California Virtual Academy
2024- 2025
Suzanne McCarty
Director of Elementary, TK-2nd
Lara Titizian
Director of Elementary, 3rd-5th
Deanna Vallerga
Rebecca Mortier
Director of High School
Sharon Flemmer
Assistant Director, Special Education
Heidi Rochin
Important Contacts
Address Changes - If your child has moved please contact studentinfochanges@caliva.org to have your account information updated. This is a requirement of the state of California as well as important to ensure materials and information are shipped to the correct address. If your phone number or email changes, you can update those by following these directions.
Back to School Packet - Questions about the annual Back to School Packet should be directed to
Request for Records - If you are requesting transcripts or other school records please send a completed Request for Records form to recordsdepartment@caliva.org.
Work Permits - If your child needs a work permit signed please contact workpermits@caliva.org.
General School Questions - If you have a question and are not sure who to contact email info@caliva.org
Annual Notices
CAVA Schools
Each CAVA school is independent and serves specific counties. See which counties are served by each school.
- CAVA @ Fresno - serves Fresno, Madera, Merced, Mono, and San Benito counties
- CAVA @ Kings - serves Kings, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, and Tulare counties
- CAVA @ Los Angeles - serves Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Ventura counties
- CAVA @ Maricopa - serves Kern, Inyo, and Santa Barbara counties
- CAVA @ San Diego - serves Imperial, Orange, Riverside, and San Diego counties
- CAVA @ San Joaquin - serves Alameda, Amador, Calaveras, Contra Costa, San Joaquin, and Stanislaus counties
- CAVA @ San Mateo - serves San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz counties
- CAVA @ Sonoma - serves Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, Solano, and Sonoma counties
- CAVA @ Sutter - serves Butte, Colusa, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba counties