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Wilson Middle School PTA Update
August / September 2023
Welcome from Wilson PTA President, Pam Svatek
Hi Wilson Families!
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! This is my 1st year as PTA President. I have twin daughters that are in 9th Grade at Vines and a 6th Grade daughter here at Wilson. I can't wait to see what this school year brings.
We are definitely off to a great start with The Wilson Walkaround and Meet the Teacher. What a wonderful turnout! We were grateful that our CUTX Food Truck was able to come and provide a hot dog dinner to everyone. And hopefully you got a chance to check out our great new spirit wear!
Wilson PTA has lots of great plans that we are working on to set up our kids and our school for a fun, successful year. We are able to do this through your support in fundraisers, PTA membership, and giving your time to volunteer. Make sure to join Wilson Middle School PTA Membership ToolKit and follow us on Facebook for important dates and exciting events coming up. I look forward to all of the good times we are going to have this year!
Calendar of Events
22 | Open House / PTA General Meeting
4 | Labor Day (Student/Teacher Holiday)
8 | Fall Social! (Friday Night Lights Theme)
School Store! School Store! School Store!
A Special Message About Healthy Lifestyles - PLEASE READ!
Welcome Back Ram Parents!
My name is Amanda Garcia, and I am the Healthy Lifestyles Chair on your 2023-24 Wilson PTA Board. I have one son at Wilson named Garrett who is in 7th grade this year. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to provide Wilson with tips and guidance to encourage our students and families to make healthy choices so everyone can have the best school year possible. My first tip is the easiest and most important for everyone’s success and one I need to remind myself of and that is getting enough sleep. Experts recommend adults sleep between 7 and 9 hours per night. However, children (including teenagers) need more sleep. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children ages 6-12 years need 9-12 hours and ages 13-18 years need 8-10 hours of sleep per night.
Regularly sleeping the number of recommended hours on a regular basis is associated with
optimal health outcomes including, improved attention, behavior, learning, memory, emotional
regulation, quality of life, and mental and physical health.
Considering all these benefits, we owe it to ourselves and our kids to strive to get enough sleep on a regular basis. Please view and feel free to save the following image for your reference.
Thank you for your time and I am looking forward to an awesome and healthy year!
Don't forget to join the PTA! Do it! We're Cool!
Membership Levels
- $30.00 for Membership for a Couple
- $15.00 for Membership for 1 Adult
- $12.75 for Membership for Lifetime Members
- $7.50 for Membership for 1 Student
Join today at www.wilsonmiddleschoolpta.org!