Coyote Connection
Back to School Edition 2022
We are so excited for the start of the 2022-2023 school year.
Our First Day of School is Wednesday, August 17, 2022. Please help us celebrate by tweeting and posting first day pictures and include #iheartaisd and tag us @anna_isd.
Back to School Reminders
Leave extra time for drop-off and pick-up for the first 10 days of school.
Bus Transportation for pick-up and drop-off may be delayed as new routes are added so that students are transported to and from school safely.
School start times
Elementary.........7:30 am - 3:05 pm
Middle................8:25 am - 4:00 pm
High....................8:25 am - 4:00 pm
Transportation Update
As we have previously communicated, we are short on bus drivers and are doing our best to ensure that our students are transported safely to and from school.
Please be patient and expect delays for the first few days of school, due to a high number of bus riders and construction around campuses. If you registered for bus services before July 29 and received a confirmation email of registration, you should receive communication from the transportation department August 12-14 with details regarding your students’ route. If you do not receive confirmation of route please call the transportation office 972-924-1800. Anyone registered after August 10 may not be able to start bus services until August 22.
Bus badges will be issued to elementary students at Meet the Teacher on Monday, August 15 and to secondary students at lunch during the first few weeks of school. Once all badges are issued, students are expected to carry and use their badges to scan onto and off of buses daily.
We are absolutely doing the best that we can in these circumstances. We are working as quickly as possible to stabilize our routes and provide you with the transportation service that we want to provide and that you deserve.
The transportation department still has openings for drivers. If you are a driver and have your CDL with appropriate endorsements or if you would like to train to become a driver, please contact Chris Burk at 972-924-1803 or at
We will continue to update you as we work through these issues.
Safety and Security Update
As the new school year approaches, the safety and security of Anna ISD students and staff are at the forefront of our minds. Anna ISD strives to continually assess any areas of concern for improvement. We have taken the following steps to increase safety in our district:
Door Checks
Door checks are part of a series of requirements mandated by the state in the wake of the Uvalde tragedy. Before the start of the school year, districts are also required to:
Conduct partial school safety audits
Review emergency plans
Review access control procedures
Train all staff, including substitutes on safety procedures
Ensure all threat assessment team members are trained
Schedule all mandatory drills for the school year
Additional Staff
Anna ISD has hired an additional full-time police officer and plans on adding two part-time officers this year for a total of six Anna ISD police officers. We have also partnered with local first responders and the Collin County Emergency Management to work more efficiently during a time of crisis.
It Takes All of Us
Every staff member in Anna ISD is committed to making our schools as safe as humanly possible.
Every staff member has been trained about what to do in case of an emergency or active threat.
Every campus is audited by our police department every year, which is beyond the requirements of the Texas Education Agency which only requires a campus audit every three years.
Every exterior door has been examined by our maintenance staff and police department to ensure that the locking systems are operational.
We conduct weekly door checks.
The district policy mandates that all instructional classroom doors be locked.
Campus staff monitor the halls during arrival, dismissal and passing periods.
Every campus has controlled access to enter the building.
Every visitor must check in with the front office and provide a driver’s license to enter.
We strive to have at least one defender on each campus.
Defender Program
The defender program has been in Anna ISD since 2017. It is designed to train vetted staff members to carry a handgun while on district property. Members of the program must go through extensive training and maintain program requirements including those listed below:
Employed by AISD for a minimum of two years
Current license to carry in the state of Texas
Pass a police psychological
Pass firearms simulator scenarios
Attend certification program
Attend practice sessions every other month
Attend mandatory summer training annually
Follow all regulations of the program
Additional Safety Measures
In addition to our highly trained police force, there are several layers of less obvious security measures on every campus.
More-than 500 cameras in the district, monitored by Anna ISD PD
Bullet-resistant glass in strategic areas
Strategic patrol schedules and routes
Additional response measures that are in constant operation that we cannot reveal because of the need for secrecy around these security assets.
Rosamond-Sherley Elementary Ribbon Cutting
Earlier this month AISD leaders launched the ‘I 💜AISD’ campaign. This campaign will lead the charge for the district’s engagement efforts with the entire AISD community, as it works together to spread a positive message. AISD Makerspace Integration Tech Spec Emily Burk said, “I love AISD because innovation and student voice and choice is supported for our students.” Tabatha Kramer, Rattan Elementary assistant principal said, “I love AISD because it feels like a family and even with the growth that we are experiencing it is still a warm and welcoming place to be.” You can see more testimonials like these on the Anna ISD website, just click on the I 💜AISD icon at the top. You can also add your own testimonial by filling out the testimonial form available on the I 💜AISD webpage.
August 17....................First Day of School
September 5................School Holiday
September 23..............Student Holiday
September 26..............Student Holiday