Estabrook Buzz
News and Notes from Estabrook School | November 3, 2016
Principal's Message
Dear Estabrook Families,
This Sunday's Principal Roundtable presents us a great opportunity to discuss the pressures facing our students, what we are doing to support them, and what more we need to do. Our aim is to further the conversation around our students' social/emotional needs. I'll share some of the work Estabrook School and the Lexington Public Schools have been doing to meet the social/emotional needs of our students, mitigate student stress and respond to our students' needs. Parents will have the opportunity to discuss these issues and voice their concerns about student well-being, and share what was discussed with the larger group. Topics of discussion will include homework, academic pressure, social media, peer relationships and resilience.
WHO: Estabrook Parents & Administrators
WHAT: Estabrook Fall Principal Roundtable
WHEN: Sunday, November 6, 2:00 p.m.
WHERE: Estabrook Cafeteria
I hope you'll be able to join us!
Jeff LaBroad
Cheer On Estabrook Staff at the LEF Trivia Bee!
estabrook spirit day November 9
Would Your Child Like to “Bee” in the Spotlight at the LEF Trivia Bee?
Supporting math learning at home
Estabrook Teachers Present at National Conference
Jam the Van Collection Tops 500 Items!
Maker Space Taking Shape at Estabrook
Estabrook will soon offer a Maker Space for our students. Maker Spaces (sometimes referred to as “Hackerspaces” or “Fablabs”) are well-stocked, creative, do-it-yourself spaces where students can gather to explore, invent, and learn. Some teachers may bring their classes to the space for structured activities related to established classroom curricula. Others may use it as more of unstructured, open-ended venue for kids to work together to solve a problem or invent from scratch. It's this very undefined nature of a Maker Space that makes it both exciting with boundless potential and also extraordinarily difficult to define or describe. Some Maker Spaces focus on electronics, others computer coding, and still others building with recycled materials.
To help outfit our space initially, we are seeking donations from families of a large range of items. Please click here to see the list of suggested items that would help launch our space. If you have any questions about the usefulness or appropriateness of a donation, please contact me at mtaggart@sch.ci.lexington.ma.us. Donations can be sent in with the children and given to their classroom teacher who will make sure they get to the Maker Space. For larger donations, please contact me directly to arrange drop-off.
Thank you so much for support in providing this exciting opportunity for our kids!
Congratulations Estabrook Faculty!
The Lexington Public Schools honored teachers reaching milestones in teaching with the Lexington Public Schools during a special ceremony on October 20. Among the honorees were Music Teacher Kris Matthews, who is marking 20 years with the Lexington Public Schools, along with third grade teacher Katrina Roscoe, special education teacher Laurie Barnhart and school counselor Matthew Willis, all who reached Professional Teacher Status in the Lexington Public Schools. Congratulations!
Pictured at left: Assistant Principal Katie O'Hare Gibson, Laurie Barnhart, Matthew Willis, Kristine Matthews and Principal Jeffrey LaBroad.
Digital Citizenship Lessons Launch in Classrooms
Did you know...?
MCAS Schedule Announced
Grade 5: April 3, 4 and 5
Grade 4: April 7, 10 and 13
Grade 3: April 25, 26 and 27
Grade 5: May 1 and 3
Grade 4: May 5 and 8
Grade 3: May 9 and 10
Grade 5: May 12 and 15
More information on MCAS testing will be shared at a later date.
Thank you!
Click here for the complete Estabrook School Calendar
Click here for the complete 2016-2017 Academic Calendar
PARENT CONFERENCES | Wednesday & Thursday, November 2 & 3
Early dismissal at 12:15 p.m. each day.
PTO GAME NIGHT | Friday, November 4, 6:30 p.m.
Bring the whole family to try out some new games, and maybe even take one home.
PRINCIPAL ROUNDTABLE | Sunday, November 6, 2 p.m.
Join Estabrook administrators and parents for an important conversation about our children and how we can best support them.
NO SCHOOL | Tuesday, November 8
Professional Development Day for Teachers
SPIRIT DAY | Wednesday, November 9
Wear your black and yellow from head to toe!
SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL DAY | Wednesday, November 9
Which class will walk away with the coveted Golden Sneaker Award this month?
PRINCIPAL COFFEE | Wednesday, November 9
Join us for a conversation about supporting math learning at home.
LEF TRIVIA BEE | Wednesday, November 9, 7pm, Lexington High School Auditorium
Join the Estabrook community in cheering on The New-BEES and The Estabees.
NO SCHOOL | Friday, November 11
Veteran's Day
JAM THE VAN | Thursday, November 17
Help us fill a van with non-perishable food items for the Merrimack Valley Food Pantry.
Estabrook BUZZ
Website: estabrook.lexingtonma.org
Location: 117 Grove Street, Lexington, MA, United States
Phone: 781-861-2520