Tiger Update
Information/Updates about Pickerington High School Central
Message from Mr. Lanier
Good afternoon!! I hope everyone is having a restful and relaxing summer. The beginning of the school year is always very busy and this communication is designed to help students and their families with their back to school preparation and the first few days of school. We have been very busy this summer with adding new team members; completing the scheduling process; and examining some new initiatives that are designed to support our students in the classroom and beyond. Take a moment to view the back to school video below.
Click here for a brief video message from Mr. Lanier.
This update contains important dates about Welcome Days and the start of the school year. Please take some time to review it so that your return goes smoothly. We look forward to seeing everyone soon.
Tiger Up,
Mr. Lanier
Important Dates
Important Dates
August 6 and 7: Building open for students to walk their schedules. Support available for those how have questions or need assistance completing the virtual Welcome Days forms. Students will be able to view their 2024-25 class schedules in Infinite Campus beginning the morning of August 3rd.
August 13 4-6 p.m.: Tiger Open House and Meet the Teacher. Students and families are welcome to visit Central to meet their 2024-25 teachers.
August 13 6-7 p.m.: New student presentation. New students and their families are welcome to attend a presentation to help them learn more about PHSC. You will meet the administrative and counseling team in this presentation as well.
August 15: Staggered Start Day 1: 9th grade students with the last name A-K come to school. This is a regular day time wise (7:55 a.m.-2:55 p.m.); buses will pick up students at their normal a.m. pick up times.
August 16: Staggered Start Day 2: 9th grade students with the last name L-Z come to school. This is a regular day time wise (7:55 a.m.-2:55 p.m.); buses will pick up students at their normal a.m. pick up times.
August 19: First day of school for ALL students.
August 22: School Pictures for all students (we will conduct an additional photo session for senior pictures on Tuesday, October 8).
Tiger Welcome Days are Virtual
Tiger Welcome Days: August 6 and 7
The building will be open as well for students who would like to visit and walk their schedule. We will have Link Crew students available to answer questions and to conduct building tours. There will also be in-person support in the building to help students and families who have questions or need assistance completing a step in the welcome back process.
Finally, school counselors will be seeing students by appointment only. Please use the links in the document to let the counselor know the question that needs to be addressed.
Back to School Links
Back to School Links are Live Starting August 5
School Supplies Information
School Fees
Important Information from the School Nurse
Immunization Requirements
Twelve Grade Immunization Requirements
Per the Ohio Department of Health, all students entering grade 12 must show documentation of having received two doses of Meningococcal (MCV4) vaccine before being allowed to attend school in the fall. Your student will not be able to start school on August 15th and devices will be deactivated until documentation of the required vaccine or a signed exemption form is on file.
New Students Immunization Requirements
All new students to Pickerington Schools must present written evidence of immunizations or written evidence to indicate that they are in the process of receiving immunizations, to be completed no later than the day of entrance. Students failing to complete immunizations within 14 days after entering are not permitted to return to school.
Immunization Notice to the Class of 2025.
Vaccine Clinic
Pediatric Associates Tussing School Based Health Clinic will be offering a Back to School Vaccine Clinic from 1:00 - 6:00 pm on Wednesday, July 31st and Wednesday, August 7th.
Food Service Info
Important Announcement from Food Services
Lunch Program: Lunch (and Breakfast) is Free for all students for the 24/25 School Year! Click here for more information.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application: Families MUST apply and qualify for reduced SCHOOL fees for 2024-25 school year. This process is done each year.
My Payment Plus Account: Use this link to load money into your students My Payment Plus Account.
Information about My Payment Plus can be found at the following link.
Student Services
Zap Team Student Tutoring Program
PHSC is launching a new student led tutoring program this year. Students interested in becoming tutors on the Zap Team should click the Zap Team Volunteer Form and complete it. Zap Team tutors will push into study halls to provide support to their fellow Tigers. This is a great way to earn volunteer hours and to give back to Tiger Nation. Remember the quote, "a rising tide raises all boats." Our Zap Team will help raise everyone up at Central so that they experience success.
The Zap Team will work to get organized in August and will begin pushing into study halls in September. #TigerUp
Attendance Office
Important Message from the Attendance Office
We believe that regular attendance to school plays an important role in our students' academic success. Whenever possible, we ask that routine appointments and travel are scheduled outside of the school day.
In the event that a student will be absent from school, parents are asked to notify the school by 10:00 AM by calling the 24-hour Attendance Hotline, 614-548-1801. Additionally, please notify the school office in advance, either by phone or in writing, if your student will need to leave school early. Students must obtain a dismissal pass, and be signed out by the office before being permitted to leave the building. Please be prepared to show appropriate ID in order for the student to be released to you.
