As we enter the end of the first semester, please know that your child's school counselor is here to support you and your child. School counselors provide a variety of services to all students such as personal counseling, academic advising, high school program planning, schedule changes, and college and career planning. If you ever need anything, please feel free to reach out; we are here to support you and your children, especially during these difficult times.
Please visit the Guidance Department website linked below for our school counselors contact information.
Link to Local Scholarships:
The scholarship applications in the files below are due February 3rd at 3pm to your students guidance office.
White Plains High School Program Planning Calendar:
During the first week of February, counselors will be pushing into classes to review the Program Planning process.
February 24th to March 28th: Students meet one on one with their counselor to select courses for 2025-2026 school year. A few important program planning notes:
- Students will choose core courses they would like to take for next year.
- Students choose electives, which can be supplemental courses in the above departments and/or courses in business, the arts, music, technology or physical education.
- Students must provide at least three elective choices in case we cannot schedule their first or second choice.
- In addition to other elective choices, all juniors and seniors must provide three choices for P.E.
- Students should make their selections carefully. Once they have put in a request for a course, if we are able to schedule it, they are obligated to take it.
- Parents/Guardians should receive a copy of their child’s program planning sheet including all core and elective course requests. Please sign and return that form to your child’s counselor by March 28th.
- If you disagree with a course that has been selected or have any questions, please call your child’s counselor.
- If you wish to meet with your child’s counselor during program planning, please schedule an appointment.
*If your child has not brought home his or her program planning sheet for your signature by
March 28th, please call your child’s counselor.
Honors/Advanced Placement
WPHS provides access to honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses to all students. Students currently in an AP or honors course may plan their academic program for the appropriate subsequent AP or honors course. Since honors and AP courses are rigorous, with increased expectations regarding the level of student work, conversations should take place between the student, parent, and school counselor to determine if placement in one or more of these courses is in the best interest of the student. Students will, however, still be required to have taken prerequisite courses where applicable. Please note that our dual enrollment courses taken for college credit from Westchester Community College, SUNY Albany, Syracuse University, Marist College and Rochester Institute of Technology have specific prerequisites which can be found in the course description.
Dual Enrollment Offerings at WPHS
Dual enrollment courses allow a student to simultaneously earn high school and college credit while exposing students to the rigor of a college level course. Students may take these courses just for high school credit and pay nothing. To earn the college credit, you must pay tuition to the college that we are partnering with, and the student must earn a C or better in the course for that credit to be transferrable to other colleges. The tuition that colleges charge for dual enrollment credit is far below what they would charge on campus. These courses offer students one of the most cost-effective ways to earn college credit while in high school. We strongly encourage your child to take advantage of the dual enrollment opportunity. Enrollment for college credit will occur in September during class. Some of our partner schools may provide tuition assistance for qualified students.
Below, is a short list of the benefits to students taking advantage of college credit in a dual enrollment course:
- Less time required after high school to finish a college degree.
- Exposes students to the rigor of a college level course
- Dual enrollment classes often save students money on college tuition.
- College credits acquired in a dual enrollment program are transferable to other colleges and universities besides the one where you had earned those credits.
- Students can get core college courses like introductory English and Math classes out of the way in high school, making more room on your full-time college schedule for classes specific to your area of study.
If you or your child have any questions regarding dual enrollment options, please reach out to your child’s school counselor.
Check out the WPHS Course Catalog for the dual enrollment offerings! (Course catalog for next school year will be updated by February 1st, 2025.
Upcoming Guidance Nights:
Junior College Application Toolkit
Please join us for our guidance night on Thursday, January 23rd at 6:30pm. This program will introduce juniors and their parents/guardians to the college exploration and application process using SCOIR. All aspects of the program will be demonstrated, and a timeline will be provided to ensure that you are on track for submitting your applications in your senior year. This is an important evening for all juniors, but it is essential for students who intend to apply Early Decision or Early Action in the fall. In addition, we will also discuss the types of applications, methods of applying, and all of the different elements that the student is responsible for in completing each application.
Thursday, Jan 23, 2025, 06:30 PM
White Plains High School, North Street, White Plains, NY, USA
GUIDANCE NIGHT: Program Planning
Please join us for our guidance night on Thursday, February 6th at 6:30pm in the WPHS Media Center. The topic to be discussed is program planning. Program Planning is WPHS’s course selection process. During the event, counselors will present new courses, explain the differences between Advanced Placement (AP), honors, and dual enrollment courses and discuss the course selection process at WPHS. This presentation will be presented in English and Spanish.
Thursday, Feb 6, 2025, 06:30 PM
White Plains High School, North Street, White Plains, NY, USA
There is an upcoming pre-college fair this weekend! Click here to learn more: National Summer Program Fair
Financial Aid Links:
It is not to late to complete your FAFSA!!!
FAFSA (this form is required by all colleges)
CSS PROFILE (this form is required by many but not all colleges)
Colleges Requiring the CSS Profile
NYS TAP Application:
NYS Student Aid Payment Application
Federal Guide to Financial Aid:
Sign up here for Financial Aid Workshops sponsored by NY State
FAFSA/TAP Completion Events | HESC
Upcoming Financial Aid Presentations and Workshops through NYS:
College Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities:
- Learn about the financial aid programs available to New York State students with disabilities.
