SOESC Connection
Southern Ohio Educational Service Center
By this time my blood type is pumpkin spice...☕️
“It’s the first day of autumn! A time of hot chocolatey mornings, and toasty marshmallow evenings, and, best of all, leaping into leaves!” — Winnie the Pooh
This template has resources for teaching about the autumnal equinox, science activities related to fall food, gardening, weather & autumn leaves, prompts for poetry, and some fun stuff for grownups.
Happy fall! 🌰 🍂
A Message From Mrs. Justice
Are YOU a Change Champion?
In every organization, there are those few people who seem to get it as if by osmosis. Before the leader suggests a new initiative, Sasha has already read about it and is spreading enthusiasm among her colleagues. Before the leader has even heard of it, Kameron is experimenting in the field and refining it to become a better version. These professionals are the Change Champions who exist in almost every institution. Yet their efforts are often unrecognized. Lead researcher Tom Peters (1995) documented the success of “skunk works” whose efforts in unglamorous settings were able to create enormous results for their organization. Mike Schmoker (2001) has identified similar success among soft spoken and unnoticed professionals.
Change champions are not particularly popular. They aren’t visible at public meeting either as a supporter or a complainer, but merely a quiet professional who achieves remarkable results.
Their success takes away the excuses used by others to prove that success is impossible. Their commitment to the work at hand and their honesty makes them unsuccessful in the game of politics.
A Change Champion isn’t trying to impress anyone but rather trying to do their job and make the biggest impact!
In the end, change is not easy for most. Given that most people become set in their ways after a certain period of time, this will be extremely difficult for some. As a change champion, you have to know that not everyone will be like you.
If you are a Change Champion with a long track record within an organization, you recognize that steady and deliberate progress toward the end goal is the approach that will likely yield the most successful outcome.
The five competencies associated with being a Southern Ohio Educational Service Center Professional and the qualities of a Change Champion overlap. In order to be a Change Champion being a problem solver, collaborator, relationship builder, self motivated and goal driven, and a life long learner are critical components.
News from SOESC
Blanchester Presents Parent University Partnered With SOESC
Intervention Specialist Meet up
Prepping those fall classes? Enjoy a fall treat!
“It’s like going
— Robbie Coltrane
“Life starts
– F. Scott Fitzgerald
“She loved the fall,
Wait, don't 🍁 yet! We have opportunities for you!
September 2023 Events and Professional Learning Opportunities
Click on the image above for a full view of our events and offerings for the 2023-2024 school year!
Educational Resources
Families Of Children With Disabilities!
"Every leaf speaks bliss to me..."
Grow your own classroom garden! 👇
SOESC Spotlight
Teaching and Learning Team
Speech Newsletter by Stacia Guthrie
Learn more about SOESC! ✨
Click on any button below to follow a link and learn more!
Employment Opportunities
SOESC Current Employment Opportunities
- 504 Coordinator
- Behavior Specialist
- Family Case Manager
- Student Monitors
- Speech-Language Pathologists
- Itinerant Teacher of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Visit bit.ly/JoinTeamSOESC for more information!
Substitute Teaching
Blanchester Local Schools, Bright Local Schools, Clinton-Massie Local Schools, East Clinton Local Schools, Great Oaks Career Campus, Fairfield Local Schools, Hillsboro City Schools, Lynchburg-Clay Local Schools, Miami Trace Local Schools, Southern Ohio Learning Center, Washington Court House City Schools, and Wilmington City Schools.
Find out more here 👉 www.southernohioesc.org/resource-links/substitute-teacher-information
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