦👕 Every student needs a Full Change of Clothes at School 👕🧦
If you haven't already, please be sure your student has a full change of clothes at school. A full change of clothes includes: Shirt, Pants, Underwear and Socks. Put in a Ziploc Bag labeled with your student's name.
😊 Miller's Friendly Reminders:
👉 Dismissal Changes by 9:30am: 630-468-8300
- We are asking for consistency in Dismissal Routines. Please only change due to Emergency.
- You must speak with someone (no voicemails) for Dismissal Changes or receive a confirmation email from either Mrs. Eggler/Mrs. Hawkins. If you email, please include both: leggler@cusd201.org and jhawkins@cusd201.org
- Please do not forget your ID to enter into the building
😁📷 Miller Picture Day: Thursday, August 22nd 📷😁
👩🏻⚕️ Nurse Amanda Heidecke 👩🏻⚕️
Please reach out to Nurse Heidecke with any allergy information, medical forms, health information/concerns/questions. We are fortunate to have Nurse Heidecke at Miller!
😎🍎 Sign Up for Volunteers Coming Soon! 🍎😎
We will be creating a Sign up for Family Volunteers to assist student's at Miller during Lunch/Recess! Volunteers will sign into our security system with your Driver's License/State ID. Volunteers assist students in the lunchroom and enjoy the sunshine with them at recess, helping students as needed. We look forward to welcoming our Miller Lunch/Recess Volunteers!
Attendance Line is open 24/7:
- Miller Attendance 630-468-8391
Miller Office Phone: 630-468-8300