- HESC financial aid experts will explain available programs and answer questions to help students and families navigate the process.
Resume Building Workshop:
- In partnership with the New York State Department of Labor, HESC will host a fun and interactive workshop on resume writing. Topics include resume-writing basics, how to read job descriptions, and Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).
Senior Basics Presentation :
- HESC’s Senior Basics Presentation gives high school seniors the essential tools and information they need to apply for financial aid and prepare for higher education.
Creating Your StudentAid.gov Account
- Creating a StudentAid.gov account (FSA ID) is the first step toward accessing federal student financial aid. This 15-minute presentation will guide students through the quick and easy process of setting up their accounts.
HESC Virtual Drop-In Lounge
- Students can connect with HESC experts to get answers to their financial aid questions in HESC’s Virtual Drop-In Lounge.
DREAM Act Support Session
- Date: January 6, 5:00–7:30 PM
- This session offers personalized assistance for students with their DREAM Act financial aid application. Students can join anytime during the session hours for one-on-one support in a safe and helpful environment.
Stay Connected with HESC Resources
Students and parents can receive text message updates with essential financial aid information, key deadlines, and helpful resources to keep them on track toward college success.
Enrollment for Testing Accommodations on College Board/ACT Tests:
Students who are granted testing accommodations on their IEP, 504, or Declassification Documents, about testing accommodations for College Board (SAT) and ACT are not automatically granted. Accommodations on these exams are granted by the organizations that administer the tests. If you are interested in applying for test accommodations through these organizations, we ask that you please research and familiarize yourself with the accommodation application process in its entirety. Both College Board and ACT have informative websites that provide detailed information regarding a variety of topics including: application deadlines/important dates; forms; eligibility criteria; documentation guidelines; taking the exam with accommodations; changing accommodations; appealing an eligibility decision; frequently asked questions; and helpful tips. We also recommend that you contact your child’s guidance counselor to further discuss the College Board/ACT application process after you have had an opportunity to review the College Board and/or ACT website. You are additionally welcome to contact College Board/ ACT directly to ask any questions that you may have regarding the application process.
College Board (PSAT, SAT, SAT Subject Tests and AP Tests):
- Website: https://www.collegeboard.org/students-with-disabilities/request-accommodations
- Once you have reviewed the College Board website, spoken to your child’s counselor, and have made a decision to apply for College Board accommodations, you must complete the College Board Consent Form for Accommodations Request. This form can be found on the College Board website (https://www.collegeboard.org/pdf/ssd/ssd-consent-form-accommodations.pdf) and complete this form https://www.whiteplainspublicschools.org/cms/lib/NY01000029/Centricity/Domain/178/College%20Board%20SSD%20Universal%20App.pdf found on our Guidance website. After you have completed this form, please return it to the school counselor. The school will then begin processing your request for accommodations.
- You can complete the consent form at any time, but at least 12 weeks prior to the exam.
- Website: http://www.actstudent.org/regist/disab/
- The process for applying for accommodations for the ACT exam does not begin until you are ready to schedule a date to take the exam. You can apply for ACT accommodations through ACT Extended Time National Testing or ACT Special Testing, depending on which accommodations you are requesting. Again, it is important that you refer to the ACT website to learn about the ACT accommodation process.
- All ACT application materials should be submitted to your counselor at least 10 weeks prior to the exam date. Please submit this form with your materials: https://www.whiteplainspublicschools.org/cms/lib/NY01000029/Centricity/Domain/178/Request%20for%20Testing%20Accommodations%20for%20ACT%20Exams%20-%20Universal%20Form.pdf
The BOCES campus is hosting an open house for families who are interested in touring their campus. They will be hosing visits on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting on February 6th through March 14th. If you would like to sign up for one of these tours please use this link: https://forms.gle/VTozcHbmLNStMvfS7 -
If you are not able to attend a during the day session they are also hosting an evening session on March 21st from 6:30pm-8:30pm. No sign up is required.
In addition, we will be hosting a visit from the BOCES counselors on January 31st during all lunch periods. If you student is interested in attending BOCES next year this informational session is required. Please reach out to your Childs school counselor to sign your child up for the informational session. Please know that this is a student only event.
Scarsdale High School GAP Fair:
Gap Year Fair @ Scarsdale High School
Join us in person for this Gap Year 101 presentation & gap year fair to get the most up to date information about planning a gap year. Whether you're dreaming of Spanish language immersion in Costa Rica, rock climbing in the American Southwest, or pursuing a virtual internship from the comfort of your living room, there are so many gap year options to choose from!
Learn the ins and outs of gap year planning from an expert gap year counselor, then speak directly to gap year program representatives, counselors, and gap year alumni at the fair. Both gap year counselors and gap year program providers will be available to speak with you directly and answer any questions you might have, like...
- Who takes a gap year?
- What gap year experiences might be the right fit for me?
- When should I start planning my gap year?
- Where can I actually go during my gap year?
- Why are so many students taking gap time during COVID?