Insight PA High School Newsletter
Thursday, January 4, 2024
A Message from Mrs. Miller
Happy New Year! I hope this newsletter finds you well-rested, prepared to jump back into the school routine, and ready for the exciting month ahead. Our staff is energized and excited to continue providing an enriching learning experience for all students.
A friendly reminder that January also brings us to the end of the second quarter. To ensure a successful transition from quarter 2 to quarter 3, please encourage your student to attend teacher office hours and WIN time for additional support outside of live class.
We appreciate your continued support in your student’s education!
Mrs. Megan Miller
High School Principal
Important Dates & Upcoming Events
Monday, January 15th - School Closed (MLK Jr. Day)
Friday, January 26th - End of Quarter 2
Tuesday, January 30th - Insight PA Board of Trustees meeting (7:00pm)
Monday, February 19th - School Closed (Presidents Day)
Tuesday, February 27th - Insight PA Board of Trustees meeting (7:00pm)
Students of the Week
Congratulations to our December High School Students of the Week!
Synia H, 9th Grade
Nominated by Mrs. Heffelfinger and Mrs. Pifer
“Synia actively participates in both homeroom and Student Council and went above and beyond to ask for recommendations for Student Council officer elections. She is very enthusiastic about being an Insight PA student and is excited to help her fellow students. We are lucky to have Synia!”
Aamiah S, 12th Grade
Nominated by Mrs. Barone
“Aamiah goes above and beyond in class! She consistently attends all of her classes and always does her best. She makes sure that her work is completed on time and is kind to every teacher and student she encounters. Aamiah is a phenomenal student moderator and takes pride in that title. She is also an incredible self-advocate and always reaches out when she needs help or to offer help to her peers and teachers. Aamiah is an absolute joy to have in class!”
Kadence S, 11th Grade
Nominated by Ms. Stetser
“Kade is an incredibly hardworking and conscientious student. She is always punctual, prepared, and willing to put in the extra effort to ensure that her work is of the highest quality. Kade is a genuinely kind and compassionate individual and we are so fortunate to have her as part of our school community.”
End of Quarter 2
Week of January 22nd
During the week of January 22nd, students will be completing various screeners and assessments and participating in a variety of fun assemblies and activities. We are excited for our students to have this opportunity to demonstrate their growth through the first half of the school year and celebrate the completion of our first two quarters!
Students - please check your Class Connect schedules carefully for this week and be sure to check any emails you receive from your teachers, counselors, or other staff members regarding session dates and times.
Work Completion
All work for Quarter 2 is due by 11:59pm on Thursday, January 25th.
Spring Keystone Exams
Spring Keystone testing assignments have been sent out in emails from Testing Nirvana for all students who need to complete these assessments this year. Please refer to the images below for directions on how to RSVP.
Keystone Exam FAQs
Are Keystone Exams required?
Yes. For state accountability purposes, all students must take Keystone Exams in Algebra, Literature, and Biology by the end of 11th grade
Can I opt out?
Yes. You must click the RSVP link in the email received from Testing Nirvana and select that you will not be attending. From there, you will have the option to select religious opt out. The assessment coordinator will send more information once that step is completed. In order to opt out, the student's legal guardian must come to the testing site to review the test. There are no exceptions to this.
Is transportation offered?
We are not providing transportation this year via Lyft. However, if transportation is a barrier to getting your student to testing, please email ISPATestingCoordinator@insightpa.org for other options.
Additional Information
For more information about Keystone Exams, please visit our State Testing Website. If you have additional questions, contact ISPATestingCoordinator@insightpa.org.
January/February IN-PERSON Events
Skate Across the State with Insight PA!
Join us throughout the months of January and February at roller skating and ice skating rinks throughout the state. These events are FREE for current Insight PA students and their families. Visit the link below to learn more about the events happening in your area and access our sign-up forms.
Please note that specific times and included activities vary by location - be sure to read over all of the information for your selected event before signing up to attend!
If you have questions about a specific event, please contact:
- Western, Central, and Northeast Regions - Kristin Seidel (krseidel@insightpa.org)
- Southeast and Philadelphia Area Regions - Courtland Handy (cohandy@insightpa.org)
January Virtual Field Trip
Date: Friday, January 26th
Time: 1:00pm
Where: Check your Class Connect schedules!
January Parent/LC Trainings
Attention Parents, Guardians, and Learning Coaches!
Please join us at the following sessions during the month of January:
Special Education Training - ESY Determination
(ESY = Extended School Year)
Tuesday, January 9th from 12:30PM - 1:00PM
Presenters - Jen Weimer (Elementary Special Ed Instructional Coach) and Jenna Schreiner (Special Ed Compliance Coordinator)
Zoom Link - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4080572556
Learning Coach Cafe - Human Trafficking & Exploited Children
Tuesday, January 16th from 12:30PM - 1:00PM
Presenter - Kelsey Fuller (Student Resource Specialist)
Zoom Link - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4080572556
Counselors Corner
Values & Belonging
This month in Counselor Seminar, students will be introduced to SEL lessons about values and belonging. Thinking about and identifying our personal values can help us make better decisions and guide our actions towards positive directions.
Contact Your Counselor
Our HS students are assigned a counselor based on the first letters of their last name. Not sure who your counselor is? Check the list below!
- Dr. Klepfer (Last names A - Bra)
- Ms. Johnson (Last names Bre - Cri)
- Mrs. Lanzendorfer (Last names Cro - Fra)
- Mr. Blackstone (Last names Fre - Hop)
- Mrs. deTurck (Last names Hor - Leo)
- Ms. Babu (Last names Les - Mile)
- Ms. Clark (Last names Mill - Ph)
- Mrs. Orbin (Last names Pi - Sag)
- Ms. Christ (Last names Sai - Str)
- Ms. Benvenuti (Last names Stu - Wh)
- Mrs. Tate (Last names Wi - Z)
To enable, inspire, and prepare students to achieve the highest levels of academic standards so they make a powerful contribution in their communities.
Our Vision
To ignite a desire for learning in every student and nurture them to understand their goals and create a clear path to achieve them.
Website: https://insightpaschool.org
Phone: (484) 713-4353
Location: 350 Eagleview Blvd suite 350, Exton, PA, USA