Davis Richmond E-news
October 28, 2022
News from the Nurse
There has been an increase of RSV in the community. According to the CDC, respiratory syncytial (sin-SISH-uhl) virus, or RSV, is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. Most people recover in a week or two, but RSV can be serious, especially for infants and older adults. RSV is the most common cause of bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways in the lung) and pneumonia (infection of the lungs) in children younger than 1 year of age in the United States. People infected with RSV usually show symptoms within 4 to 6 days after getting infected. Symptoms of RSV infection usually include
Runny nose
Decrease in appetite
These symptoms usually appear in stages and not all at once. In very young infants with RSV, the only symptoms may be irritability, decreased activity, and breathing difficulties.
According to CUSD 303 absence guidelines, students must be 24 hours fever free prior to returning back to school. A fever is a temperature of 100.4 degrees F or greater. Students with a persistent, productive cough must remain home as well. Masking remains optional for all students.
There are steps you can take to help prevent the spread of RSV. Specifically, if you have cold-like symptoms you should
Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your upper shirt sleeve, not your hands
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
Avoid close contact, such as kissing, shaking hands, and sharing cups and eating utensils, with others
Clean frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs and mobile devices
Crossing Guard Reminder
Parents, please take note of these safety reminders from our wonderful crossing guards, who remain vigilant regardless of the weather. They are always watching to keep our children - and everyone else - safe and sound!!
- When you see a crossing guard in the intersection, all vehicles need to remain stopped at the stop sign until the crossing guard puts his/her sign down and walks to the sidewalk.
- Be aware, if the crossing guard is standing in the middle of the street, cars must wait in all directions.
- Please do not stop in the crosswalk whether there are kids waiting to cross or not. Our crossing guards have noticed this happening and it could present an unsafe situation.
- Finally, remember to always come to a complete stop at the sign & always avoid all cell phone usage!!
We know it gets confusing at times, so please remember that if a crossing guard is in the middle of an intersection, all vehicles are to remained stopped.
Fall parties are right around the corner and we would like you to be aware of our plans and expectations so that you can help your student to prepare. Our celebration is scheduled for Monday, October 31st.
The parade will run outside from 1:30-1:50 pm. Parents may line up around the kindergarten playground off of Horne St.
Classroom parties will run from 1:50 pm - 2:25 pm.
Room Parents will be allowed to go to classrooms at 1:00 pm for party set up and to assist with costumes after they have checked in at the office.
If inclement weather, there will not be a parade.
The parade will run outside from 2:00 pm to 2:20 pm. Parents may line up along 12th street and watch the parade.
Classroom parties will run from 2:20 pm - 2:50 pm.
Room Parents will be allowed to go to classrooms at 1:50 pm for party set up and to assist with costumes after they have checked in at the office.
If inclement weather, there will not be a parade.
Costume & Party Guidelines: Students should bring costumes in a bag. Costumes must be appropriate for school. Costumes should not be violent or scary in nature. No blood, guts, or weapons. No masks. Make-up is discouraged because it is difficult to apply. No bare midriffs or scant clothing. Students may be asked to remove or put away any parts of costumes based on teacher judgment.
Room parents who are assisting with the parties should not wear disguises that would make it difficult to recognize them as a safe person.
Only room parents may attend the classroom parties
No food treats will be eaten during the party.
Pre packaged treats may be passed out by students to be taken home.
Room Parent Guidelines:
No more than 3 parents per classroom. Sign-up for room parents is through our PTO.
Complete the D303 volunteer form if you have not already.
Richmond: contact Darlene Buffano at darlene.buffano@d303.org or call at (331) 228-2800 if you have questions about procedures.
Davis: contact Linda Jezek at linda.jezek@d303.org or call at (331) 228-2200 with questions.
Work with the classroom teacher on activities/games for the party.
Work with the teacher on any treats/goodybags to be sent home.
District News
Help Wanted
Next Meeting
Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting last night. Our next meeting will take place on Thursday, November 17th at 7pm in the Davis LRC. Grab a friend and join us.
Big Hearts of Fox Valley-Gift Collection
Let's stuff the box! We are halfway through our collection. Please bring in new, unwrapped gifts by Friday, November 4th.
