Robins K-8
August Newsletter
Principal Thomas
Hello ROADRUNNERS! Thus far, we’ve had a successful first couple of weeks of school. I want to WELCOME all of you back to school for the 2024-25 School Year. We appreciate your flexibility and patience with us as we work out our security measures to ensure the optimal safety of all students and staff while on campus.
We will continue with parent pick-up and drop-off as it operates currently for all students at their designated areas. Please use the Color-Coded NAME procedure for 1st-5th grade parent pick-up daily, as stated in my July welcome letter. This will support a smoother flow during pick-up; we will have name cards that are color-coded by grade level. Please place this card on the dashboard of your vehicle, visible to staff, to help with a quicker pick-up process. Our 1st graders stand at the small gate, our 2nd & 3rd graders stand at the middle gate and our 4th & 5th graders stand at the gate near the basketball courts. Kinder pick up is at the kinder gate and Middle School at the middle school gate. Parents/Guardians, please do not stop your vehicle at the front of the school when entering the loop, pull forward beyond the barriers to drop off students.
We are preparing for our first District-wide assessment for Grades 2-8, as well as our reading assessment (DIBELS) for Grades K-3. We have shared with our students the Student Code of Conduct, Dress Code Policies, and our PBIS “Roadrunner Rocks” expectations of being safe, responsible, and respectful.
As a reminder, if your child will be tardy and/or absent, please make sure to call Mrs. Kayla Nieto, our attendance tech, to appropriately record your tardy or absences. If you have other questions about your registration and our school information, please don’t hesitate to call Ms. Kristy Melendez our Office Manager for assistance. My office is always open to you. We can all be reached at 908-4300.
Class DOJO!
We use Class Dojo school wide! If you have not signed up for Class Dojo with your teacher(s), please do so as soon as possible. We will be using Class Dojo and School Dojo to communicate with our families about upcoming events and school matters. We will not use Class Dojo to communicate to families about discipline issues or concerns, those issues will be communicated via phone call or direct email. Class Dojo is part of our PBIS system to acknowledge our students following the school and classroom expectations. Please sign up today!
We all love to be celebrated, and Robins K-8 wants to be able to allow for such celebrations, as it creates a positive community for our school. So, for those families who celebrate birthdays and want to include their child’s classmates, we ask that you follow the guidelines below, as this will help us keep all students safe, and allow us to celebrate in an equitable manner:
Parents/Guardians MUST confirm with the classroom teacher the day that you want to celebrate your child. We only celebrate at the end of the learning day for K-5 (between 1:30-1:50PM), and for Middle School (between 2:20-2:40PM). Celebrations should be a maximum of 20 minutes. Please do not show up unannounced or unscheduled as we will not allow the disruption to the learning and the classroom.
Parents/Guardians are welcome to come. Please do not bring the entire family. We ask that you limit the number of people celebrating with you to TWO (that’s you and ONE other person).
We are required to follow the Pima County Health Department guidelines for food. Therefore, all food MUST NOT BE HOMEMADE, and MUST BE PRE-PACKAGED INDIVIDUALLY by the manufacturer and not by anyone else.
Due to allergies, health reasons of students, and safety in health matters for our students, the following foods will not be allowed to be distributed to students:
Cupcakes, fruit snacks, brownies, chocolate, candy, rice Krispy treats, sweet cakes, cakes, sugary snacks, etc. We have many students with sugar intolerances who are unable to consume such products. (These are examples; if it’s sugary, please don’t bring it to school);
Peanut butter, peanut items/ingredients; Nuts of any kind.
Please note: These are examples, and not a full list of prohibited items.
What can I bring?
Check with your classroom teacher to see if any of the classmates have a specific food allergy beyond the above list.
Fresh fruit (individually packed by the manufacturer).
Goldfish/ Graham crackers (individually packaged by manufacturer).
Capri Sun (or similar low sugar juices).
Pencils, stickers, erasers, school supplies.
Coloring books, books, crayons, etc.
Thank you, parents, and guardians, for following these guidelines as this will allow us to safely celebrate your child and provide their classmates with appropriate items that will not put them at risk for health issues.
Meet our Dean of Students!
My name is Mr. John Gonzales and I have been in education for 24 years with 14 years in middle school teaching math and in administration.
I coach various sports but have a passion for baseball and volleyball.
