Pioneer Press
Pioneer Elementary - January 2025
A Message from the Principal, Mr. Mac
Pioneer Elementary Families,
Happy New Year! We are excited to welcome students back and settle into our school routines this month. January is a special time to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and reflect on the important lessons he leaves for us.
This month, students will also take their middle-of-year assessments (DIBELS and iReady) in English Language Arts and math. These tests help us understand how much they’ve learned and where they might need more support. Thank you for ensuring your child is at school all day, every day—attendance is a key part of their success!
Pioneer Together,
Paul McKenzie - "Mr. Mac"
Principal, Pioneer Elementary
Pioneer Elementary - MISSION STATEMENT
Together, we believe, achieve and succeed - all day, every day!
Dates to Remember
- Every Monday in the school year is a 1-hour late start. Campus opens at 9:30 and school begins at 9:45.
- Monday, January 6: 1-hour late start
- Thursday, January 9: Dual Language Parent Info Night for Incoming Kindergarten Families (6:00-7:30)
- Friday, January 10: 4th Grade Field Trip to Junior Achievement
- Monday, January 13: 1-hour late start
- Friday, January 17: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Assemblies
- Monday, January 20: No School (MLK Day)
- Tuesday, January 21: 4th Grade Music Field Trip (Link Up with the Auburn Symphony)
- Thursday, January 23: Dual Language Parent Info Night for Incoming Kindergarten Families (6:00-7:30)
- Monday, January 27: 1-hour late start
Link to ASD Calendar (2024-2025):
Stay Connected to Us
- Parents and Guardians: Please ensure the school office has your most current contact information. This includes your phone numbers, home address, and email address.
- If there are any changes to the approved individuals who may pick up your child (name, phone number, email, etc.), let us know right away.
- A short form is available in the elementary office to update this information.
Keeping this information updated helps us contact you quickly and ensure your child’s safety, and ensures you receive important communication from the school and district. Thank you for your cooperation!
Dual Language Program Option - Starting Fall 2025 in Kindergarten
We are thrilled to announce the launch of a Spanish/English dual language program at Pioneer Elementary starting in September 2025 for kindergarten students.
Three parent information nights will take place at Pioneer Elementary. These will include dinner, childcare (ages 3 and older) and information about the dual language program.
If you have a child entering Kindergarten in fall 2025 and are interested to learn more, please consider attending one of these events at Pioneer Elementary.
- Thursday, 1/9 from 6:00-7:30pm
- Thursday, 1/23 from 6:00-7:30pm
- Thursday, 2/27 from 6:00-7:30pm
The application window will open in January for interested families. See links below:
- Dual Language Program Application - Kindergarten at Pioneer Elementary
- 2025-2026 Escuela Primaria Pioneer Aplicación/Postulación a Programa de Doble Idioma, Kínder
More detailed information can be found below:
- Pioneer Elementary website in the headlines section
- Dual Language webpage on the Auburn School District website
- Dual Language at Pioneer Elementary presentation
Dual language programs are known to foster high academic achievement and offer a strong foundation for students to become bilingual and biliterate.
This optional program will provide kindergarten students with academic instruction in Spanish and English, while the traditional (non-dual language) kindergarten program (English only) will remain available.
The dual language program is designed to primarily serve students who live within the Pioneer Elementary boundary. It is planned for additional grade levels to be added as students advance.
If you have questions about the Dual Language program, please email Paul McKenzie or Peter Lamb.
- Paul McKenzie, Principal at Pioneer Elementary
- Peter Lamb, Assistant Director of PK-5 Multilingual Education Programs
Highly Capable Nomination Window Open
Referrals open January 6 through February 14, 2025, for Highly Capable Programs
The Auburn School District is now accepting referrals for the 2025-2026 Highly Capable Program, a program that serves exceptionally intelligent, intellectually gifted students whose needs may not be easily met in the general education setting.
Once a student is identified as highly capable, he/she is entitled to Highly Capable program services from the date of eligibility through graduation; annual testing is not required. Nominations close February 14, 2025.
Screening considers nominees who are currently enrolled in grades Kindergarten through eleven. Selection for highly capable programs reflects state guidelines for identifying intellectually gifted students.
If you feel your child should participate in further testing, but doesn’t meet screening criteria, you may nominate your child. Nomination forms are found in school counseling offices and are available online by selecting the For Families menu, Highly Capable, and then Highly Capable Forms.
Direct questions to the following staff members:
- Kaela Church, counselor at Pioneer Elementary
- kchurch@auburn.wednet.edu or 253-931-4986
- Janice Nordland, counselor at Pioneer Elementary
- jnordland@auburn.wednet.edu or 253-931-4986
- Adam Ladage, Director of Student Learning 8-12
- aladage@auburn.wednet.edu or 253-931-4950
Emergency School Closures & Weather Notifications
To learn more about how you can be prepared in the event of a school closure due to inclement weather, click the link below.
