Webber News
September 15, 2023
We are getting in the grove of school! If you haven't watched the curriculum night videos please do, there is a lot of great information in them.
It is important for parents to contact the Webber staff when their child is absent. Please email Lyla Dyer at lyla.dyer@lok12.org if your child is going to be absent, you are welcome to cc the classroom teacher as well. Turning in doctor's notes for appointments, will document the absence as excused. Thank you for your help!
All students should bring a healthy snack to school every day. We do have some for students who forget, but funds are limited.
When the Lions win Sunday, we will wear Lions gear on Monday! Go Lions!
Have a great weekend!
Jennifer Goethals
Half Day Childcare - There may be scholarships available, contact Mrs. Goethals.
Good attendance is crucial for success!
Counseling Information on LOCS Website - Updated!
The state of Michigan’s 2023 budget included a return to free meals for all students.
The standards for students to receive the meals for free:
- Every student is entitled to one free breakfast, and one free lunch per school day.
- Students must take a fruit or juice with their breakfast entrée for the meal to qualify as a complete meal and be FREE.
- Students must take a fruit or vegetable (they may take both) with their lunch entrée for the meal to qualify as a complete meal and be FREE.
More information is available at LakeOrionSchools.org/FoodService.
Note: It is important that all families who qualify for free and reduced lunch complete the form within this registration process to receive additional services at reduced cost (pay to participate for athletics, holiday assistance, field trip assistance etc.) The forms are available at https://lakeorion.familyportal.cloud/.
Fall Flower Fundraiser!
The sale will be open until Friday, September 22nd at midnight, with no late orders being accepted. Families should have received an email from "Fundraiseit", check your junk mail if you don't see it. The online order directions are below. All proceeds will go to support Webber kids and our beautiful environment! Pick up will be on Wednesday, October 11th from 12:30 - 2:30 and 3:30 - 6:00 p.m.
We still need more help!
If you are able to help with organizing the delivery or with pick up, please access the signup genius. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409044BACA92A1-flower#/
Spirit Wear Deadline September 17th
September 19th - Dine to Donate - Chicago Brother's 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
September 20th - PJ Day! $ Donation
September 21st- 6:30 p.m. PTO Dragon Movie Night
September 22nd - Fall Flower Fundraiser Ends
September Birthday Lunch with Mrs. Goethals (Invites to come soon)
September 27th - School Pictures
September 28th - 7:40 a.m. P2 Student Advisory Meeting
PTO Student Directory
Our 2023-2024 Student Directory is OPEN! Adults need to add their Webber Students to the directory.
To do this, please follow the steps below!
1. Head to https://webberelementary.ptboard.com
2. Click "Log In" if you had an account for your student(s) last year OR "Sign Up" to sign up.
3. After signing in to https://webberelementary.ptboard.com enter the school code F9RMJT to join.
4. Once you have typed in the school code and joined our 2023-2024 school year you will be brought to the home page! If you do not see the classes, make sure you click the 2023-2024 year in the upper right hand corner - it might default you to last school year.
5. To add your student to the directory, select student directory from the left hand side. Click the "My Student" tab on the next page and you should see a button to add a student!
6. You can decide what info you would like to share, add your student to their class for the new school year and see who else has shared their info!
Let us know if you have any questions and we would be happy to help get you signed up!
Remind 101
Webber Last Name A-E @7686ca
Webber Last Name F-J @db63b33
Webber Last Name K-R @webberl
Webber Last Name S-Z @22f4f82
Please visit:
To receive messages via push notification-
Step 1: Download the Remind app on your Android or iOs device, or go to rmd.me/a to install the app.
Step 2: Once you’ve downloaded the app, create a parent account with your email address.
Step 3: Go to the Classes tab, tap +, and enter our unique class code.
Lake Orion Community Schools is launching a program in 2023-24 to recognize LOCS staff members for their excellence.
The intent of the Distinguished Dragon program is to ensure that staff members who go above and beyond their regular duties are appreciated. The additional effort or support can range from helping an individual to helping a group or any effort that seems worthy of praise.
The staff member can be nominated by a student, parent, community member or a colleague by completing the form at LakeOrionSchools.org/DistinguishedDragon. We ask for the submitter's name and contact information to follow up with specific questions if necessary. Please make sure to select the appropriate school/department form so the message is routed in the proper direction.
Please complete the form entirely so the individual can be appropriately honored for their contributions.