D93 Weekly Family Update
November 28th - December 2nd, 2022
Thank you to everyone who shared great stories about employees and students who exemplify positivity. We had so many great stories, we had to do a random drawing to pick a certified and classified employee to receive the $50 gift card from our friends at Lookout Credit Union. Check out the awards in this video.
School Board Meeting Recap
Student Recognition
The Board recognized the following students and teams who earned state championships from the fall sports season.
- TRHS - 5A Football Academic State Champions
- TRHS - 5A State Girls' Soccer Sportsmanship Award
- TRHS - 5A State Swimming Champion 200 Freestyle - Harley Taylor
- TRHS - 5A State Swimming Champion 100 Breast Stroke - Holton Bundy
Board Reports
- Our Child Nutrition program received an exemplary audit that included commendations for the positive relationships between kitchen staff and students, the immaculate conditions of our kitchens, and detailed menu planning. Great work, D93 Child Nutrition Team!
- Our Fall Reading Scores continue climb each year thanks to the commitment of our teachers and resources provided through new state funding to increase literacy. This is a testament to the power of collaboration among our families, teachers, literacy coaches, and principals. It is awesome to see our progress on helping every student learn to read.
- School enrollment and classroom usage report shows that we continue to use almost every available classroom in the District. While we do still have a handful of available classrooms in some schools, these are mostly intended to accommodate new developments and building that is happening in those school zones. Thank you to our principals and Planning and Personnel Team or putting this report together.
School Calendar
The Board approved our proposed school calendars for the 2023-2024 and 2024-25 school years. However, they did not take action on our proposed change to the schedule for collaboration time for elementary schools. Before making that decision, they would like to hear more from our teachers and families on the two options for our Monday schedule going forward:
- Keep our current schedule with full-day teacher collaboration time on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Mondays of each month. This provides about 6 hours of dedicated collaboration time with 40 minutes for duty-free lunch as well as individual teacher preparation time.
- Move to half-days of instruction every Monday (3 hours) with 3 hours of dedicated teacher collaboration time each week. At the elementary level, all students would be expected to attend on Monday mornings.
WIll you please go to https://tejoin.com/scroll/654744839 to tell us which schedule you believe is best for our students?
Weekly Schedule
D93 News
This week's episode of D93 News . . .
Rotary International Exchange Student Opportunity
The East Idaho Falls chapter of the Rotary International Club has sponsored an exchange student who is currently attending Bonneville HS. They need a family to host this student from sometime in December through February. If your family is interested in this opportunity, please click the Send email button below for more information.
Opportunities for Students
Elementary Students
Elementary Orff Ensemble for 4th and 6th Grade Students
4th-6th grade students are invited to join the Elementary Orff Ensemble at the Idaho Music Educators Conference at ISUon February 2nd -4th, 2023. Applications are due by Nov. 28th. Click here for more information.
High School Students
Family Health News
D93 Get Help Line
Students, parents, and employees can reach out for help with bullying, harassment, suicidal tendencies, self-harm, threats, or to report weapons at school by going to d93.org/gethelp or sending the text @gethelp to 855-528-0074.
Why you should keep your child's scheduled checkup appointment
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "well–child" visits—known commonly as "annual check–ups," "wellness exams" or "physicals"—provide growth and development tracking with insight into potential health concerns for your child. These visits are also crucial in keeping parents up–to–date on recommended vaccinations based on what your child has received to date and what may be coming due.
Unfortunately, according to a recent report shared by the CDC, a significant amount of children aren't receiving their annual exams, including approximately 20% in metropolitan areas and 28% in nonmetropolitan or rural areas. And with the COVID–19 pandemic, don't be surprised if those numbers have grown.
The consensus from healthcare professionals is that children who are not seen regularly carry a higher risk of incomplete vaccinations, and miss opportunities for crucial conversations with their parents or guardians alongside physicians about physical and mental health and safety. Children and caregivers who attend regular check–ups are more likely to better understand and embrace healthy decision–making.
Help Spread the Word
Our Family Update reachers thousands of parents each week and we would like to reach others in our community too. Please feel free to share this with your friends and family that want to stay up to date on what's happening in Bonneville Joint School District 93. Anyone can receive our updates by clicking on the Subscribe to Bonneville link below.
Thank you to our community partners at EIRMC for supporting our D93 Family Update.