ParentSquare - new communication tool
ParentSquare lets families choose how they want to receive messages and designate their preferred language.
- Video in English
- Vídeo en Español
For information on how to download the ParentSquare app, click the link below:
Clothing to Wear in Fall and Winter
Please encourage your student to wear a jacket (with a hood) and shoes (not sandals, slides or flip flops) to school. We try to keep recess outside for students as much as possible, and these clothing items will help keep them warm and dry. If your child is in need of a winter coat, please email Mr. Moyer, Family Engagement Liaison, at nmoyer@auburn.wednet.edu.
How Can You Support Your Child's Reading at Home?
Key #1
Read for 20-30 minutes each day!
Books, magazines, online reading websites, go to the library - it all supports continued reading growth!
Key #2
Finger Stretching & Blending (throughout the day)
Key #3
Ask your child questions about what they are reading! Foster their interest in reading.
Supporting Your Child's Learning
Please see these articles from our Title I Department! You will find helpful information on many ways to support your child's learning.
Interested in Volunteering?
Volunteers provide active support and assistance in Auburn schools. We welcome your involvement at Pioneer, and we use volunteers in a variety of ways.
Volunteer Opportunities:
A few examples include...
- Recess - Volunteers during recess can interact with students, help them play games together and support a fun and safe environment.
- Field Trips - Assisting as chaperones
- Bulletin Boards - Hanging school work showcasing what are students are learning
- Small Group Support - Assisting students with reading or math in small groups
Prior to volunteering, all volunteers are required to complete an online application form and receive approval from the Auburn School District.
● You can complete your online application by clicking on the following link: ASD Volunteer Application.
● Instructions for the online volunteer application can be viewed here: Instructions for ASD Volunteer Application.
If you have submitted a form for another group or agency outside of ASD, you will need to fill out a new form. The Washington State background check ensures we keep students safe when having non-staff members volunteer in our building. This volunteer application is valid for 1 school year and must be completed each new school year.
Questions? -- Contact Mr. Nolan Moyer (Family Engagement Liaison):
- 253-931-4986
- nmoyer@auburn.wednet.edu.
Safety Reminders
As part of our ongoing commitment to the well-being of our students, we would like to remind everyone about the importance of practicing safety both in and around school. These are things we talk about in school, and we encourage families to practice with their children too.
Safety tips to keep in mind:
- Seatbelt Safety: Please ensure that your child is properly buckled up in their car seat or seatbelt before driving away from school. It’s a simple yet crucial step to keep our children safe while traveling.
- Crosswalk Awareness: When walking to or from school, always use designated crosswalks and encourage your child to look both ways before crossing.
- Helmets and Gear: If your child rides a bike or scooter, remind them to wear a helmet and follow traffic rules.
- Family Walk Safety: When out for family walks, consider teaching your child about staying on sidewalks, being aware of traffic, and holding hands in busy areas.
We truly appreciate your partnership in fostering safe habits for our students, both inside and outside of school. Thank you for helping us make safety a priority!
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
To view our Arrival and Dismissal Procedures, click the link below.
Thank you for following these procedures! Your cooperation keeps students, families and staff safe.
Playground & Field Expectations for Community Use
School rules for the playground still apply when school is not in session. Please help us by following these playground expectations, and reviewing these expectations with your child.
#1 - The playground is open 8:00am - dusk (after sunset). The playground is closed during hours of operation or when district related activities are taking place.
#2 - Other playground expectations:
Playground equipment is used properly
Help us by leaving the playground in the best condition possible. Make sure garbage is thrown away.
Pets and other animals are not allowed on the playground or turf field at any time.
No bikes, scooters or wheeled vehicles or toys of any kind are allowed on the turf field.
Use of alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, nicotine delivery devices, marijuana or drugs is strictly prohibited.
Follow us on Facebook
Visit us at https://www.facebook.com/asdpioneer to follow our school on Facebook! Each week we post our Monday announcements, and also post other important school and district news.
Website: www.auburn.wednet.edu/pioneer
Location: 2301 M St SE, Auburn, WA 98002, USA
Hours: 7:30am-4:00pm, Monday-Friday
Phone: 253-931-4986
Facebook: facebook.com/asdpioneer
- Principal: Paul McKenzie “Mr. Mac” pmckenzie@auburn.wednet.edu
- Assistant Principal: Corrine Craven ccraven@auburn.wednet.edu
- Office Manager: Karin Ode kode@auburn.wednet.edu
- Office Assistant: DesMarie Wilson dwilson@auburn.wednet.edu
- Office Assistant: Kimberly Tenorio ktenorio@auburn.wednet.edu
- Family Engagement Liaison: Nolan Moyer nmoyer@auburn.wednet.edu