Davis Primary
November - Stress Tolerance
Executive function refers to a set of essential skills that help us focus, plan, prioritize, work toward goals, self-regulate behaviors and emotions, adapt to new and unexpected situations, and ultimately engage in abstract thinking, planning and learning. Executive function is what gets us down to business even when we'd rather just hang out and do. This month Davis is focusing on the executive functioning skill of stress tolerance. This means we will be teaching students about their ability to thrive in stressful situations and to cope with uncertainty, change and performance demands. Some things you can do at home to work on stress tolerance with your child are; teaching your child how to listen to their body to identify stress manifesting, encouraging proper sleep hygiene (getting enough hours of sleep), reducing screen time and increasing time outside in the fresh air! You can also model how you handle stress (taking a deep breath, taking a walk, talking things out with a friend or another trusted adult).
Davis Veterans Day Celebration
Davis will be observing Veterans Day on Friday, November 11th. We invite our veterans to come to Davis at 1:45 pm to enjoy a school assembly and a small reception afterwards with their families. We need your help! We would love to invite as many veterans as we can. Please complete this FORM if you have a family member in the service who can attend. We look forward to honoring their service. Thank you!
Please fill out one form for each veteran attending. You can also call the main office at (331) 228-2200 to RSVP.
Community Helper Visit
Officer Christopher Valle from the Elgin Police Department came to visit our first grade bilingual students. Officer Chris answered questions and showed his uniform and equipment. He also shared why he wanted to become a police officer, "I wanted to become a police officer to help my Hispanic community and to be able to communicate with them." He also told students that it is very important to know their full name, address, and parent's name in case they needed help and their parents weren't around.
Healthy Heart Unit in P.E.
Our students have been very busy learning about how to keep their hearts healthy! Students learn the 4 chambers of the heart through an obstacle course and why it is so important to keep it healthy.
Davis Primary School
Email: linda.jezek@d303.org
Website: dav-ric.d303.org
Location: 1125 S 7th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2200
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DavRic.D303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303
Richmond Intermediate
One School One Book (OSOB)
We were thrilled to kick off our One School One Book program this week with the book Out of My Mind/Fuera de mí by Sharon M. Draper! The idea behind the One School One Book program is that as a school community of staff, students, and families, we all read the same book at the same time. By staying on the same reading schedule, we can all engage in the story together and share our thoughts as we go. This book is sure to invoke emotions and spark great discussions! Be sure to watch for our Question of the Day on the Davis-Richmond Facebook page each morning. We would also love to see photos of your family reading the book together! If you have photos to share, please send them to LRC Director Christy Heins at christine.heins@d303.org. Thanks for being our partners in creating wonderful reading experiences for Richmond students and helping us cultivate a love of reading in them.
Here is the reading schedule in 2 formats: full page calendar and bookmark for reference.
Precision Fitness
Precision Fitness Club is a morning fitness program that meets before school two days a week. It is free and available to all Richmond students. Precision Fitness has been in existence for many years. It was started and maintained with grants from Fuel Up To Play 60, and The Greater St. Charles Education Foundation. Precision Fitness Club meets every Tuesday & Friday from 7:15-7:50 AM. Starts 10/18/22 and runs through 3/24/23.
Precision Fitness Activities: Resistance Training, Body weight exercises, Speed & Agility training, Plyometrics, Cardiovascular training, Tumbling, 100 Mile Club, Obstacle Course, Yoga*, Pilates* Posture*
*New this year
If you have questions about the program please e-mail Mr. Born at gregory.born@d303.org or Mr. Lubas at walter.lubas@d303.org.
Richmond Veterans Day Celebration
Richmond will be observing Veterans Day on Friday, November 11th. We invite our Veterans to come to Richmond at 8:15 a.m. to enjoy a complimentary breakfast, followed by an all school assembly at 9 a.m. We will put together a video, similar to last year and will record a presentation that we will send out to families and play during the assembly.. We need your help! We would love to include pictures of our Veterans in our presentation. Please reach out to families members and direct them to this form to be included in our video!
Please fill out one form for each veteran attending. You can also call the main office at (331) 228-2800 to RSVP.
Richmond Intermediate School
Website: https://dav-ric.d303.org/
Location: 300 S 12th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2800
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DavRic.D303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303