Superintendent's Weekly Update
August 18, 2023

FEBRUARY 2, 2024
An email was sent to all D34 families this week regarding the 5Essentials Survey. This survey helps to provide valuable feedback regarding our schools.
If you have students that attend more than one of our schools, we ask that you please complete a survey for each school that your children attend in the D34 district. Thank you in advance for taking a moment to share your viewpoint with us!
WHAT IS IT? (from the ISBE website)
5Essentials is an evidence-based system designed to drive improvement in schools nationwide—it reliably measures changes in a school organization through the 5Essentials Survey and provides individualized, actionable Reports for each school. The 5Essentials system is based on more than 20 years of research by the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research on five components found to be critical for school success:
- Effective Leaders: The principal works with teachers to implement a clear and strategic vision for school success.
- Collaborative Teachers: Teachers collaborate to promote professional growth.
- Involved Families: The entire school staff builds strong relationships with families and communities to support learning.
- Supportive Environment: The school is safe and orderly. Teachers have high expectations for students and support students to realize their goals. Classmates also support one another.
- Ambitious Instruction: Classes are academically demanding and engage students through emphasizing the application of knowledge.
D34 schools review and analyze the feedback from the reports in making important decisions. While this is not the only tool we use, it is helpful when discussing ways we can improve our schools. Additionally, we are required to get a minimum of 20% parent participation. Our parent participation rate also impacts our school accountability and designation from the Illinois State Board of Education. While 20% is the minimum requirement, we would like to receive at least 70% participation in order to have valid data for making informed decisions.
The Illinois State Board has long recognized that test scores alone do not provide a full picture of teaching and learning in any one school. Under recent legislation (Public Act 100-1046​), the State Board is now mandated, on an annual basis, to implement a learning conditions survey that will finally help paint that fuller picture. While this survey may help inform state policy and improvement initiatives, it is primarily intended to help local administrators, such as teachers, principals, and superintendents, identify strengths and weaknesses at the district and school level and better target resources and interventions.
Antioch CCSD 34 is staffed with many amazing people from a variety of backgrounds who work with, care fore, and are devoted to making our schools a magical place for our students. In each Superintendent Newsletter we will feature a staff member to give you a chance to learn more about these special people.
Melissa Smith
Music Teacher at Hillcrest Elementary School and Mary Kay McNeill Early Learning Center
About Me:
I live in Antioch with my wonderful husband, Josh Smith, and three daughters; Lily (15), Elsie (13), and Mabel (10). This year, between my daughters and I, we attend five different schools here in Antioch. When I am not watching my daughters in sports or playing music, I love camping, kayaking, traveling and exploring new places.
I have a background in teaching in many capacities; but, after staying home when my girls were young, I started my own business: Millie's Musical Adventures, LLC. My business provides children's music and entertainment. I have been singing and playing music since I can remember; participating in choirs through college and beyond.
Why I am a Music Teacher?
Music has always been my passion, and teaching music is a dream job I was willing to dive right into. I believe that every student can find expression and meaning through music. I love that, as a music teacher, I will always be learning and growing as a musician while inspiring students to do the same. I am very excited to be using my teaching degree and share my passion with students in District 34.
- Southern Illinois University Carbondale: Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
- Southern Illinois University Carbondale: Language Arts Endorsement
- College of Lake County: ESL Endorsement
Please join us in recognizing and celebrating D34 staff members and the measure they take to care for our students each and every day.
If there is a D34 staff member that you would like to recognize (teacher, bus driver, social worker, custodian, secretary, nurse, paraprofessional, administrator, etc.), please let us know! We celebrate these individuals and recognitions on our social media channels.
Our staff does such an awesome job each and every day and your support and words of encouragement matter! Thank you for taking the time to recognize those who are making a difference.
Give a Shout Out HERE! 🎉
Be sure to check out the Shout Outs on our Facebook Page!
Super Chat Episode 13: Supporting All Learners - The Power of Student Services
In this episode of Super Chat, Vasiliki Frake, Director of Student Services, and Susan Harkins, Coordinator of Student Services, dive into the heart of our district's mission to support every learner. Listen in to learn all about the current programs and initiatives that are transforming the educational landscape of our district, and discover the incredible array of supports and services that make D34 a truly special place for students to thrive!
Click HERE to listen to February's Super Chat episode.
Mary Kay McNeill Early Learning Center
Hillcrest Elementary School
Congratulations to our Spelling Bee winner, Charlie, and runner-up, Aiden, the two best spellers in the hive!
Our brilliant scientists in Ms. Jones' 2nd grade class put their science skills to the test and embarked on an exciting scientific adventure - creating their very own glue! Not only did they make their own Hurricane-strength glue; they used it to assemble some incredible handmade picture frames. Our scientists have truly outdone themselves!
Mrs. Kalmus' 3rd graders walked into their classroom to find something truly special waiting for them on their desks - heartwarming, positive messages designed to inspire and encourage them before the took their MAP Reading assessment! We know these Hurricanes are going to absolutely rock their tests!
