Vose Owl Notes
Family Newsletter - August, 2024
Note From the Principals
Dear Vose Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school! We are busy finishing up here at school, getting ready to welcome back our staff and students for a new year. Our office, custodial and admin team have been working all summer to make sure we have a beautiful building with wonderful staff to serve our community! Please read the following information carefully. We will also be mailing a packet with similar information that you should receive by the middle of next week. We have a few important changes this year for you to take note of:
1. Start and end times: This year, the bell schedules have changed for all schools in the Beaverton School District. Here at Vose, school hours for students will be 7:45am-2:20pm Monday-Friday. The tardy bell rings at 7:45am. Important activities start right away at 7:45am. Please make every effort to ensure your child is at Vose, ready to start the day by 7:45am, by 7:20am if they need to eat breakfast. The building will be open for students with staff supervision starting at 7:20am.
2. The District volunteer management system has changed to a system called Raptor. All data from the previous system did not carry over to Raptor. We need all parents who would like to volunteer at any time will need to reapply.
English Application: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/ODkwNTplbi1VUw==
Español: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/ODkwNTplcy1VUw==
We look forward to seeing you at our first community event on August 22nd, our Meet & Greet and School Supply Drop Off from 3:30pm-5:30pm.
The first day of school for students in grades 1-5 is on Monday, August 26th.
The first day of school for Kindergarten students with last names starting with A-L (no school for students with last names starting with M-Z) is Wednesday, August 28th. The first day of school for Kindergarten students with last names starting with M-Z (no school for students with last names starting with A-L) is Thursday, August 29th. All Kindergarten students will attend school on August 30th.
Please keep an eye out for more information related to back-to-school in the coming days in your mailbox! We are so excited to see you soon!
In partnership,
Monique Singleton, Principal
Ellen Arnold, Assistant Principal
Important Upcoming Events
Thursday, August 22: Meet & Greet and Supply Drop Off 3:30-5:30pm
Monday, August 26: First Day of School for students in grades 1-5
Monday & Tuesday, August 26 & 27: Kindergarten Family Connect Appointments (no school for Kindergarten)
Wednesday, August 28: First Day of School for Kindergarten Students with Last Names Starting with A-L only (no school for students with last names starting with M-Z)
Thursday, August 29: First Day of School for Kindergarten Students with Last Names Starting with M-Z only (no school for students with last names starting with A-L)
Friday, August 30: All Kindergarten students attend together
Thursday, September 5: Family Open House/Back to School Night, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Monday, September 9: First Day of Pre Kindergarten
Parent/Teacher Conference Dates for 2024-2025
Wednesday, November 6: Fall Conferences (3:15pm - 7:15pm)
Thursday, November 7: Fall Conferences (7:15am - 7:15pm) - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
Friday, November 8 - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
Wednesday, April 23: Spring Conferences (3:15pm - 7:15pm)
Thursday, April 24: Spring Conferences (7:15am - 7:15pm) - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
NEW Start and End Times
This year, schools across the District have new arrival and dismissal times. School hours for students at Vose will be 7:45am-2:20pm Monday-Friday. The tardy bell rings at 7:45am. Important activities start right away at 7:45am. Please make every effort to ensure your child is at Vose, ready to start the day by 7:45am, by 7:20am if they need to eat breakfast.
Class/Teacher Placement
In an effort to create classes that have a balance between gender, age in relationship to peers, academic skills, social skills, special needs, student interaction and learning styles our staff has worked carefully to place students in supportive classroom communities. You will have an opportunity to meet your child’s on Thursday, August 22 at our Meet & Greet Teachers & School Supply Drop-Off from 3:30pm-5:30pm. Your child’s assigned Classroom Teacher is listed at the bottom of the welcome letter in the Back to School packet that has been mailed home and should be received by Wednesday, August 21st. The teacher assignment can also be found on ParentVue, starting on Monday, August 19. On the first few days of school, there will be staff and signs to guide you and your child to the classrooms and ensure they feel welcome and safe.
For 1st-5th grade students: parents can walk their child to class starting at 7:30am ONLY ON THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS, Monday, August 26.
For Kindergarten students: parents can walk their child to class starting at 7:40am ONLY from Monday, August 26 - Friday, September 6.
