Madrona Bear Facts: Week 8
Madrona Kids Fund Time! Madrona Miles Club is Back!
💰Madrona Kids Fund,💲Submit your MIT Grant ideas,👟Madrona Miles Club & More!
In This Issue
🎁 Your Feedback is a Gift
📅 Upcoming Dates
🆘 Get Involved
🧠 Madrona Tips & Tidbits
💰 Madrona Kids Fund
💲 MIT Grant Program - Submit by 10/28
👟 Welcome to Madrona Miles Club!
📚 The Yearbook Lowdown
📸 School Photo Retakes
👠 MCT Poster Contest
🍽️ Free & Reduced Lunch Application
⭐ More From MIT
Check your center's email, newsletter, and with parent coordinators for additional volunteer opportunities
Be the first to guess the theme of this week's newsletter and win a critter!
Last week
Congrats to last week's winner!
Theme: A windy autumn day with leaves
🎁 Your Feedback is a Gift
📅 Upcoming Dates
10/28 - 11/22 💰 Madrona Kids Fund Drive
10/28 💲 MIT Grant Application Deadline
10/30 👁️ Vision Screening & 😁 Smile Checks
11/3 👕 Madrona Music Shirts (Jazz/Band/Orchestra) Order Deadline
11/4 🦻 Hearing Screening
11/8, 4:00-6:15pm 🦻 Madrona Vineyard
11/13 📸 Photo Retakes
11/13, 7pm 🎼 Fall Concert
11/18 👠 MCT Poster Contest Submission Deadline
11/20, 6:30pm 🏫 MIT General Meeting
11/20 ~7:30pm 🍻 MIT Community Night Out
🆘 Get Involved
Submit a Grant Application
MIT has set aside money to make your ideas for improving the school come true. Apply Today!
First due date 10/28, the next round is in January
Garden Club Co-Lead
Our Garden Club Lead is looking for a partner who is able to be on school campus regularly during the school day. This person will help students make plans for, plant, and take care of the beds outside of their classrooms.
Vision Screening & Smile Check Volunteers
Wednesday 10/30 - Morning & Afternoon slots
We still need 3 volunteers to help out with vision screening and smile checks this week
Volunteer Paperwork
- All volunteers must be cleared by Safe Visitor Solutions before volunteering in any capacity at Madrona. Complete your paperwork now!
- Please allow up to two weeks for notification from the district about clearance
- All volunteers must have either an ID badge or sticker from the office visible while on campus
Unsure if your volunteer status is still good? Please contact the Educational Services Center communications@edmonds.wednet.edu
Picking Up Your Photo Badge
Did you have your photo taken for a volunteer badge?
If not, you'll have another chance for badge photos during school picture retakes on 11/13 (this will be the last opportunity this school year).
- Badges can be picked up from Kelly in the front office
- You must be approved by Safe Visitors Solutions prior to picking up your badge from the office
- Badges will not be released to volunteers without staff seeing their Safe Visitors Approval
- Volunteers with Safe Visitors Approvals that expire in a month will not be given their badges and will have to show that approval every time they volunteer until it's renewed
🧠 Madrona Tips & Tidbits
📝 ❤️ A Note From a Newsletter Reader ❤️ 📝
The note below was submitted by one of our readers. It both resonated and touched my heart!
"At first, I felt bad because I had a younger child and was not able to volunteer in the classroom.
Soon I found a need in the music class. Next with enrichment after school.
Next thing I knew I was a class coordinator and on committees.
I wish I had not felt bad about not being able to volunteer for all the things. Instead finding where I could volunteer helped me to become more familiar with Madrona Staff, students and guardians and all the happenings."
Thank you to all the volunteers who make everything MIT does possible. Without you there is no us. Please give yourself permission to be where you are. Get involved when and how you can.
We appreciate you!
Give us your ideas in this quick form
💰 Madrona Kids Fund
Starting now - 11/22: This is our one-month push, but you can donate anytime!
What is the Madrona Kids Fund (MKF)?