I believe that all students have a special way of expressing themselves and sometimes these behaviors are not the best choice for the safety and well-being of others. I work with students to make better decisions and work on the social emotional impact of choices for all students. I am looking forward to supporting our Robins PreK-8 community. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. My goal is to continue to provide a safe environment for all students.
Dear Robins families,
Welcome to our fall semester!
Our first meeting was on August 5th at 5pm in the school library.
There is no formal membership for PTO, if you are signed up for our emails and/or attend a meeting, you can have a say. We would love to know what is important to you in the life of the school and what you might be interested in helping with.
Quick recap on last year for the PTO; Step It Up fundraiser and Day of Awesomeness for kids, food drive with the national junior honor society, penguin patch holiday shop, special person dance, sponsored gaming truck for middles school AVID night, new shade fabric for middle school outdoor area, organized paint by numbers mural by local artist @chalkingtomyself, waters and flowers for 8th grade graduation, and updating the teacher/staff lounge over the summer.
Upcoming events this year for the PTO; AVID middle school night, Step It Up fundraiser and Day of Awesomeness for kids, Spanish Club, Hobby Night, Trunk or Treat, Kids maker market, school supply drive, Family dance, Penny Wars fundraiser, Spring Fling carnival, 8th grade graduation celebration.
More information will be coming home with students via a purple folder from the PTO in the next week or so.
Locking forward to seeing you,
Kristen Mustovich: President
Kaia McKabe: Vice President
Jodi Basarab: Secretary
Amanda Sage: Fundraising Coordinator
Health Office Announcements
Hello Roadrunner Parents
Please make sure that all your Immunization Records are up to date. If you have questions regarding immunizations, please contact the number listed below.
All students should have a re-usable water bottle. We have a water bottle fill up station that students are able to use during school, so students can remain hydrated.
Thank You!
Karla Armenta-520-308-84317
Counselor's Corner
Welcome Back Roadrunner Families,
I’m excited about another exciting school year at Robins! As your child embarks on this new academic journey, I want to take a moment to introduce myself and share some important information about the support available to your child throughout the year.
My name is Ms. Walters and I am thrilled to be your child's school counselor. My role is to support students in their social and emotional development. I will be working with students in various ways, including individual counseling, small group sessions, classroom guidance lessons, and supporting teachers and families.
What Can I Help With?
Academic Support: Helping students set goals, improve study skills, and manage their time effectively.
Social Skills Development: Assisting with peer relationships, conflict resolution, and building self-esteem.
Emotional Well-being: Providing support for anxiety, stress, and other emotional concerns.
Small group permission slips will be going home soon so please keep an eye out. Groups are first come, first served as there is limited time and space to have all students participate.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Rachael Walters, M.Ed.
Robins PreK-8
Curriculum Corner
Welcome to the 24-25 school year!
My name is Ms. Jones. I am the Curriculum Service Provider for Robins K-8. We have so many exciting events coming to families and students this year. We also will be using many new curriculum adoptions this school year.
We will be using i-Ready and IXL schoolwide as our online interventions schoolwide. Kinder to 5th grade will be using Benchmark Advance for reading, writing, and social studies. 6th - 8th grades will be using the new SAVVAS reading and writing books and online materials. Kindergarten to 8th grade will all be using Eureka Squared Math. Elementary will continue to use the FOSS kits for science. 6th to 8th grades have a brand-new science curriculum called Inspire. 6th to 8th grades will also be using a new TUSD created curriculum for social studies.
We are so excited for these wonderful new materials! I look forward to family events where you can learn more about these adoptions. You can look forward to Literacy Night coming in September and STEAM Night in October!
What is AVID? Proven Achievement. Lifelong Advantage.
Robins K-8 is proud to bring AVID to kindergarten through 8th grade this year! AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination, helps schools and teachers make learning more meaningful and engaging. Research tells us that the most powerful influence on academic achievement is a caring teacher. When students care and connect to both their learning and their teacher, they will succeed! Please see the attached article to learn more about AVID.
Library Corner
Hello, Scholars!
It’s going to be another great year here at Robins. I hope you all had a great summer and had time to read at least one book. If not, no worries, checkout will start from August 5th on. We have some new arrivals. Among them are the Wings of Fire novel series, along with some requested titles like the Total Mayhem series. Don’t forget to take good care of the books you check out, so that other scholars can borrow them after you’ve returned them. If you still have books from last year, you can still return them and have your fees deleted.
Next month will be an exciting month because the Book Fair will be back! I’m excited to see what new books, journals, and trinkets will be there, so Welcome back, and see you in the library!