School Supply Lists
New iPads need New Headphones...
Our district has purchased new iPads for all K-2 students, and these new iPads take headphones with a USB-C plug, which means that if parents want to provide a set of headphones, they should have a USB-C plug. We will also have adaptors if needed. Thanks for your support!
New Volunteer System - Please Apply Today!
In the Beaverton School District, our top priority is the safety and well-being of our students and staff. To improve that safety, we’re adopting a new visitor and volunteer management system called Raptor Technologies. Along with the new system, we’ll be updating some of our related policies.
For Volunteers
We’ll no longer be using the MyImpact platform. To continue volunteering in BSD, all volunteers must reapply through Raptor and consent to an Oregon criminal records check. Please do this as soon as possible. We need the entire summer to process thousands of applications and background checks. If you wait to reapply, we may not have enough time to clear your application by the start of school — meaning you will not be able to volunteer right away and your school may not have enough volunteers for back-to-school activities. Again, please prioritize submitting your application today.
English Application: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/ODkwNTplbi1VUw==
Español: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/ODkwNTplcy1VUw==
Also, to provide the safest possible environment for our students, we’ll be requiring all volunteers to go through this process, including the criminal records check, every two years. Once in the Raptor system, you’ll receive an email notification when it’s time to resubmit.
Finally, we’re now requiring that all volunteers, regardless of their frequency of volunteering, apply through the Raptor system, including one-time guest speakers, career day participants, science fair judges and volunteers for activities like art lit, class parties, field days, fun runs, OBOB competitions and more. Any volunteer who has direct or indirect contact with our students will need to be cleared through Raptor.
For Visitors
Every person who visits our schools and district facilities will need to provide an ID (e.g. driver’s license, passport, consulate card) which will be used to conduct an on-the-spot check of the Sex Offender Registry. After clearing the check, you’ll be presented with an ID badge with your name and destination. You’ll also be required to sign out in the main office when you depart.
We hope that you understand and appreciate the need for these increased security measures. This new system will go into effect in later this month, but again, we need volunteers to reapply now to ensure a smooth transition.
Kindergarten Families - 8/26 & 8/27 Family Connect Appointments
Monday and Tuesday, August 26th and 27th are not school days for Kindergarten students. These two days have been set aside for Kindergarten teachers to connect with each new Kindergarten student and their family. Please CLICK HERE to sign up for your preferred date(s)/time(s).
Dual Language Spanish Immersion Program
In Kindergarten, 90% of their day is in Spanish, with the amount of time spent in English gradually increasing each school year, in order for students to be able to read, write and speak in both English & Spanish. It's important to know that it generally takes 5-7 years for someone to fully acquire a new language. But it is a lifelong skill and gift that keeps on giving!
For more information and to apply, go HERE. Please contact angela_yee@beaverton.k12.or.us for more information.
Class Placement/Teacher Information for Kindergarten
In an effort to create classes that have a balance between gender, age in relationship to peers, academic skills, social skills, special needs, student interaction and learning styles we will not officially assign teachers until just before the first full day of school on Friday, August 30th.
We have found that by waiting a few days we can prevent assigning students randomly, as our goal is to create a balanced classroom of students who will thrive together in their learning with their teacher all year. You will have an opportunity to meet our five kindergarten teachers on Thursday, August 22nd at our Meet the Teachers & School Supply Drop-Off from 3:30pm-5:30pm.
For the first days of school your child will be assigned to a color group (i.e. red, blue, etc.) which will be listed in a letter you will receive in a letter in the mail the week of August 19. On the first few days of school, there will be staff and signs to guide you and your child to the classrooms and ensure they feel welcome and safe.
Please remember this is just for the first few days of school until we are able to more accurately place students into classrooms. Your family will receive your final teacher assignment through an email in ParentSquare (our school communication system) by Thursday, August 29th at 5pm. Starting on Friday, August 30th, your child will join their assigned teacher and you will have the opportunity to drop off your child at her/his class and meet the teacher. There will also be an opportunity to meet the teacher at Back to School Night on Thursday, September 5th from 5:00pm-7:00pm.
