October 19, 2021
Congratulations to our Employees of the Month!
Student Showcase
Anuj Singh, 2021 3M Young Scientist Challenge State Winner
Superintendent Announces Retirement
Under Dr. Sutfin's watch Millard became a one-to-one school district with an iPad or laptop for every student. The district welcomed its first ROTC program, Air Force Junior ROTC at Millard South. Early College began at Millard South and the Bridge to Early College program began at Central Middle School. The AP Capstone program began at Millard West. Dr. Sutfin recruited and welcomed the first Boys and Girls Club in Millard and partnered with Avenue Scholars to develop Intern Omaha.
In the spring of 2021 Dr. Sutfin was selected as Superintendent of the Year by the Nebraska Association of School Superintendents and honored by the Millard Public Schools Foundation with the Dr. Keith Lutz Award for Excellence in Administration.
In his comments, he stated that there is still much to do this year, but he wanted the Board to know early so they could have the maximum amount of time necessary for the search for a new superintendent.
Dual Enrollment Opportunities Save Families Thousands
The Board received the dual enrollment report for the 2020-21 school year. Dual enrollment opportunities within Millard's Career Academies, Early College and Advanced Placement courses give high school students the opportunity to earn both high school and college credit through either UNO or Metro. The total savings to families through reduced tuition came to $1,791,105 for the past school year. Additionally, the MPS Foundation also saved Millard families more money last year by paying $20,280 for Early College Scholarships.
More Students Trying Advanced Placement Courses
Millard Public Schools
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