The Paradise Press
March Information
New Office Email
The Paradise Elementary Office is implementing an email for parents/guardians to use to alert the office to changes in your child's schedule. Please ensure the office is aware if your child will be leaving early, arriving late, or any other attendance related inquiries. The email is officePES@sgasd.org.
March Calendar Information
- 03/04/2024 - 03/08/2024 - Read Across America Week - click button below to see spirit days
- 03/06/2024 - Student Council Meeting - 8 AM (for 2023-2024 student council members only)
- 03/06/2024 - Family Fitness Night @SGE - Grades 3 & 4
- 03/11/2024 - NO SCHOOL - Emergency/Weather Make-up Day #1
- 03/12 - 3/22/2024 - SGASF Coins for College Challenge - Grades K-8 (more info below)
- 03/13/2024 - Project TEAM Day - wear t-shirts
- 03/14/2024 - PTO Meeting 6 pm
- 03/15/2024 - Spirit Day - wear green for St. Patrick's day
- 03/19/2024 - PES Night of Music 6-8 pm (more info below)
- 03/27/2024 - Project TEAM Day - wear t-shirts
- 03/28/2024 - NO SCHOOL - Emergency/Weather Make-up Day #2
Coins For College Challenge
Tuesday, March 12 through Friday, March 22, 2024
Monies collected will go toward scholarships to help Spring Grove seniors achieve their future goals. The building that collects the highest dollar amount will earn a named scholarship to be awarded to an eligible senior at the SGASF Awards Banquet.
Paradise grade levels will compete to see which grade will contribute the most coins. Please see below for the grade level rewards. WHO WILL WIN?!
Kindergarten Reward - Pajama/Movie day w/favorite stuffed animal
First Grade Reward - Farmer's Field
Second Grade Reward - Farmer's Field
Third Grade Reward - Farmer's Field
Fourth Grade Reward - Extra Recess
Paradise Night of Music - Tuesday, March 19, 2024
All students in grades 1-4 are invited to join their music teacher, Mrs. Tackett, and classmates for a short concert on the evening of Tuesday, March 19, 2024. The concert will be on stage in the Paradise gymnasium. Please click the button below to view the flyer with all of the important information for the event. Flyers were also sent home last week.
Easter Breakfast & Egg Hunt - March 16th
Counselor's Corner
Mrs. Barley - School Counselor
Some of the supports that our counselor offers:
· Whole group counseling/classroom lessons
· Individual counseling
· Small group counseling
· Collaboration with staff, parents, and outside agencies
· 504 Case management
· Emergency Response within the school
· Career Education
· Help with referrals to outside agencies
I invite you to use my contact information above to reach out at any point throughout the school year. I look forward to working with our PES students and families this year!
During the month of March, as part of the Project TEAM program, we will be focused on Lamar. Lamar teaches students the importance of Leadership. Please click the button below to read the Lamar flyer.
Mrs. Bortner's Fitness/Wellness Corner
To learn more about Mrs. Bortner's fitness and wellness classes for grades 1-4, please click the button to view the March newsletter.
March Lunch Menu
Click the button below to view the lunch menu for March
PSSA Dates - 3rd & 4th Grade Students
The Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) testing dates have been finalized for this academic year. Please mark your calendars for the following dates:
- English Language Arts: April 22-24
- Mathematics: April 29-30
- Science (4th Grade only): May 1-2
It's crucial that students are present and prepared for these assessments, as they provide valuable insights into their academic progress and help us tailor our instruction to better meet their needs.
Attendance Information
Where can I find the SGASD Attendance Policy?
- Navigate to https://www.sgasd.org/
- Click Departments
- Click Attendance
- Click Student Parent Handbook – Attendance
Or click the following link:
REMINDER - Students coming in late for any reason (tardy, appointment, etc.) MUST be accompanied to the main office by their parent/guardian to sign in their child. Please do not drop your student off and leave without signing in. Students getting picked up early for any reason must be signed out by their parent/guardian.
As always, absences must be submitted via the Sapphire Community Web Portal. Visit the Attendance web page on the District website for all of the details. Please reach out to our attendance secretary, Mrs. Sarah Thompson, with any questions. thompsos@sgasd.org or 717-225-4731 x 1561.
- If your child is sick, please fill out a digital excuse card in your child's Sapphire portal. The excuse card MUST be uploaded within 3 days of the absence or it will remain unlawful.
- If your child is absent for 3+ days, a doctor's note is required upon their return. Doctor notes should be uploaded to your child's Sapphire portal.
- If you are planning a trip, forms can be filled out on line in the Sapphire portal. Forms MUST be submitted 5 days prior to the trip.
News from the Nurse
If you are getting ready for spring by cleaning out closets and drawers, please consider donating pants and undergarments for both boys and girls in all sizes.
Also, it may be a good idea to send an additional change of clothes in your child's backpack. Your child may be more comfortable in their own clothes if they happen to have an accident or spill something on their clothes while at school.
Please click the button to review information from the school nurse.
Paradise Elementary PTO
Please click on the link to view the March PTO Newsletter.
Specials Schedule
Day 1 - Fitness or Art/String Lessons
Day 2 - Art or Fitness/Band Lessons
Day 3 - Fitness or Library
Day 4 - Library or Fitness
Day 5 - Wellness or Music
Day 6 - Music or Wellness
Please note that students in grades 1 through 4 will have two days of Fitness this year. It is important that they wear sneakers on the days they have Fitness. The March calendar above has the dates for the specials schedule.
Kindergarten Registration - 2024-2025
Registration is open for the 2024 - 2025 school year. Please note the minimum age for kindergarten: a child is eligible if he/she turns five (5) years old on or before August 31st of the school year in which he/she seeks admission.
The button below will take you directly to the district website to register your incoming kindergarten student. Please share this information with any friends or family living in the Spring Grove School District.
Kindergarten readiness screenings for Paradise Elementary will be held at the Spring Grove Middle School on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 from 4-7:30 pm and Thursday, March 21, 2024 from 8 am-7 pm. Once registration is complete, you can sign up for readiness screenings with Dolly Thomassy.
Ongoing communication is important to us. Please feel free to reach out to your child's teacher at any time to discuss your child's success at Paradise. We value our partnership in education.