A Letter From Dr. Pete Hannigan

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October 11, 2023
Dear Hawthorn Families,
We continue to be deeply shocked and saddened by the news coming out of Israel and Gaza.
Please know we are here to support all of our students, staff, and families. During a time of crisis, students benefit from opportunities to talk and ask questions with the guidance of trusted adults both at home and school. Resources to support you in helping your child navigate their emotions in a healthy, safe, and productive way are included at the close of this letter. If you believe your child may be struggling or would benefit from additional support, please contact your school’s administrator or social worker so that we may partner with you.
As we work together to collectively support our students, staff, and families, we want to ensure you are aware of the violent images and graphic videos that are increasingly appearing on social media platforms. These images are troubling to us all and can be particularly difficult for children to process. We urge you to closely monitor your child's social media use. Regular check-ins, ensuring safe browsing settings, and open dialogue about what children might encounter online can help safeguard their mental and emotional well-being. For information about student device settings at home and school, please refer to the Hawthorn District 73 Content Filtering webpage.
Thank you for partnering with us to ensure the safety and well-being of all students. As a united community, we stand together in support and care for one another.
In solidarity,
Dr. Pete Hannigan
Superintendent of Schools
Board Policy 7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited: Hawthorn District 73 is dedicated to fostering a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. Students, staff, and families are asked to report any incidents of harassment, bullying, intimidation, or other prohibited conduct to a school administrator.
Talking to Children About Violence: Information for Parents and Educators: This article from the National Association of School Psychologists provides guidance for talking to children about safety and their fears.
How to Talk to Kids About Violence, Crime, and War: Common Sense Media has gathered tips and conversation starters to help us talk to children of different ages about the toughest topics.
Helping Children Cope with Tragedy: The National Association of Elementary School Principals produced this article about helping children cope with tragic events.
Resilience in a Time of War: Tips for Parents and Teachers of Elementary School Children: This article from the American Psychological Association shares strategies for helping young children feel safe.
- Resilience in a Time of War: Tips for Parents and Teachers of Middle School Children: This article from the American Psychological Association shares strategies for supporting middle school-aged children move from fear to resilience.