Vose Drop Off and Pick up Procedures
Working together, the following procedures and expectations will help us reduce that potential frustration and safety concerns. We appreciate your cooperation, patience and cautious driving as we all work together to have a safe and efficient arrival and dismissal process at Vose.
Please follow these instructions as well the visual signs, traffic patterns and staff provided on-site so we can all enjoy a safe drop-off and pick-up experience. Please review the detailed information below and see the map below.
It is important that we all follow the system to keep students and families safe. Please do not block Denney Road or cut in front of waiting cars. Thank you for your help to insure the safety of all our school community.
Morning Arrival/Drop-Off
The school doors will open at 7:20am, there will not be supervision outside so we ask parents to not drop off students before 7:20am.
Classroom doors open at 7:40am. Parents can escort 1st-5th grade students to class on the first day of school only. Parents can escort Kindergarten students to class through the first week of school until Friday, September 6 only. After that, staff will assist students if needed. Teachers are not available to parents/students prior to 7:20am unless a prior appointment is made and parents check in at the office. During this time, teachers are preparing for the important learning and activities for the day.
Students will proceed directly to the cafeteria to get breakfast and/or to move to their designated Morning Mix activity location. All meals (breakfast & lunch) are free for all students at Vose. Morning Mix activity locations will rotate among grade levels and options include the gym, music room, playground, etc.
Car Drop-Off: Parents/guardians will use the parking lot to the east of the building.
If you arrive before 7:20am, please DO NOT park in the actual parking spots in the parking lot. Instead, please pull along the curb, following the GREEN solid line in the diagram below, stopping at the RED dot. However, if you are planning to park and come into the school, you can of course use one of the parking spots.
Do NOT drop off students until you have passed both crossing guards and the blue flagging in front of the building. It is not safe and causes cars to back up.
Please DO NOT drop students off in front of any of the blue flags.
When driving in, cars will need to pull ahead further around the curve of the curb so that we can get more cars into our parking lot (GREEN solid line= where cars need to drive along the curb, and the ORANGE dot marks where the first car stops and unloads their students once cars are moving through the parking lot). Please follow the signs and staff waving you ahead. Students should walk to the playground gate by walking along the fence. Students should be ready to unload with their coats and shoes on, and backpack/lunch box within hands reach. Drivers should not stop and get out if at all avoidable. If you feel you need to get out to assist your students, please pull ahead past the ORANGE dot and park. Vose staff can help students and close car doors if needed. The quicker each family unloads and exits the parking lot, the more cars and students we can get off of Denney Road and the less congestion overall. Students will enter through the playground gate and then enter through the courtyard door into the cafeteria.
When pulling in and out along the curb, please use patience and caution as you look around and use your turn signals. The flow will move more quickly if we are all calm and patient and not speeding or cutting each other off.
- Walkers: can enter in the front door or the back door by the playground.
- Buses: will enter and exit in the bus-only area to the west side of the building. Pre-K and cars from families in our Specialized EGC program ONLY are allowed in this area. Students will enter through the door through our back hallway to the north of the building. Staff will be onsite to guide them through the correct door and through the hallway to the cafeteria so they can grab breakfast on the way to their classroom if needed.
- Bikes/Scooters: bikes & scooters will need to be stored in the front of the school or the back of the school in the designated bike racks. Helmets can be taken to class for storage.
End of School Dismissal
Car Pick-Up:
Access to parking in the parking lot will close from 2:00pm-2:40pm. Please DO NOT park in the actual parking spots in the parking lot unless you are getting out of your car to walk up to the front to wait for your student. Instead, please pull along the curb, following the GREEN line in the diagram below. The first car in the first row should pull all the way to the RED dot.
There are two parallel car lines (GREEN parallel lines on map), which help alleviate backed-up traffic on SW Denney Road. Staff will direct you to which line to join.
If you do park in the lot before 2:00pm, please be sure to park on the EAST row of the parking lot (the row farthest from the school building) so you do not get blocked in by the two parallel car lines on the WEST row of the parking lot.
The two parallel lines of cars will run along the curb closest to the front of the building, starting at the crosswalk near the school mailbox on the corner in the parking lot (see GREEN line on the map below). This helps alleviate the number of cars blocking SE Denney Road. The two parallel lines will follow the curb along the front of the school (on map= two parallel GREEN lines) and merge back into one line at the curve (merge happens at PINK dot on the map). Please follow the signs and instructions from Vose staff.
