TPS District Newsletter
Tewksbury Public Schools
September 2024
Message from the Superintendent
Dear TPS Community,
It has been an absolute WONDERFUL first four weeks of school. Our students have acclimated to back-to-school routines and continue to bring us joy as we see and hear them in classes, in the halls, in the cafeteria, and out on the playground. We credit the efforts of our teachers, administration, staff, PACs, and all of you (our families) in making our schools a great place to be.
Amidst all the smiles and enjoyable day-to-day events we have observed so far, we also continue to emphasize and prioritize school safety and security. Quite simply the safety and well-being of our students and staff remains the top priority. Recently, we have seen heroic and responsible actions and responses from staff and parents that have swiftly informed us of situations that needed our immediate attention. We are very grateful for this type of “it takes a village” community feel in our schools.
Our partnership with local law enforcement and mental health professionals helps us maintain a secure environment while supporting students emotionally. We continue to invest in enhanced security measures, from upgraded building access systems to increased staff training on emergency procedures. Please see the emergency informational documents linked below in this newsletter.
Together, we are committed to providing a safe, supportive learning atmosphere for every student and do appreciate your efforts and support as we maintain healthy, safe, and secure school campuses throughout each school day.
As we approach the first day of Fall this Sunday, I wish you an enjoyable weekend.
Brenda Theriault-Regan
The TMHS Concert Band and Choir, led by Celeste Pellegrino, took part in the town's September 11th Memorial held at Tewksbury Public Library. Superintendent Brenda Regan also represented the district alongside School Committee member Kayla Biagioni-Smith.
Click the button above to view photos from the event on the TPS Facebook page.
Reminder: K-4 ONLY Half Day
A reminder that Tuesday, September 24th will be an early release day for Kindergarten through Grade 4 ONLY. Please consider appropriate arrangements for your K-4 students, particularly those whose dismissal routines typically involve older siblings in Grades 5 - 12. CES and Ryan families should expect faster bus times as there will be fewer students on each bus. Stay up-to-date through the TPS School Calendar.
Literacy News
Beginning of year literacy benchmarks are underway!
Following the screening assessment, literacy team members and teachers will review all student data. If your student is in Grades K-3 and scores "significantly below benchmarks", we will contact you within 30 school days of testing to discuss how we can support your child.
Upcoming School & Community Events
Milk With A Cop 2024
Elementary students will have the opportunity to meet our Tewksbury Police Officers at the annual Milk With A Cop event on October 1, 2024! Check out the poster below for more information.
Fall-O-Ween Celebration
Join us for a FREE Fall-O-Ween Celebration on the Town Common! It will be a fun, family friendly afternoon to include:
- Pumpkin decorating and kids’ crafts
- Sensory-friendly Halloween-themed activities
- Haunted walkthrough at the Police Station
- Face painting
- Balloon twisting
- Exotic animal meet and greet
- Trunk-or-Treat, food trucks, and more!
Parking will be at the Ryan School and Tewksbury Memorial High School. Town Hall Ave will be closed to thru traffic and East Street will be closed in front of Tewksbury Congregational Church This event is put on with the generous support of the Town Manager’s office, Police Department, Fire Department, School Department, Tewksbury Public Library, and Department of Public Works.
Community Vaccine Clinic
The Tewksbury Senior Center, located at 175 Chandler Street, is hosting a Community Vaccine Clinic on Friday, October 25th from 3pm to 6pm. The standard flu, high dose flu, the Moderna and Pfizer Covid boosters will be available.
To make an appointment, please call the appointment line at 978-640-4480, Extension 296 to leave your name and contact number. Tammy will call you back to schedule your appointment.
Tewksbury Public Schools
Website: https://www.tewksbury.k12.ma.us/
Location: 139 Pleasant Street, Tewksbury, MA, USA
Phone: (978) 640-7800