- Fundraising drive run by MIT (Madrona Integrated Team)
- Supports our school community. We don't ask kids to sell gift wrap, candy or other items to fundraise for the school, we, as a community are asked to contribute.
- Supports the MIT programs and events you love so much, like the Back to School BBQ, Bear Scare, MIT Scholarships, STEAM night, and so many more!
How to Participate
- This year's recommended donation is $65
- You can donate through PayPal
- You will be seeing a green envelope come home with your child this week which can be used to send cash or check
- You don't need to donate to participate! You can commit to attending MIT General Meetings, or to volunteer at an MIT event, even just sending back the form in the green envelope counts as participation
What if I can't donate right now?
- Use the QR code you'll be seeing all around campus (and here)
- You can donate anytime using the same PayPal link, which is also on the Madrona Bear Facts website
- You can setup recurring 12-month donation through PayPal, please choose the recurring amount on the side of the Madrona Bear Facts website then choose 'Subscribe'
You do not need a PayPal account
💲 MIT Grant Program Submissions Due 10/28
Get your ideas submitted! Deadline extended
Madrona Integrated Team (MIT) has allocated $15,000 in grant money to be awarded over the course of the school year. All MIT members (parents, caregivers, students, teachers, etc) may apply for a grant up to $2,500 to benefit students at Madrona.
“Grant proposal” is just a fancy way of saying “write up your idea” 💡
The way you write it doesn’t need to be perfect - we will be looking at ideas, not spelling or grammar.
If you feel you need assistance writing up your grant application for any reason, please reach out to your friendly Grant Administrator.
We will be accepting submissions 3 times yearly. The first deadline is October 28, 2024, and we plan to announce awards November 11, 2024.
Full information and application
We are also looking for Grant Readers to read and score grant submissions to help determine recipients. We are expecting the time commitment to be a few hours 3 times yearly - how much time will depend on the number of applications. Apply here to be a Grant Reader
What is an MIT Grant?
- Come up with an idea that you believe would benefit Madrona School, our students, and / or the Madrona community
- Make a plan - How will you make this idea a reality? What supplies, etc do you need to make this idea a reality? What steps will you take to make it a reality? What is the timeline for your plan?
- Write up your idea using the MIT Grant application
- Submit your completed application to MITGrants@gmail.com
- If your application is selected the funds will be made available so you can go make your idea a reality!
- Keep the grant committee updated. Be sure to send a follow up report to the Grant Committee within 6 months of receiving the funds.
The applications are anonymized, and the grant readers on the committee scores them based on five criteria:
Value—cost seems appropriate / other resources have been accessed if applicable.
Scope—number of students / percentage of school served.
Benefit—proven potential to improve learning.
Timeline—funds must be used within 6 months or as deemed appropriate.
Thought—thoroughness, time and consideration evident.
Have questions about the MIT Grant program? Reach out with questions: MITGrants@gmail.com
👕 Madrona Music Shirts
Order by 10/3
Madrona Music Shirts for Jazz/Band/Orchestra are not mandatory but are nice to have for the concerts.
Order and pay here, and they will be given to your student by Mr. Edwards or Mr. Seeberger around the end of November.
Mr. Edwards has extras in the band room for those who need a scholarship. Just let him know.
👟 Welcome to Madrona Miles Club!
Students in grades K-8 can participate in this running (or walking) club!
Meet at the Madrona K-8 Track
- Bring your running/walking shoes
- Wear clothes to participate in
- Bring your own water bottle
- Have a good attitude!
The goal of the Madrona Miles Club is to provide a free, fun, and inclusive program where students can exercise with friends, improve their fitness, and learn about the importance of healthy living.
The club aims to foster a positive attitude toward physical activity, encourage regular exercise, and promote lifelong healthy habits in a supportive and social environment.
Students need to be registered for Madrona Miles Club this year so our school nurse can cross check for any health concerns. Register now
Madrona Miles Club is a DROP IN program, once you are registered, come when you can.
Care givers and family members are welcome (and encouraged!) to stay and walk/jog with their kids, but you can also drop them off and go.
