Principal's Message
Enadia Way Technology Charter, 10/14/24
Annual CA ShakeOut Earthquake Drill
This Thursday we will be practicing our full-scale earthquake drill from 9:00-10:00. During the drill, students and staff practice our response to a 7.2 earthquake. Every member of the staff has an important role in keeping the students safe until the parents can get to school and take them home. In the event of a large scale disaster, everyone is on the playground in the assembly area. Parents coming to pick up their children must come to the Request Gate (Gault St, near the big play structure). Adults must have their photo ID and be on the emergency card in order for us to release the children. Please help us practice our procedures at the Request and Reuntion Gate at about 9:20-9:40 a.m.
CHOICES Window is Open!
Parents, if you have a child coming to UTK or going to middle school next August, don't miss this lunch time workshop! Unless you apply through CHOICES now you will be left on a waiting list for your school of choice. Enadia Way and Hale MS always have waitlists for the people who missed the CHOICES window.
Popsicle Sales Every Friday after school! $1
Pick up the lost & found. Going to Good Will on Friday!
Water bottles and assorted items!
Save the Date!
- 10/14: Coffee with the Principal: Safety Training on Suicide Prevention/Awareness
- 10/17: 9:00 CA ShakeOut (Earthquake Drill)
- 10/22: ELAC Meeting #2 8:30-9:30 a.m. in Parent Center
- 10/24: Councils Meeting #2, 3:30-4:30 via Zoom
- 10/25: Fall Dance! 6:30-8:30
- 10/25: Awards Assembly 8:15 & 9:00
- 10/30: Parent Workshop: CHOICES application support 12:00 via Zoom
- 10/31: Minimum Day, 12:50 Dismissal! Halloween Parade at 8:30 a.m.