Service Learning at NAHS
June 18, 2019
Dear NAHS Students,
Summer is a great time to obtain your service learning hours!
We wanted to remind you about the Service Learning graduation requirement at NAHS that requires students to volunteer their time and effort to benefit the school and community in a meaningful way. Service learning provides students an invaluable learning experience outside of the traditional classroom setting. The New Albany-Plain Local Schools Board of Education recognizes the importance of service learning and requires students to complete a minimum of 25 hours of service learning as a graduation requirement.
Developing new skills, determining career choices, helping others, learning civic responsibility and strengthening communities are benefits to students participating in service learning. Students also have the chance to develop their personal strengths and self-esteem through their service hours. In addition, there is an increasing trend that scholarship applications, college admissions and even employers are viewing service learning records to determine acceptance into their programs, schools or companies.
Any service learning hours acquired from June 1 of a student’s freshman year until May of their senior year may be applied to their Service Learning Graduation Requirement.
NAHS uses an online service learning tracking system, x2VOL. This system allows students the ability to:
Find and sign up for approved service learning opportunities
Receive reminder notifications about opportunities students have selected
Submit service hours and reflection online
View and print a report of graduation requirement service hour goal at any time
Sign in to your account by visiting www.napls.us/servicelearning and enter your school email address and password (same password you use to log onto district computers).
If you have never used the system please follow these instructions to login to your account the first time. (Must use website for initial registration and not mobile app)
If you have any questions, please contact Mark McNichols, Service Learning Coordinator at mcnichols.1@napls.us.
*Service Learning is a New Albany Board of Education approved external graduation requirement.
x2VOL Login Instructions
Visit: www.napls.us/servicelearning
Click on left tab “x2VOL Sign in
User your school email and district password to log in and submit your hours earned over the summer.
Visit: www.napls.us/servicelearning
Click on left tab “x2VOL Sign in
Click on “First Time User” or “Join” ***DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT***
Choose “Complete Registration”
Find your school using id number 363630
Select “New Albany High School”
Look up your account by entering your last name and student email
Complete your profile if any information is missing
You should set your password to the one you use to log into district computers. Your user id will remain your student email address.
New Albany High School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: www.napls.us/hs
Location: 7600 Fodor Road, New Albany, Ohio 43054
Phone: 614-413-8300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyHS
Twitter: @twitter_napls_hs