Will Rogers Roundup
The week of January 27, 2025
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Dear Will Rogers Parents and Guardians,
We’re thankful for the rain this weekend, which should help to clean the air and offer us some much-needed relief. We continue to monitor air quality in our area, I want to let you know that our students will continue to eat lunch in the cafeteria and engage in outdoor playtime.
This week, our students will be completing their Star reading and math assessments. These assessments are a vital part of our process, and our dedicated teachers will be meeting in grade-level teams to analyze the midyear data. I am excited to be a part of these discussions, and I know that this time of reflection will help guide us in adjusting our instructional plans to ensure we meet the needs of all our students. Our shared goal is to help every child grow and thrive.
I’d like to invite you to Coffee with the Principal this Thursday, January 30th, at 8:30 a.m. in the library. This is a relaxed and informal opportunity to connect with me, ask questions, and learn more about our school. It’s a chance for us to engage in meaningful conversations about how we can all support our students’ success and continue to foster a welcoming and inclusive school environment.
I also want to share some exciting news. As part of our commitment to developing a deeper understanding of the IB learner profiles, we will begin awarding students who exemplify the Learner Profile of the Month at our Friday assemblies. Each week, we’ll recognize students who showcase qualities like caring, communication, and principled behavior. Additionally, each week, we will celebrate the classroom that shows the most school spirit by awarding them the honor of keeping our beloved mascot, Soapsuds (Will Rogers’ favorite horse), in their class for the week. Every Friday, we will gather as a school to celebrate the INQUIRER award winners at our assembly. It will be a wonderful occasion to come together and recognize the efforts of our students.
There are so many ways for all of us to get involved and stay connected. Whether it’s attending a PTA meeting, volunteering at events, or simply sharing your thoughts and ideas, your involvement makes a difference. Together, we can continue building a strong and vibrant community here at Will Rogers.
Be sure to encourage your child to join in the fun for our SPIRIT WEEK hosted by student council (see below). Thank you for being such an important part of our school community.
Together for Will Rogers,
Principal Daruty
Student Council Spirit Week! 1/27- 1/31
Tues. 1/28 Ms. Trubo Writing Celebration w/families at 8:45am
Thurs. 1/30 4th and 5th Grade Math Club 7:45 a.m. -8:20 a.m. rm. 508
Thurs. 1/30 Coffee with the Principal 8:30-9:30am in library
Sat. 2/1 Family Farming Day ( for grown-ups only) 10:00-1:00 in Regenerative Farm for a Master Gardeners Fruit Trees Pruning workshop and Vegetable Row Composting.We are preparing to welcome back our students at our Regenerative Farm at the beginning of February!!
Mon. 2/3Volunteer Training 8:30am (library), 3:00pm (library) and 6:00pm (cafeteria)
Wed. 2/5 PTA Gen. Mtg 6-7:30pm in library
Thurs. 2/6 4th and 5th Grade Math Club 7:45 a.m. -8:20 a.m. rm. 508
Thurs. 2/6 @ 6:00 p.m. Pali Camp Parent Info.session. A representative from the Pali Institute will also be joining us to answer any questions about the science camp experience. Zoom link
Thurs. 2/6 School Board Mtg (agenda online) has been moved to Malibu High School and will have a 6 p.m. start.
Thurs. 2/13 4th and 5th Grade Math Club 7:45 a.m. -8:20 a.m. rm. 508
Fri 2/14 Peacemaker Monthly Mtg 9-9:45am
Fri. 2/14 ( NEW DATE) Standards Based Report Cards goes home to families.
