SOMOS SABE Noticias familiares
Vol. 2 No. 6 January 2024
Mensaje de la Sra. Reyes, Directora
Dear SABE Families,
Happy New Year! We hope you and your loved ones are well-rested, rejuvenated, and ready for an exciting start to 2024. As we embark on the second half of the school year, we want to extend a warm welcome back to all our students, parents, and guardians.
We trust that your winter break was filled with joy, laughter, and cherished moments with loved ones. Now that we've turned the page on the calendar, we are eager to dive into a fresh semester filled with learning, growth, and memorable experiences.
Here are a few highlights and updates for January:
1. National School Choice Week and School Choice Fair: This month we celebrate school choice. Families are best qualified to make decisions for their children. What might be right for one child might not be right for another. This is why school choice is so important! Join us this week as we celebrate educational opportunities!
2. ¡SOMOS SABE! Noche de familia: We continue with our commitment to providing scholars and their families with opportunities to engage with the school community through our monthly ¡Somos SABE! events. This month our event coincides with National School Choice Week.
3. Stay Connected: Communication is key to a successful school year. Please make sure to check our school website, social media channels, and newsletters regularly for important updates, announcements, and highlights of student achievements.
4. Weather Preparedness: With winter in full swing, we encourage you to stay informed about any potential weather-related school closures or delays. We will communicate any changes promptly through our official channels.
As we embark on this new semester, we want to express our gratitude for your ongoing support. Together, we can make this a rewarding and successful year for every student at SABE.
Wishing you a fantastic start to 2024!
Warm regards,
Mrs. Reyes
SABE Principal
Upcoming Dates
- January 8: Classes Resume
- January 12: Regional Spelling Bee @ 9:00 a.m. at Bernalillo Elementary School
- January 15: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School)
- January 18: PTA Fundraiser @ Panda Express
- January 20: School Choice Fair @ Albuquerque Convention Center
- January 21-27: National School Choice Week
- January 25: ¡SOMOS SABE! @ 5:30 p.m. Theme: Cuentos de familias: Session 1 @ 5:30pm, Session 2 @ 6:30, Drawing at 7:30pm in the cafeteria
- January 26: Spanish Spelling Bee, Grades 4-8 (classes only)
Mark your calendars! Our next family engagement event is on Thursday, January 25th at 5:30 p.m.. The theme for this month's ¡SOMOS SABE! is "Cuentos de familia" (Family Stories). Part of our school's mission statement is expanding our students' world view.
Celebrating family stories is a wonderful way to connect with your roots, strengthen family bonds, and preserve your heritage. By actively celebrating and preserving family stories, you not only create a strong sense of identity and belonging but also ensure that future generations have a rich tapestry of their family's history to draw inspiration from.
Session 1 begins @ 5:30pm, Session 2 begins @ 6:30, and the family basket drawing is at 7:30pm in the cafeteria
Sessions: Classroom activity in your child/children's classroom(s) & Cultural Activity in the Cafeteria
Regional Spelling Bee (English)
Congratulations to Ibrahim (6th Grade) for placing 1st in the Regional Spelling Bee on Friday, January 12th. Ibrahim is in the 6th grade. The Regional Spelling Bee took place at Bernalillo Elementary School. In addition, we also want to congratulate Antonio (5th grade) and Scarlette T. (4th grade) for participating in the Bee as well.
Congratulations to all three participants and thank you for representing SABE!
Concurso de deletreo en español
The class Spanish Spelling Bee will take place on January 26th. Mrs. Reyes, with the help of the classroom teachers, will be hosting the Spanish Spelling Bee in the various classroooms from grades 4-8. The school Spelling Bee will be held in February.
State Assessment
National School Choice Week #SchoolChoiceWeek
School choice means giving parents the power to select the best educational environments for their children. During the week of January 20-27 we’re celebrating all of the K-12 education options that parents can choose or want to be able to choose for their kids. Will you join us in celebrating?
The school choice movement has been growing for over 30 years! In 2023 a record 20 states said “yes” to expanding school choice and have started or are getting ready to start or expand programs. This week we’re celebrating that growth and empowering families to choose the best option for their children!
SABE is joining the National School Choice Week celebration because every child deserves an education that supports their talents and needs. In the case of SABE, every child deserves to reconnect with their heritage language or learn a second language.
National School Choice Week - January 21-27, 2024
School Choice Spirit Week
Sunday, School Choice Fair @ the Albuquerque Convention Center: Join us at this event from 11:00-2:00pm
Monday: Yellow Day - Wear yellow to show support for school choice.
Tuesday: College Day - Wear your favorite college shirt or jersey.
Wednesday: Career Day - What would your child like to be when they grow up?
Thursday: Crazy Hair Day - Show your school spirit.
Friday: SABE Day - Wear SABE shirt or school colors (teal and red)
Enfermedades estudiantiles y protocolos COVID+
Our student and staff wellness and safety are important! We have staff, families, and students who have underlying conditions that make them more susceptible to major illness. For that reason, we ask that we all keep each other safe and healthy.
If your child is ill, please keep them home. Have your child return after their symptoms subside and they do not have a fever for 24+ hours.
Should they have COVID symptoms, while we do not require a COVID negative test, we highly recommend that you have your child tested. At-home tests are acceptable. If you are in need of COVID tests, please order your free tests at https://www.covid.gov/tests. We do have free tests at SABE. Please contact Mrs. Almanza if you are in need of one.
If your child tests COVID positive, please inform Mrs. Almanza. SABE has a COVID Positive 5+5 protocol. They are to remain in quarantine at home for 5 days and wear a mask at school for 5 additional days. Day 1 is the day after symptoms begin. For example, if I had a fever on Monday and then developed a cough on Tuesday and I tested on Tuesday, Tuesday would be considered day 1. I would remain home all week and return on Monday and wear a mask for Monday-Friday.
If you have questions, please contact our health assistant, Mrs. Almanza at the school.
Botellas de agua para los estudiantes
Please remember to send a clean water bottles daily with your child(ren). We have a limited number of water bottles at the front office for $2.00. We will not be using the traditional water fountains to continue eliminating the potential of spreading germs. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
Programa de cuidado de estudiantes - antes y después de la escuela
Interested families must submit an application to the school or send it to Mr. Cole at careprogram@nmsabe.org.
Program Hours:
- Before School 6:45 - 7:30 a.m.
- After School Program is from 3:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Starting this year there will be a fee for the program. If your family is experiencing financial difficulty and you would like to be considered for a scholarship, please contact Mrs. Rodriguez at jrodriguez@nmsabe.org.
If you need information or have any questions please email our Operations Coordinator, Mr. Esteban Cole at careprogram@nmsabe.org.
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Thank you for choosing SABE for your child's education. Please leave us a review and help more families find the right educational fit for their children!
Teacher and Staff Favorites and Wishlists
Please fill out our Google form with your favorite things: https://forms.gle/1AngG2EnonYGu5FA8. Please also share your Amazon wishlist at sabepta@gmail.com. The responses will be shared with families, allowing them to show their appreciation with things you love as the holiday season approaches.
Teacher and Staff Grants
SABE PTA is pleased to offer teacher and staff grants again this year. The grants are for $100 and are available to any teacher or staff that works with the students. To be eligible for a grant, you must be a PTA member. You can join the PTA at sabe.memberhub.com/store/items/103009
Thank you,