Colonial Park Weekly News
November 4 - November 8
Principal's Note
Dear Colonial Park Families -
I hope everyone remembered to turn back the clocks last night. It's always a challenge to adjust to 5:00pm darkness!
We currently have four opportunities for our CP families to give back to the community:
1. Candy donations for Boston's homeless are being accepted until Friday, November 8. Please see the attached flyer for more information.2. Our Third Grade Girl Scout Troop will be collecting food donations for our Stoneham Veterans which will be brought to the Field of Honor in November. This week, the troop will make signs and the donation box and will be collecting food donations through November 15. I am attaching a flyer that highlights the most needed items.
3.We are participating again this year in Coats for Kids. Please drop off any fall or winter
coats that your family has outgrown or is no longer wearing in the boxes located in our
front lobby.
4. Our Socks for Seniors Holiday Sock Drive will be collecting warm, new socks for our seniors. They are looking for traditional socks, as well as fun, colorful and holiday styles.
As always, thank you so much for your support and generosity.
In honor of the men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, all Stoneham Public Schools will be closed on Monday, November 11. Last week, many of our classrooms made cards for veterans that will be collected by the Stoneham Memorial Day/Veterans Day Committee. We are so grateful for the sacrifice and service of these brave men and women.
Our Stoneham Schools Safety Night will be tomorrow, Monday, November 4, from 6:00 to 8:00pm. Please join me at Stoneham High School and learn more about student safety protocols and local health and wellness resources.
Attached please find the November Lunch Menu. I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Rosa Flynn
PTO News
*Coats for Kids and Families- Running now through December 20th! As the weather is cooling, and you’re pulling coats out of your closet, Colonial Park is once again participating in the Coats for Kids and Families collection. Winter coats, used and new, of any size can be placed in the bin in the school entrance way. Collections are cleaned by Anton’s cleaners and then distributed to those in need. Thank you for your consideration and generosity!
*2nd Annual After-Halloween Candy Collection - The ghosts are gone, the witches have hung up their brooms, but some candy remains - and we can use it!! This year we are collecting candy for 2 worthy causes, candy collected after Halloween will be distributed to “Hope for the Homeless” and “The Boston Backpack Project”. The candy collection will run through November 8th, and can be dropped off in our Candy Monster in the lobby!
*Save the Date - November 12th PTO Meeting - Our next PTO meeting will be 11/12 at 7pm in the Colonial Park Library, as well as on google meets. Those in attendance in person will be entered into a raffle for Colonial Park Spirit Wear, so be sure to be there for the chance for swag!
*Would you like to be part of Goldie’s Group? -- Goldie’s Group is an important part of our Colonial Park community. Throughout the year, PTO has a number of volunteer opportunities and we need the help of our community to get things done! Whether you have an hour to spare once a year or once a week, we would love your help! Do what you can, when you can. Tasks may include helping out in a classroom, photocopying papers, helping at an event, setting up for an enrichment activity, and more! As opportunities come up, we’ll send an email with what we need help with, you email us back if you can help. It’s as easy as that! Click here to sign up!
Playground will Reopen Monday, November 4
In the event there is a non-urgent safety concern occuring on school property after school hours, please reach out to our School Resource Officer Emily DelloRusso. Her contact information is:
Cell: (339) 293-3955
Email: edellorusso@stoneham-ma.gov
If there is an urgent safety concern, please call the Stoneham Police business line at 438-1215 or 911.
I thank you for your patience last week during the playground's closure, and I am optimistic that our families will be able to safely enjoy this space!
Indoor Arrival
In the event of inclement weather, there will be indoor arrival for our students in Grades K-4. There will be flags outside of Door 8 and at the main entrance to indicate indoor arrival. Students may enter the building beginning at 8:15.