Fri. 2/14 Family Dance in auditorium 6:00pm
Mon. 2/17 No School - Presidents’ Day
Wed. 2/19 School Tour 1:00-2:00pm
Wed. 2/19 PTA Exec Board Mtg 6:00-7:30pm
Thurs. 2/20 4th and 5th Grade Math Club 7:45 a.m. -8:20 a.m. rm. 508
Thurs. 2/20 ELAC Meeting 8:30am in library
Thurs. 2/20 Site Council Mtg at 3:15pm on Zoom
Thurs. 2/20 School Board Mtg at 5:30pm (agenda)
Wed. 2/26 School Site Council Mtg 3:15-5:00pm on Zoom
Thurs. 2/27 4th and 5th Grade Math Club 7:45 a.m. -8:20 a.m. rm. 508
SMMUSD 2024-2025 Calendar
Mr. B's Vocabulary study
Working as a team!
4th grade scholars!
Join the REGENERATIVE FARM team and SIGN-UP for the volunteering opportunities on the link below or through the QR code! Feel free to connect directly with Paola [Strategy Lead and Chair] with any question you might have. The new volunteers will be introduced to the regenerative techniques that we are implementing to tend our farm and will join the very energetic Committee that is behind the Family Farming Days, the Fall Festival and the Earth Day celebrations. Email: wrlc.regenfarm@gmail.com
Fire Recovery and Community Preparedness From the Santa Monica Fire Department:
We know that this past week has been difficult for many of those affected by the LA Fires. As we move toward recovery, it’s essential that we work together to build a safer community through prevention, preparedness, and response.
One way to strengthen our community’s safety is by creating a life and safety profile on Community Connect. This vital technology provides first responders with critical information about your residence or business. By inputting details such as floor plans, pets, or specific medical needs, you empower first responders to make more strategic decisions en route to an emergency. Seconds matter in a crisis, and having this information readily available can make all the difference.
Participation in Community Connect is completely voluntary and based on what you are comfortable sharing. All data you provide is secure, used only during emergencies, and protected with bank-level encryption.
For more details, please visit the Community Connect website.
Construction Updates
WRLC 4th and 5th MATH CLUB!
Calling all 4th and 5th grade Mathematicians!
Does your child enjoy cracking codes, solving puzzles, and unraveling the mysteries of numbers? If so, we've got an exciting invitation. Join the Will Rogers Learning Community Math Club!
WHEN: Math Club will meet once a week, every Thursday morning from Jan. 23rd - Mar. 27th
WHERE: Room 508
TIME: We'll gather at school for math magic between 7:45 a.m.- 8:20 a.m.
What to Expect:
● We promise you thrilling challenges, brain-teasing puzzles, and a fresh perspective on the world of mathematics.
● We will offer breakfast and healthy snacks to keep those brain cells fueled and ready for action.
● The culminating event for Math Club is participation in a local Math Olympiad Contest. Students will have an opportunity to compete against other schools in our area. The event falls on Saturday, March 15, 2025; 8:30 - 1:00pm
● Consistent punctual attendance is a requirement of remaining in Math Club. If a student is absent from Math Club twice, s/he will receive a notice about continuing in Math Club.
● Students are expected to follow all classroom expectations including following directions, staying on task and helping to create an environment free of disruptions for all participants.
● Math Club will be facilitated by WRLC parent volunteers. ( email Ms. Daruty if you are interested in helping!)
Why Join: Because math is not just about numbers; it's an adventure waiting to be explored! Get ready to embark on a journey filled with fun, friends, and fascinating mathematical discoveries.
WRLC is an International Baccalaureate Primary Years School (PYP)
As an International Baccalaureate Programme School, we believe there is a broad range of capacities and responsibilities that go beyond academic success. We make a commitment to help all members of the school community learn to respect themselves, others and the world around them.
For January, our learner profile is INQUIRERS. We are inquirers when we are curious and develop skills for inquiry and research. Students will develop their natural curiosity and acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning. Inquirers actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.
Activities for parents:
- Encourage areas of your child’s interest by visiting the library to borrow books that explore these topics.
- Model being an Inquirer. Admit when you don’t know the answer to a problem or a question and seek out answers in front of your child.
Family Engagement
Scholarships, Grants and Awards for Educators: Please share with your school sites.
