Weekly Newsletter
January 13, 2025
Dear Families,
As a reminder, we have a number of key dates coming up in January. Please refer to the dates below.
The Second Quarter ends on Friday, January 17th.
Quarter 2 report cards will be sent via RenWeb the following week.
There is no school on Monday, January 20th in celebration of Martin Luther King Day.
Students will complete Winter iReady Growth Diagnostic assessments on Tuesday, January 21st, Thursday, January 23rd, and Friday, January 24th. Students should bring an independent reading book with them each day in case they complete the assessment early.
All students will participate in snow tubing on January 30th in celebration of Catholic Schools Week. All students must have a completed liability waiver in order to participate. See below.
Principal Gaumont
Visit Trinity this Sunday for Another Open House!
Sports News
We have two home games next week. On Monday, January 13, we play Henry Moore of Candia and on Thursday, January 16, we will be facing Sanborn. The boys team will be traveling to St. Joseph of Salem on Wednesday, January 15.
Our CYO team will be playing on Saturday morning at 9:00 am at the Bishop O’Neal Center on Elm Street.
Student Council
Ice Cream Social: On January 17 we will be having an ice cream social. Students will stay after school and at 3:00 pm we will go to the cafeteria and make our own ice cream sundaes. We will spend time with each other and socialize. At 4:30 we will be going to root on the Trinity girls basketball team. All will receive another shaker to show support. After the game, all students will be picked up at the St. Joe’s drop off location at 6:30. And all of this is a gift from the Council. FREE. Just be sure to sign up in your homeroom so we know how much ice cream to buy.
We are revving up for Catholic School Week! (January 27 to January 31)
Monday: Jersey Day — Students can wear their favorite sports jersey or sports tee shirt.
Tuesday: Twin Day – Find a friend and wear matching outfits!
Wednesday: Mass Day – regular Mass dress code.
Thursday: Trivia and Tubing – Be sure to fill in the liability form. The cost is $28.00. Permission sheets go home next week. All permission slips and money need to be turned in to your Social Studies teacher.
Friday: Homeroom games – All must wear their homeroom shirts ($5.00 to your homeroom representative).
Reminder: You must follow the theme to dress down.
Virtue, Saint, & Commandment of the Month
Virtue: Fidelity
Being faithful to promises and commitments.
Ex: Say what you mean and mean what you say. Keep promises. Turn work in on time. Make up missing work in a timely way.
Saint: St. Gianna Molla
Commandment #5: You shall not kill
Respects the dignity of others. Does not harm (kill) another’s reputation (Youcat 378)
Mr. Pouliot will be having Robotics at the regular time next week on Wednesday.
Inclement Weather Alerts
In the event that school is delayed or cancelled due to inclement weather, an update will be posted to WMUR and sent home via RenWeb.
Food for Children
Food for Children is tomorrow! If you plan on attending, please do the following:
1. Email Mr. McSorley at mmcsorley@stjoesjrhs.org to inform us. Please do so no later than the Monday before the Saturday event.
2. Make sure every member of your family who plans to attend is signed up with the New Hampshire Food Bank. Volunteers must be signed up before participating in the event. If you do not have an account, use this link to create one:
8th grade families, it’s time to submit your Trinity applications!
1. Log onto the Trinity website (trinity-hs.org)
2. Click on the three lines in the upper right hand corner and then select Parentsweb
3.Click log in
4. Log in using the District Code ( THSSTJ-NH ) and use your CURRENT STJ username and password
5. Once logged into your family portal, on the left hand panel, go to "Apply/Enroll" and select Application
6. Then "Click Here To Open Application" then "Create a new student application"
A financial aid application will not be reviewed unless an application for admission has been received.
If you would like your student to have a Shadow Day, click here: SHADOW DAY
If you missed our Open House and would like to attend a Parent Tuesday Tour click here: PARENT TUESDAY TOUR
We're excited about our STJ Bears beginning their journey as Pioneers!
Please let Jen McGrath know if you have any questions.
Jen McGrath- Admissions Manager ( jmcgrath@trinity-hs.org ) 603-668-2910 ext. 114
Social Media Presentation Notification
After School Program
After school dismissal times are 3:15, 4:15, and 5:00. In the interest of maintaining student safety, we encourage families to adhere to these times.
In the event that you need to pick your child up from ASP at a different time, please email info@stjoesjrhs.org or call 603-668-2910 ext. 215. All student dismissals will happen in the St. Joe’s drop off area.
Lunch Ordering
Drama Club
Dear Drama Club Members and Parents,
Mr. Sargent and I hope you all had a great Christmas vacation and a Happy New Year! We are going to reconvene drama club starting Tuesday, January 21st, 2025 and goes until 4PM in Room 235 in the Fine Arts Department.
We will be auditioning for The Enchanted Bookshop Wednesday February 5th, 2025 2:30PM-4:30PM. We will have a full schedule to give you with practices, rehearsals, set designs and other dates on this day.
Parts will be decided by Friday, February 7th, 2025.
Play dates are Friday May 9th @ 7:00 PM and Saturday May 10th @2:30 PM.
If you have any further questions or would like to join Drama club and haven't already, please talk to Mrs. Michael or Mr. Sargent. Thank you!
Mrs. Michael
Report Card Requests
We have received a number of requests for student records. All report card requests can be sent to Mrs. Horne. All iReady reporting requests can be sent to Mr. McSorley.