Also, please review the bell schedule for the starting times of the start of school along with each class period. It is imperative that students arrive on time for school and for their classes. Arriving on time gives students the maximum amount of instructional time in each class and correlates to success in the classroom. Let's make this a priority for our entire school community!!
For detailed information regarding PLSD's Attendance Policy, as well as The State of Ohio's Administrative Code, please refer to Board Policy 5200.
Bell Schedule
School Counselor Corner
PHSC Administrators and School Counselors
Administrators: Tom Lanier, Principal
A-D - Carly Wells, Assistant Principal
E-K - Lazaro Fuentes, Assistant Principal
L-Ri - Roshawn Parker, Lead Assistant Principal
Ro-Z - Joseph Cooper, Assistant Principal
Counselors: Please note that the Counselor Alpha has been adjusted. Click on the counselor name to schedule an appointment with the counselor.
Staggered Start August 15 and 16
The 2024-25 School Year Begins with a Staggered Start on August 15 and 16
We are pleased to offer our students in the Class of 2028 a chance to experience their first day of school with the support of their fellow students and our staff with our Staggered Start days August 15 and 16. Ninth grade students whose last names begin with A-K will attend school on August 15 while Ninth grade students whose last names begin with L-Z will attend school on August 16.
Students will participate in team building activities; follow an abbreviated bell schedule so that they can meet their teachers; get a guided tour of the building from our Link Crew Student Leaders; and receive their new chromebook device. This is a great way to start the year on a positive note!!
What's New This School Year
New Initiative Update for the 2024-25 School Year
Like many of you, I have been following the news and updates over the past several months regarding personal communication devices and their affect on student engagement and overall health. As an educator entering my thirty-third year in this profession I have to provide you with my own observation of how much of an affect these devices have on our students on a daily basis along with the affect that they have on the overall school climate and culture. There has been a profound increase in student reliance on these devices at school which has had a negative effect on student engagement, academic performance and behavior at school. Our teachers and staff have made the same observations and it is one of the biggest concerns that teachers have when it comes to working with their students. Finally, the State of Ohio also recognized this issue when the General Assembly passed HB250 this summer that requires school districts to eliminate personal communication device use in schools (with exceptions for students with health needs).
All of this is to say that we will be moving to a practice of students powering down and putting their personal communication devices (cellphones, etc.) away during the academic day. This includes classrooms, transitions, lunch, restrooms, and study halls. This shift is going to be an adjustment for our students as they return to school and try to navigate what their day will look like without using their devices. The purpose of this approach is to enhance the academic and social experience for ALL of our students and staff. School districts and high schools that have moved to this approach have reported higher student engagement; improved academic performance; and an improved learning environment with fewer behavioral incidents.
We also know and understand that this will be a partnership with our families and ask for your support in having conversations with students prior to the school year and that your discussions support the school in our efforts to ensure that students understand the reason for the adjustment along with supporting the school in implementing the approach. Details on the logistics of implementation along with a plan for how to monitor student compliance is in the works and will be shared prior to the beginning of the school year.
Thank you in advance for your support with this initiative!!
Construction Update
Pardon Our Dust This Year
If you have been able to drive past Central during the summer you can't help but notice that construction is well underway for the new learning spaces that are set to open in the 2025-26 school year. The Ruscilli team has been very busy with the renovation of the library and flexible learning area that will be the center piece of the building moving forward. This part of the project should be ready for students to use when we return from the winter break. In addition to the academic space work the final touches are being made to the new athletic stadium that is just east of the high school. We are excited to begin new traditions as we will host the first athletic contests there in August. Exciting times are ahead for Tiger Nation and we ask for patience as we navigate the school and construction dance that will occupy the school year.
Picture Day Information
Need to know the words to the Fight Song
We encourage ALL of our students and staff to know the words to our Fight Song and be ready to sing it at games and special events. We even have a Fight Song challenge that we'll do in conjunction with Homecoming week. The tune is to 'On Wisconsin' so look it up on YouTube and get your vocals ready for this year's contest!!
Fight Song:
Purple White, Purple White
Wrap up that ole score.
We're the team with lots of pep
So let's pep it up some more.
Purple, White; Purple, White
Fight on to your fame.
Fight Tigers, Fight, Fight, Fight
To win this game!!
Pickerington High School Central
300 Opportunity Way
Pickerington, Ohio 43147
Pickerington High School Central Principal