Memories & Movement Senior Club: Exercise classes, workshops/seminars, crafts and hobbies, social time, talking with friends, guest presenters, health and wellness activities The Patio Room, Virginia Park, Santa Monica. Every Tuesday, 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Caffeinated Verse: Poetry Workshop & Open Mic: Includes a featured reader, followed by an open mic format. Malibu Main Library, Saturdays, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Tech & Tasks: Volunteer tutors offer free help reading documents, writing letters and resumes, completing forms, navigating government websites, using mobile devices, email and more. Santa Monica Main Library, Thursdays, 2-4 p.m.
Walk-In Legal Clinic : Meet 1-on-1 with Legal Aid Foundation lawyers for help with housing and other issues. Ongoing Wednesdays, 4:30-7 p.m.
Literary Lounge- Books, snacks and music. SM Main Library, Wednesdays, 6:15-7:30
Chess Sundays: Players of all ages/levels invited.Third St. Promenade, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Free US Citizenship Classes: Study the 100 Civics questions, review citizenship applications, practice dictations and prepare for the interview. SM Library/Pico Branch.
Free ESL Conversation Classes: Group classes and 1-on-1 tutoring. SM Main Library.
Social Service Assistance: Family Nutrition & Health Care Access: Meet with community health workers to sign up for benefits. Virginia Park, SM, Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m.
We want to ensure that our students arrive to school safely. I acknowledge that mornings are a busy time in our neighborhood please keep the following reminders in mind as you drop-off at WRLC.
- Do not park or leave your car unattended in front of school between 8:00-8:30 a.m. This is our valet lane.
- Be respectful to our neighbors. Do not block driveways.
- Please do not double park.
- Please support students to use the crosswalks, only.
ART CART at lunchtime!
Tuesday is our lunchtime ART CART day. Students are invited to participate in creative art projects and handicrafts during lunchtime. This is possible through the support of our parent volunteers. If you would like to volunteer for lunchtime on Tuesdays, please sign up using the link below.
We would also love donations here is our wishlist for the art cart here.
The school provides the supplies, your support requires:
You are a level 1 cleared volunteer
You are willing to safely supervise students with proper use of art tools and materials
Enthusiasm for working with children
Enjoyment with crafts and art
Join the Will Rogers PTA for $10 to support activities and events that enrich your student's education and strengthen our school community.
Families wishing to enroll their students should contact our school’s Bilingual Community Liaison, Flory Vila, fvila@smmusd.org, 310 452-2364 x67338, and fill out a Program opt-in form.
Las familias que deseen
inscribir a sus estudiantes en el Programa de Bolsas de Fin de Semana deben comunicarse con Flory Vila, fvila@smmusd.org 310 452-2364 x67338, y completar un formulario para inscribirse en el programa.
Please do not forget to send with your child every day:
- School materials including books, homework, projects, etc.
- Re-fillable water bottle ( We have several refilling stations on campus)
- A morning snack
- Lunch is available to all students free of charge. You may also pack a lunch form home.
- Sunscreen (put on prior to arriving at school)
- Hat
- Layers of clothing (sweatshirt, windbreaker, etc.) Keep an eye on the weather.
- A growth mindset for a successful day!
Breakfast and lunch are free for all students! Make a plan with your child each week about the days they will be eating food prepared at school or bringing lunch from home.
Free and Reduced Meals
We encourage all families to submit the Free and Reduced Meals application. Although California provides free meals for all students, this application is crucial for determining eligibility for additional programs and resources, including Title 1 school designations for the 2025-26 school year. The state uses this form to assess which families qualify for benefits beyond free meals, so widespread participation is essential. To support this effort, please share the application link with your families and distribute the flier through your school's communication channels.
Application Link: https://bit.ly/MealApplications-SMMUSD
You can view and download the flier here.
The IB Mission Statement
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
Contact Us
Email: ldaruty@smmusd.org
Website: https://www.smmusd.org/rogers
Location: 2401 14th Street, Santa Monica, CA, 90406
Phone: 310-452-2364
Twitter: @WillRogersSTEM