Tiger Times
JRMS PTA * June 6 2022 * Vol. 2, Issue 6
President's Message
With only days remaining in the current school year, we're full steam ahead with exciting year-end events. In less than three weeks our 8th Grade students will move up to high school and we're hard at work planning a graduation Luau party that will knock their socks off! Year-end appreciation events are scheduled for staff, central office and bus drivers. We're thrilled to welcome a seasoned and enthusiastic slate of new board members for next year and, at the same time, welcome incoming 5th grade students and families. With upcoming administration changes, rest assured that PTA leadership is partnering and strategizing to assist families through the transition. We have great confidence in our JRMS teacher teams and staff and are sure they will be ready to welcome and support our students next year.
Please join us on Thursday, June 9th at 7:00pm via Zoom for our final meeting of the 2021-22 school year. The new PTA Executive Board officers will be elected, the 2022/23 budget will be approved and we will thank our many volunteers who made this year possible. Meghan Ward will join us for a Principal's update and to answer questions. We hope you will join us and look forward to seeing you on June 9th.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 516 314 6718
Passcode: 715840
Paws Up in Appreciation
On behalf of the PTA Executive Board and the entire JRMS community, we offer heartfelt congratulations to Darlene Wallin on her retirement and wish her every happiness in this next chapter. During her 22 years of service as the Assistant Principal, Ms. Wallin was considered the "heart and soul" of JRMS by many. She forged a bond of partnership and trust with students and parents alike and she will be dearly missed.
In addition, the Executive Board Members would like to thank Jackie Dyar for her many years of hard work and dedication to the PTA. Jackie has been volunteering with the PTA for 13 years in Redding, has held a variety of leadership roles, including serving as PTA President for several years at JRMS...Thank you, Jackie, for all you have done. You are truly appreciated!
School Supplies
Maximize convenience, get the exact supplies requested by our teachers and avoid supply chain shortages and shopping hassles. We've partnered with 1st Day School Supplies for the 2022-23 school year and the time to order is NOW. Orders are shipped directly to your home. Click here and select your student’s grade level to order before July 1st.
Project Cool Grant Approved
We are pleased to report, on May 26, 2022, residents of the Town of Redding voted to approve a grant to the PTA to assist us in completing Project Cool, our outdoor classroom. Funding for the grant is covered by Federal Covid relief funds under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Work is scheduled to continue over the summer and we are targeting completion prior to the start of school in September.
Executive Board Candidates for 2022-23
We extend a warm welcome to the following candidates who have agreed to serve on the JRMS PTA Executive Board for 2022-23, and will stand for election at our June 9th meeting:
Darrell Bradford — Co-President
Maritza Jones – Co-President
Jenn Simpson – Treasurer
Amy Whittle – Secretary
Beatrix Eriksen – VP Communications
Sarah O’Dell – VP Programs
Meredith Schuchard and Seana Bedard – Co-VP Fundraising
Stephanie Dionne – VP Membership
All active members are eligible to vote and we hope you will join us on June 9 to elect the new team. Volunteers power every aspect of our PTA. We cannot possibly do all that we do without you! We are currently seeking volunteers to chair key positions, including Staff Appreciation, Book Fair, and Membership. If you are interested or know of a good candidate, please let us know at JRMSptainfo@gmail.com.
8th Grade Moving Up Ceremony & Dance
Our eighth grade students will be recognized in a formal ceremony on Friday, June 17 beginning at 5:00 PM. As we did last year, the plan is to hold the event outdoors on the JRMS fields. In case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be held in the JRMS gym but the number of guests will be limited. We are also looking to stream the event into the cafeteria to allow for some additional guests. Suggested attire for girls: party dresses (any color) and dress shoes and boys: jackets, ties and dress slacks.
The ceremony will be followed by the 8th Grade Dance from 6:30-9:30 PM. The PTA is hard at work coordinating this event. We need all the help we can get. Please pay it forward. We would love to have volunteers from 5th-7th grade pitch in to decorate as the dance is the same day as graduation!
Have You Heard?
As we near the end of the school year, please remind your student that all library materials, books and school devices, including Chromebooks, chargers, etc. be returned by Thursday, [June 9]. Anything not returned by these dates will be marked as lost and replacement fees will be added to your PowerSchool account.
YEARBOOKS are on sale while supplies last - please order before it's too late. Order Your Yearbook Here!
LOST BUT NOT YET FOUND. The storage bins in the cafeteria are filled with jackets, sweatshirts, water bottles, and other lost and forgotten items. Please remind your child to check the bins for anything they may have misplaced. Any item unclaimed will be donated to Broadview Middle School at the end of the school year.
8th Grade Luau Party invitations and permission slips were sent home via backpack on Monday. Be on the lookout and submit your permission slip and activity fee asap for this special event.
Check all Chromebooks for stickers labeled "Borrowed from RES" and bring them to the JRMS Learning Commons for a replacement.
Save the Date!
June 7: JBHS REACT Club Visit
June 7: Regular Board of Education Meeting
June 7: Central Office Appreciation Luncheon, partnered with RES PTA
June 8: JRMS Staff Appreciation Luncheon
June 10: Multicultural Day, 4:00-6:00pm
June 15: 8th Grade Brownstone Trip
June 17: Grade 8 PTA sponsored Breakfast, 9 AM
Grade 8 Moving Up Ceremony, 5 PM
Grade 8 Luau Graduation Dance 6:30-9:30pm
June 20: Grade 8 PTA sponsored lunchtime Ice Cream Sunday party
Bus Driver Appreciation Day, TBD
June 21: Tentative Last Day of School
61st Annual Mark Twain Library Book Fair ***Volunteers Needed***
WHEN: Labor Day weekend dates are Friday September 2, 2022 to Monday, September 5, 2022
Friday: 9-6 prices as marked
Saturday: 10-4 prices as marked
Sunday: 10-4 half price day
Monday: 9-4 $10 for a box full of books
WHAT: Over 65,000 books for sale organized in 75 categories! - Free admission (except first hour Friday for those wanting first dibs!) - Free parking and refreshments are available for purchase.
Where: The Redding Community Center, 37 Lonetown Road, Redding CT
Questions? Email us at bookfair@marktwainlibrary.org
JRMS PTA 2021-2022 Executive Board
Co-President – Jackie Dyar
Co-President – Darrell Bradford
VP Fundraising & Membership - Maritza Jones
Treasurer – Gosia Tedawes
Secretary – Janet Parry