Buffalo Express
October 31, 2024
Buffalo Families,
Thank you all for celebrating with us today. We truly enjoy having all of you for our parties and parades, and our students love sharing these experiences with you.
Sam Kramer is the proud recipient of a new Teacher of the Month award sponsored by KSNT and Laird Noller Automotive. She was featured tonight on KSNT, and is an outstanding 3rd grade teacher who is very deserving of this award.
We are preparing to celebrate all Veterans on November 11th and hope some of you can join in our parade. Our students take so much pride in celebrating the heroes that have served our country.
With Buffalo Pride,
Mrs. Bervert
Berryton Links
BES Art Corner
This week in art was a blast! Kinders learned the "magic" in leaf rubbings! They thought this was the coolest thing ever! 1st graders learned about acorns! I read them the book, Little Acorn by Melanie Joyce. This book teaches them about the life cycle of an acorn! They got to see real acorns and they drew their own super cute acorn too! These acorns are placed on our tree glass mural by the little kid playground! They also learned about Veterans Day and colored their poppies for all of the fallen soldiers. 2nd grade finished up their adorable owls and started their field of poppies. This project works on teaching kids background, middleground and foreground on their paper! 3rd grade wrapped up their 5 stacked pumpkins painting! They loved giving them jack-o-lantern faces! 4th grade glued their hanging bat to their sunset tree paintings from last week and they started making their links for their grade level, collaborative, American flag art piece! 5th grade
started their Verterans Day art project. They are creating agamographs. Agamographs are a a series of images that change at different angles. This work is named after the Israeli sculptor, Yaacov Agam who was born in 1928 and still living today. This artist is known for his optical and kinetic art. The fifth graders were so excited for this project! 6th graders almost finished up their oil pastel pumpkins! This project is teaching them how to observe still life objects from a different angle!
New Books at the BES Library
Upcoming Events and Calendars
- Friday, November 1- No School (Professional Learning for Staff)
- Monday, November 4- Picture Retake Day and Class/Group Pictures
- Thursday, November 7- 2nd/3rd Music Concert at SHHS- 7 pm
- Monday, November 11- Veteran's Day Parade at 2 pm
- Tuesday, November 12- PTO Meeting at 6:30
- Monday, November 18- Skate Night from 6-8 pm
- Saturday, November 23- Craft Fair from 9-3 pm
- Wednesday, November 29- December 1- No School (Thanksgiving Break)
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
About Me
As an elementary principal I enjoy working collaboratively with staff members to support student learning. I am passionate about continuing to learn professionally, and building relationships with staff and students at Berryton Elementary. When I'm not serving at Berryton Elementary I am usually with my husband and two sons. We can be found at sporting events, cheering on Kansas State University, or just enjoying a movie at home.
Email: bervertk@usd450.net
Website: bes.usd450.net
Location: 2921 Southeast 69th Street, Berryton, KS, USA
Phone: (785)861-1300