Questions? Email Mr. Barnes at barnesju@edmonds.wednet.edu
📚 The Yearbook Lowdown
- $30 per yearbook (+ any addons)
- This is the one and only time to order yearbooks for the 2024-2025 school year
- At the end of the school year there is a giant all school yearbook signing party.
- Students pick up their yearbooks and join the party!
- Pens are usually available for ~$1 in case kids don't have one handy
💵 MIT Scholarship Program
MIT understands that the costs associated with school may be a hardship for some families. The MIT community has determined that it is important to support our community during this time.
MIT has updated our scholarship program, so it is no longer dependent on qualifying for Free & Reduced Lunch
The fees covered by the Scholarship Program include:
Supply fees (also available under Free and Reduced Lunch benefits)
One ticket to Bear Scare
One Enrichment class per year
Field trip fees (also available under Free and Reduced Lunch benefits)
One yearbook & one pen
Anyone who thinks the cost of these items may be a hardship for their family should apply.
📸 School Photo Retakes 11/13
Photo retakes will be during school on 11/13
NOTE: This will be your last opportunity to get a photo for a volunteer badge this school year
👠 Madrona Children's Theatre (MCT) Poster Contest
Calling all student artists! MCT needs you! Enter your original art for a chance to win a place in our program’s history. If your piece is chosen, it will become the art for our Wizard of Oz promotional materials including the poster, playbill, t-shirt and tote bags.
Submission requirements:
- Submissions due 11/18
- Winer announced 11/25
- Any Madrona student may enter
- One entry per student
- Must be hand-drawn original art
- Must be black and white with two colors (relating to the show)
Submit art to the main office with:
- Name
- Your center or homeroom
For questions reach out to the MCT Team
🥪 This Week's Menu
The November menu was not posted at the time this edition was authored.
Once available we'll get the menus below updated in the online version of the newsletter.
To see the latest on a newsletter, from your email select the option to open in browser.
Subject to change
See the menu any time at MySchoolMenus.com
🍽️Free & Reduced Lunch Application
You can apply for Free & Reduced Lunch at Any Time in the School Year!
If you need to check on your application status or have questions regarding your eligibility, call the Food & Nutrition Department at 425-431-7078.
⭐ More from MIT
A Note from Your MIT Communications Coordinator
Hi! I'm Beth Jester, your friendly MIT Communications Coordinator
I hope you're enjoying the newsletter, including all the updates we have made over the last 6 months to help make it more consumable and engaging.
🎁 Feedback is always a gift, and I invite you to give us the gift of your feedback!
Please email me with feedback and suggestions including, but not limited to:
- What do you like
- What could improve
- Suggest a theme
- Suggest a poll
- Any other feedback or suggestions!
Contribute to This Newsletter
Do you have an article you’d like included in our weekly email? Please email your blurb to Beth at MITCommCoordinator@gmail.com, or submit online by Friday at noon to be included the edition going out that Sunday. Please include if you’d like the article to run for multiple weeks.
Interpretation for families is available through the school district for MIT events.
To request ASL interpretation, email aslrequests@edmonds.wednet.edu
To request other language interpretation, call or email Kelly Carlson at carlsonka@edmonds.wednet.edu | 425-431-2900
* Families that need interpretation must register in advance: We need 7 days to schedule interpreters for events.
* Familias que necesitan interpretación deben registrarse con anticipación: Necesitamos 7 días para programar intérpretes para los eventos.
*통역이 필요한 가족들은 미리 등록을 해야 합니다: 행사를 위한 통역관을 준비하는데3일이필요합니다.
* Các gia đình cần thông dịch phải đăng ký trước: Chúng tôi cần 7 ngày để sắp xếp thông dịch viên cho các sự kiện.
* Семьи, которые нуждаются в переводчике должны зарегистрироваться заранее: нам необходимо 7 дополнительных дня, чтобы заказать переводчика для мероприятия.
بالنسبة للعائلات التي بحاجة إلى مترجم يجب عليهم أن يسجلوا مسبقاً: نحن بحاجة إلى 7 أيام لتأمين جدول مواعيد للمترجمين لهذه الأحداث*
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