Oakland Elementary School
Oakland was serving up smiles and fun with a staff pancake breakfast. The incredible office staff and administrators whipped up stacks of fluffy pancakes, while our teachers and staff enjoyed a well-deserved break. A huge shoutout to our amazing staff who make Oakland Elementary such a wonderful place to learn and work!
Our young explorer is traveling the world, one globe at a time! We love seeing our students' curiosity ignite as they learn about different places, cultures, and the wonders of our beautiful planet!
The Oakland Elementary School hive is buzzing with pride! Congratulations to Cali, winner of the 2024 Oakland Spelling Bee, and runner-up, Evelyn. We couldn't bee more proud of you!
W.C. Petty Elementary School
Dr. Walshire's class attended a virtual author visit with David Shannon, author of 'No, David!'. The author read the book, shared stories about the character and details about his illustration choices, and taught the students how to draw David.
Congratulations to our Spelling Bee winner, Troy and runner-up, Abby, the two best spellers in the Bobcat hive!
Antioch Upper Grade School
Our sixth graders had a day filled with fluttering fun at the Milwaukee Public Museum.
Our talented Jazz Band students had an amazing time on Thursday as they participated in a fantastic workshop with Glenn Eikenberry, Band Director at Viking Middle School in Gurnee. During the workshop, students worked on improving their playing skills, groove, style, and execution of the songs they'll be performing at the upcoming 2024 Evanston Jazz Festival on 2/10!
Antioch Upper Grade School proudly inducted 50 new members into the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)! This incredible group includes nine 8th graders and forty-one 7th graders who have shown exceptional dedication and commitment to their academics and community.
Congratulations to Spelling Bee winner, Jonathan! Jonathan was crowned the best speller in the Warrior hive when he successfully spelled "philtrum". Way to go, Jonathan!
The Brew Bunch was hard at work serving up warm drinks and quality customer service to our D34 administrators! Thank you to our Brew Bunch Sponsors, The Latte Café & Bakery, Piggly Wiggly Antioch & Zion IL, Antioch Dunkin Donuts, AUGS Warrior Boosters, and the Burke Family.
District-Wide Events
- February 16 | NO SCHOOL Staff In-Service Day
- February 19 | NO SCHOOL Presidents Day
- February 20 | Military Wall of Honor Dedication
- February 20 | Regular Scheduled Board Meeting
Regular Board Meeting
Tuesday, Feb 20, 2024, 06:30 PM
800 West Highview Drive, Antioch, IL, USA
Mary Kay McNeill Early Learning Center
- February 16 | NO SCHOOL Staff In-Service Day
- February 19 | NO SCHOOL Presidents Day
- February 29 | Spring Pictures
Hillcrest Elementary School
- February 8 | 3rd Grade Music Concert
- February 15 | Spring Picture Day
- February 16 | NO SCHOOL Staff In-Service Day
- February 19 | NO SCHOOL Presidents Day
- February 23 | Community Meeting
- February 29 | 2nd Grade Music Concert
Oakland Elementary School
- February 8 | 3rd Grade Concert
- February 16 | NO SCHOOL Staff In-Service Day
- February 19 | NO SCHOOL Presidents Day
- February 29 | 2nd Grade Concert 6:30 PM
W.C. Petty Elementary School
- February 8 | 3rd Grade Music Concert
- February 16 | NO SCHOOL Staff In-Service Day
- February 19 | NO SCHOOL Presidents Day
- February 21 | Spring Pictures
- February 29 | 2nd Grade Music Concert
Antioch Upper Grade School
- February 3 | Wrestling Quad at AUGS, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
- February 5 | 8th Grade Graduation Picture Day (during PE classes)
- February 5 | NWEA Make-up testing
- February 6 | Ski Club at Wilmot Mtn., 3:00 PM - 8:00 PM
- February 7 | AUGS Boosters meet in the Library, 6:45 PM
- February 10 | Jazz Band to Evanston Jazz Festival, 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
- February 13 | ALICE Drill, 9:30 AM
- February 13 | Sports pictures, 3:00 PM
- February 13 | Ski Club at Wilmot Mtn., 3:00 PM - 8:00 PM
- February 14 | Valentine's Day
- February 15 | Warrior Night IN, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
- February 16 | NO SCHOOL Staff In-Service Day
- February 19 | NO SCHOOL Presidents Day
Get ready to capture the memories of this amazing school year, Warriors! The Antioch Upper Grade School yearbook is now ON SALE!
All orders are due by March 15, so mark your calendars!
Click HERE to place your order.
Our open positions can be found on our website under Departments > Human Resources > Employment > View Our Open Positions or by clicking here.
Amy Mahr
Director of Human Resources
Please enter your suggestions for future newsletter topics in the Superintendent Weekly Update Topic Suggestions form.
Welcome Antioch CCSD 34 Families to the 2023/24 school year!
I will be providing bi-weekly updates for families. Please feel free to email me with any questions, concerns, or even positive news at I will be attending the upcoming Meet and Greets at each of the buildings the night before opening day. Please stop me to say hello. I look forward to the upcoming school year and getting to know all of your students and our families!
Location: 964 Spafford Street, Antioch, IL, USA
Phone: 847-838-8401
February 2, 2024