St Bernadette's Primary School
NEWSLETTER | TERM 2 | WEEK 11 I 28 June 2024
Good afternoon everyone and happy end of term to one and all! It’s time to CELEBRATE, for despite some very tired kids, staff and families – we not only made it, but we crossed the end of the term finish line with ‘FLYING COLOURS!’
Many, many THANKS to parents and staff for all the different ways you have contributed to the last eleven weeks of school here at St Bernie’s. Our combined hard work and commitment has meant quality learning opportunities for our kids, and an environment where each child can feel safe and happy to learn. This week has been an absolute blast with Cultural Activities, Kites, End of Term Mass, NAIDOC and Harmony Day celebrations and heaps more!
For all the time and care parents are also doing at home to create loving, respectful and happy family lives, WELL DONE and thank you. The saying ‘the little things are really the big things’ is so true. All the small deposits we make in our children’s physical, social, emotional and spiritual piggybanks while they are young, will go on to set them up well for the rest of their lives. Parenting is really hard work and there are many different challenges that fly in each and every day. Nonetheless, being a parent is such a privilege, and despite the tough times, if we can keep striving to be the WISEST and most LOVING version of ourselves we can be, then our kids will really flourish. They may not necessarily like our rules, or the fact that they can’t have the latest toy or game, or do what other kids are allowed to do, but ultimately, deep down, when we put the work in around giving them some time and a voice, modelling what you hope to see, being consistent and fair, and showing respect, kindness, love and laughter – it will definitely pay off in the end. Remember - it is the striving to be our best that matters – not necessarily getting it right all the time!
While we appreciate that school holidays can be challenging for many families, with work commitments, financial pressures, sibling dramas and more, we really hope that all our children have a relaxing, safe and happy holiday.
A huge THANK YOU to our hard-working P&F throughout the term. Your presence at meetings, your ideas, your commitment to our kids, your generosity of time are very much appreciated. To those parents who are unable to commit to a meeting, thank you for supporting our P&F initiatives. When we all work together, we really can achieve great things!
A massive THANK YOU to all our staff. Each staff member has really worked so hard to achieve a variety of goals this term and they always do their very best for your children. I am indeed blessed to work with such a hardworking and committed group of professionals. I would particularly like to recognise and thank Mrs Julie Pearce, who leaves us at the end of this term to focus on her health, slow down a bit and spend time with family. Julie has been in our Kindy Class and has built many strong relationships in our community. She is a kind, caring and generous teacher and she will be sorely missed here at Bernie’s. Thanks for everything you have done Julie! Next Semester we welcome Mrs Jess Tanner into Kindy Red.
Wishing you all safe travels, happy homes and all that brings you a sense of deep gratitude these holidays. Looking forward to seeing you back for Term 3 on Tuesday July 16th.
Charlotte M joined St Bernie's in Pre Kindy this week!
Please make Charlotte and her family feel at home as we welcome them to our Bernie's community.
Due to a recent resignation we have a vacancy in our Executive Team. The Secretary position is now vacant. Below is a list of duties carried out by the Secretary.
If you would like to be apart of the Executive Team as Secretary please contact Debbie Little or email the P&F team on pnf.sbcps@gmail.com
The Secretary is required to:
- take minutes of meetings;
- prepare and distribute the meeting papers and agenda;
- keep records of the P&F, including vacancies, reports, minutes, and correspondence;
- provide a list of the P&F Committee members and contact details to the Principal following the Annual Community Meeting.
Our Excursion – Year 5
On Friday, 21st June we went to the Telethon Kids Institute.
Firstly, we did a tour of the lab. After we'd had a snack, we headed over to the yellow lifts. Once we arrived on the 6th floor, we were guided by one of the staff. Inside the lab were many computers with some researchers working. As we walked further in, we saw a room with glass walls. We were told that it had its own oxygen source so none of the air on the outside was contaminated. Ahead was the actual lab and we could see through the thick glass. Once our tour was completed, we had a short recess.
After recess, we played games in the Discovery Centre. The games all shared the common theme of scientific discoveries and research that revolutionised today’s world. Did you know that we use only 2% of our brain? Some of the games taught us how diseases form & grow. We had a blast.
Then, we went in the Yellow Lift to the 5th floor to do an experiment. The experiment was all about DNA. Our experiment was to extract DNA from a strawberry! Firstly, we took our bag with a strawberry in it and, using a pipette, we put in our DNA solution. Then we squashed our strawberries. We strained our mushed strawberry mixture into a cup and the result was strawberry juice! Then, using our pipettes, we injected our strawberry mix into our test tubes. We added ethanol which solidified the DNA. We were given a skewer and took on the challenge of trying to pick up a strand of DNA! It was a very enjoyable exercise and we learnt a lot about DNA.
We took the bus to Kings Park where we had lunch and played on the equipment. Finally, it was time to go. Although disappointed, we hopped on the bus and journeyed back to school. It was a long ride, but it was shortened by the exciting conversations and little jokes we told each other.
Thank you to everyone who took care of us on the day.
By Akira M, Tayah T & Theo L
Dress up as your favourite book character!
Semester 1 Reports
Reports will be made available on SEQTA this afternoon. Please log on to your account and go to the Reports Heading.
Call out for Parent Helpers - Friday 2 August
Cross Country is just around the corner and we are looking for parent helpers to ensure the day runs smoothly.
If you are able to help out on the day whether it is as a spotter around the course, helping at the water stations, or just coming in for extra help etc please email the office.
Term 3 starts Tuesday 16 July 2024
School Canteen: Kingston's Kitchen
Our school canteen is only open on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Orders can be placed online via the Spriggy App.
before 9.00am or in person at the canteen.
Term Dates 2024
Term 2: Tuesday 16 April - Friday 28 June 2024
Term 3: Tuesday 16 July - Friday 20 September 2024
Term 4: Tuesday 8 October - Friday 6 December 2024
Please note that as this is a live calendar, dates and times may change occasionally.
Coming soon!
St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School
Email: admin@stbernadettes.wa.edu.au
Website: https://stbernadettes.wa.edu.au
Location: 252 Grand Ocean Boulevard, Port Kennedy WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9593 4066
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stbernadettescps/