Parents should NOT park in the west Staff ONLY parking lot. All parent pick-up and drop-off should occur in the east parking lot, in front of the school. The west parking lot is ONLY for buses, day care, PreK and staff vehicles who have prior approval from the principal.
Students who are in Car Pick-Up or being picked up by a parent who is walking will be walked by their classroom teacher from the bus loading zone, then the parent walker pick-up area and finally to the car pick-up area.
Parents: please wait in the designated area for your child. Please do not enter the building or walk to another area to take them out of their class line
Siblings: There will be an area at the front of the school where students will be able to wait for any sibling(s) before proceeding to their parents waiting in the Walker waiting area or the Car waiting area. Parents should wait in the area designated for the grade level of their youngest child- please look for signs designating K, 1, 2-3 and 4-5 along the front of the building.
Bus Riders will be dismissed once their buses are ready for loading.
Walker Pick-Up: Parents/guardians walking to pick-up their child will need to cross at the crosswalk at King Road and wait on the designated spots by the front of the building for their child to come to them.
Bikes/Scooters: bikes & scooters will need to be stored in the front of the school or the back of the school in the designated bike racks. Helmets can be taken to class for storage.
* Please call the office at 503-356-2430 for any changes in how a child will go home by 2:00pm so we have enough time to get the information to the student & teacher.
ParentSquare- How to Sign Up
We wanted to share the recordings of our ParentSquare 101 trainings for incoming kindergarten families. ParentSquare is the app that our district uses to share electronic news and communication with parents from the district as well as our local schools. It is also used a communication tool between teachers and parents. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU GET PARENTSQUARE SET UP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, so you can receive important information throughout the summer about back to school dates/info as well as throughout each school year.
English ParentSquare 101 - https://youtu.be/UiX7gUTzeQU
Spanish ParentSquare 101 - https://youtu.be/Fg1iC4OL34E
These videos are also posted on our ParentSquare webpage https://www.beaverton.k12.or.us/parentsquare
Do you have an incoming kindergarten student? Schools are already communicating with incoming kindergarten families using our ParentSquare platform. We use ParentSquare at the District, school and classroom level to communicate with families
Learn how to navigate our ParentSquare app, set your notification preferences and more! https://youtu.be/UiX7gUTzeQU
¿Tiene un estudiante entrante de kindergarten? Las escuelas ya se están comunicando con las familias que ingresan a kindergarten utilizando nuestra plataforma de comunicación llamada ParentSquare. Usamos ParentSquare a nivel Distrito, escuela y salón de clase para comunicarnos con las familias.
¡Aprenda a navegar la aplicación ParentSquare, configure sus preferencias de notificación y más! https://youtu.be/Fg1iC4OL34E
Information from the School Nurse
Welcome to a new school year from your School Nurse! To ensure your child’s health and safety I would like to share a few items with you.
HEALTH CONCERNS: Please inform your School Nurse of any severe allergies, surgeries, accidents or new health problems that occurred during the summer months or that may occur during the school year.
ILLNESS: Please remember to keep your child home when ill. Students may not attend school with a fever greater than 100.4 F° and must be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medicine before returning to school.
If your child is sick with a diagnosed communicable disease, please notify the school as soon as possible. This notification will greatly assist others who, due to medical reasons and/or treatments, have weakened immune systems and may require immediate and specialized care.
MEDICATION: Medication may be administered to students who require it during the school day. Parents must transport medication to school in the original container and complete a Medication Authorization Form. Please provide emergency medication if prescribed for your student.
IMMUNIZATION: All students must be up to date with immunizations before the state exclusion day mid-February 2025. Students who are not up to date will be excluded from school. Please review your student’s immunization record with your health care provider and provide any needed documentation.
Please feel free to contact me regarding any health-related question or concern. You can reach me by email via Parent Square at Anita_Good@beaverton.k12.or.us
Vose Elementary School
Email: ellen_arnold@beaverton.k12.or.us
Website: https://vose.beaverton.k12.or.us/
Location: 11350 SW Denney Road, Beaverton, OR, 97008
Phone: (503)356-2430