Around Our Schools - Issue 85
February 21, 2025

Mr. Tassoni Named as Finalist for Teacher of the Year Award!
CASH Social Studies teacher, Joe Tassoni, has been named a finalist for the National History Day (NHD) Teacher of the Year award, representing Pennsylvania in the senior division. The award, presented annually by the nonprofit organization National History Day, honors educators who inspire students through historical inquiry, research, and project-based learning.
For the past five years, Tassoni has played a key role in the NHD program at Coatesville through his Historic Research & Preservation course. Students in his class explore history by creating in-depth research projects that align with an annual theme, competing at regional, state, and even national levels. Under his mentorship, dozens of students have advanced in competition, including two who reached the national stage in 2021. Please click below to view more information!
Four CASH Seniors were offered work experience position at Citadel last Friday. Citadel's Vice President of Human Resources, Mrs. Melanie Culbertson, notified each student with Mrs. Domsohn and Mr. Chenger and provided them with a Citadel welcome bag and offer letter. Congratulations to the following seniors who successfully went through several meetings and an interview process to eventually be selected for the positions:
- Cameron Coleman
- Laila Hammond
- Rashaun Reed
- Nasir Williams
Pictured Below (L-R): Rashaun Reed, Cameron Coleman, Nasir Williams, Mrs. Melanie Culbertson, and Laila Hammond.
Students Attend Trip To National Museum of African American History & Culture
Second Quarter Celebration Assembly
"Me We City" Brightened Scott's friday Morning!
Pastor Robertson and parishioners from the "Me We City" program greeted our Scott Middle School students on Friday morning. Students were reminded how special, smart and important they were. They were encouraged to "Have a great day" and "Work Hard." Even though they all may not have been awake yet, the students walked into school with a smile. We always love the mornings that Pastor and his volunteers come to add light to the start of our day. Thank you!
North Brandywine
Spring Pictures - New Students and Students Purchasing Pictures Rescheduled New Date - February 26, 2025
Date: February 26, 2025
Website: mylifetouch.com
Picture Day ID: EVTN76RNM
* Order pictures online or submit a check or money order on February 26.
Who Buck Winners
East Fallowfield
Groundhog Day
PBIS Greatness!
Congratulations to some of Mrs. Miller's kindergarten friends who turned in their PBIS Class Dojo points for a private lunch with Mrs. Billman! Keep SOARing!
King's Highway
Rainbow Celebrates Black History Month
On February 7th, we continued to celebrate Black History Month with an assembly featuring Sistah Mafalda. Sistah Mafalda is the founder, instructor, lead dancer, master drummer and business manager of Kuumba Performers, an Afro-American-Caribbean drum & dance troupe. The group has performed for diverse audiences in the US and Canada. She is motivated to teach and share by her love for youth of all ages. She is dedicated to preserving and introducing African history through rhythm and dance, to a new generation. We were excited to host Sistah Mafalda!
January's Wildcat Artists of the Month
Silas Campbell
Xavier Johnson
Journee Kirk
Emily Vega Serrano
Joey Daily
William Keen
Jose Romero Ramos
Londyn Gutierrez-Lewis
Mia Lopez
Braxton Stewart
Savannah Diaz
Pedro Garcia
Principal Star Award
Field Trip to See "Bye, Bye Birdie"
Some of our Reeceville students were lucky enough to travel to the Intermediate High School to see the Drama Club's production of "Bye, Bye Birdie".
3/10- End of 2nd Trimester (elementary)
3/19- Early Dismissal for Students
Free YMCA Memberships for 7th Graders!
The YMCA offers all 7th grade students a free membership. For students to be considered, parents must take the application and documentation (student's schedule) to the YMCA. Parents must schedule a wellness Orientation prior to a student receiving their membership. If you want your student to go to the YMCA after school, the student must show their YMCA Key card and submit NBMS a signed Walkers Form . Use this link for access to the forms!