Weekly Update
August 8th, 2023

March 3-7, 2025
Message From the Principal
We have 9 1/2 days left of the 3rd 9 weeks. Please make sure you are logging into skyward and checking on your students grades and missing assignments, all work needs to be turned in by the end of the day on March 13th for 3rd 9 weeks grades. We will be starting track soon, if your child is wanting to be in track they need to be eligible.
Just another reminder of when our state assessments will be as we are heading in to March.
April 1st and 3rd will be Science State Assessments for 5th and 8th graders.
April 8-11 will be ELA State Assessments for all 5th-8th grade students.
April 14-18 will be Math State Assessments for all 5th -8th grade students.
I will work on getting a snack amazon wish list put together. With every student in the Middle School testing we like to make sure that they are fueled with a snack and provided a little treat for encouragement to do their best on their test. This isn't made possible without the donations from all of you and we greatly appreciate all of those donations and I know the students enjoy the treats as well!
Student Services Coordinator- Ms. Andrews
8th Grade Job Shadow Experience
We’re looking for parents and community members to help provide a meaningful experience for our 8th graders. On the morning of April 17th, students will participate in a job shadow to explore different careers and workplace environments. If you or someone you know is willing to host a student or a small group of students for a few hours, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/4i8gV1QRFqLjRbweA.
Your support helps inspire our students and shape their futures—thank you!
Parents, I’ll be in touch soon with more details regarding transportation and your students job shadow location. In the meantime, feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Dress Code Reminder
As the weather warms up and we start wearing lighter clothing, I want to send a reminder of our school’s dress code policy to help ensure that students feel comfortable and confident throughout the day. Please see the dress code guidelines below:
Student clothing needs to be appropriate for the school setting. Appropriate clothing DOES NOT:
1. Present a danger to the physical health or safety of you or others.
2. Promote or imply regulated items such as alcohol or tobacco.
3. Display or imply obscene or indecent printed messages or symbols.
4. Detract from the teaching/learning process.
A total shirt must be worn. No bare midriffs/half-shirts, fish nets, undershirts or undershirt-type shirts and no sleeveless shirts that are open down the side, front or back may be worn. Undergarments should not be visible.
Students wearing clothing that violates the dress code will be asked to change. A staff member will contact parents to coordinate the process.
Changes Coming
There will be some changes after spring break for drop off and pick up in the morning. Please refer to the diagram and the rules for drop off and pick up.
If you have a High School student who drops their siblings off please make sure they are aware of these changes.
Let's Talk About Food
Cost for Breakfast is $2.25- we start serving breakfast at 7:30 am
Lunch cost is $3.50- Salads and sandwiches are offered every day but Late Start Days
Extra Milk is $0.50
Events this Week
News from the Nurse
Save the date: Saturday, March 1st, 8am-10am! Join us as we celebrate heart health in February with nutrition and activities at Jeff West Elementary School Open Gym! Parent/Guardian must attend with the child(ren).
Dance Camp for Future Weststeppers
Community Announcements
To register online, go to www.leaguelineup.com/gojeffwest
...OR join us at IN-PERSON registration on March 8th during the Pancake Feed at JWES from 7:00am to 11:00am
Job Opportunities for 2025-2026 School Year
We have an option Middle School Assistant Volleyball Coach position for next year. If interested please go to our website to apply.