
Important Dates
May 3- 4th Grade-Growth and Development
May 3- Kindergarten Field trip to the Zoo!
May 4- Journey Best Buddies Friendship Walk
May 6-10- Teacher Appreciation Week!
May 6-10- 4th and 5th Grade ELA MAP Testing
May 9- 5ht Grade Orff Concert/Treble Makers Performance
May 10- House Day! (Habit #6 Award and Families)
May 12- Happy Mother's Day!
May 13-17-3rd Grade ELA and MAth MAP Testing
May 13-17-4th and 5th Grade Math MAP Testing
May 13-17- 5th Grade Science MAP Testing
May 17- JES Talent Show
May 17- JES Spring Carnival
May 23- Kindergarten Graduation
May 24- 5th Grade Growth and Development
May 25- JES Night at the Ballpark
May 27- No School, Memorial Day
May 28- Field Day
May 30- Last Day of School; Early Release
Important Calendar Change for 2023-2024
We're excited to have some flexibility in our calendar that allows us to move up our last day of school for all students this year. View the updated Academic Calendar on the district website. Read more.
Field day Information
Sign-up for Field Day 2024 is now closed and that we are happy we have an abundance of helpers. We will begin to reach out at the beginning of May to confirm and assign stations. Thank you!
End of Year Carnival Volunteers
Journey’s End of the Year Carnival is fast approaching! This is a fun event for students to come and enjoy but we need help to pull it off! Mrs. Robb is currently looking for volunteers! She needs several volunteers on May 16 who could help pick up the carnival games in the evening. We probably need at least 3 vans or trucks. She needs volunteers who can also return the games on Monday, May 20 in the evening. If you are able to help with this please email her at amyrobb@wsdr4.org.
In order to run this event, Mrs. Robb is also looking for volunteers the night of the carnival. We need adults on May 17 to supervise games, adults to help set up starting at 4:30 and adults to help with clean up at 8. If we have enough volunteers we’d like to also have a tattoo or hair decorating station. If you can volunteer an hour of your time please use the sign up genius below:
Breaking Into Business
5th Grade entrepreneurs in the Break into Business club will be selling their products at the end of the year carnival. Products range from baked goods to small stuffed animals to sugar scrubs. Be sure to bring cash to support these small businesses!
Music Events: Ms. Seers
Journey Elementary Night at Busch Stadium is quickly approaching and Cardinals Sales are officially in full swing! We hope you all consider coming to support the music department and watch a fun and exciting baseball game at Busch Stadium on May 25 at 6:15pm. All tickets sold help fund our music department for the following school year. We are also selling JES Cardinals T-Shirts and baseball hats if interested. Our goal is to purchase rolling stands for our xylophones and some new xylophones and mallets. If you have any questions on purchasing please feel free to contact Ms. Seers.
JES Cardinals T-Shirts and Hats Link
Everyone is invited to attend a very unique and creative 5th Grade Orff Concert based on the game Clue- The Missing Golden Jaguar. The 5th graders have been working extremely hard on their concert and we hope to see as many of you there to support our amazing 5th graders. Concert is on Thursday, May 9 at 6:30 in the JES Gym. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Ms. Seers.
JES Got Talent is also quickly approaching. Our school wide talent show will be held on Friday May 17. If your child is a part of the talent show, you are invited to attend to see their act. Please pre-check in through the office so we have badges ready and printed for the day.
Community Partnership/Outside Agency Opt-Out Form
Throughout the duration of the academic year, the Wentzville School District partners with community agencies that specialize in providing students, families, and educators with preventative education. Agency presenters are credentialed, coordinated through the District, and under the supervision of building administrators. Presentation topics are targeted toward specific grade levels. All students will participate in each program, unless you choose to opt your child out of the lesson(s). If you are interested in opting your student(s) out of presentation(s), please click the appropriate link(s) below.
If you have additional questions, please reach out directly to your students’ guidance counselor.
Thank you,
Emily Dittmer, Building Principal
Elizabeth Herbert, Assistant Principal
Abby Pedano, 3-5 Counselor
Pamela Lueders, K-2 Counselor
Kindergarten Registration
All children who will turn five before Aug. 1, 2024, are eligible to attend kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year. Contact our office if you need to register your kindergartner.
Journey Elementary at Busch Stadium: Cardinals Vs. Cubs
Hello everyone. We will be starting sales earlier this year for Journey Elementary Day at Busch Stadium because our game is earlier! All our 5th and 4th graders at Journey Elementary (and 3rd grade club members only), are invited to come onto the field with us and sing Take Me Out to the Ballgame on Saturday May 25, at 6:15 p.m. as we watch our hometown favorites take on the Cubs! Tickets for all are on sale, and all sales will stop on May 10. If you need adaptive seating, please feel free to reach out and I will be happy to assist.
Also, we will have matching Cardinals shirts made again this year. Closer to the time of sales, I will be sending out all the order information for tickets and T-shirts. Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all at the Cardinals Game this year!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As the school year comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to share some important
information regarding the nurse's office and student health for the rest of the year and upcoming
school year.
End of School Year:
● Medication Pick-Up: Please note that no medications will be stored in the nurse's office over
the summer break. All medications (prescription and over-the-counter) currently on file must be
picked up by your child's final day of school. Any medication not picked up by this date will be
disposed of in accordance with safety regulations.
Looking Ahead to Next School Year:
- We encourage you to review the student health requirements for the upcoming school year. Please see the 2024-2025 Missouri School Immunization Requirements for all school age children. If you are unsure if your child is up to date on immunizations, please contact me at [636-445-5190] or [paulamorrissey@wsdr4.org] before [May 30, 2024] to ensure your child will be able to attend on your child’s 24/25 first day of school. You can also call your child's pediatrician or family doctor. All updated immunization records need to be turned into the school nurse's office as these do not automatically get sent to us by your doctor.
Important Links-Linked below
● Prescription Medication Authorization Form
● Over-the-Counter Medication Authorization Form
● Allergy Action Plan
● Asthma Action Plan
● Seizure Action Plan
● Diabetes Medical Management Plan
WSD Summer School & ESY:
If your child will be attending WSD Summer School or ESY and requires medication during these
programs, please call or email the nurse's office at [636-445-5190] or [paulamorrissey@wsdr4.org]
before [May 24, 2024] to ensure the necessary medications can be administered.
Paula Morrissey RN
Visitor or Volunteer-What's the Difference?
- Eat lunch with your child
- Attend a class party
- Attend assemblies
- Be a guest speaker
How can you participate as a visitor?
Visitors can show up on the day of the event/activity/lunch and check in to our buildings using Raptor, a visitor management system designed to assist with building security. Part of keeping students and staff safe is knowing who is in our building at all times.
- When you arrive in a WSD building as a visitor, you will be asked to scan your ID and complete the management system’s check-in process.
- Raptor will screen the information against sex offender databases and locally customized lists of banned or potentially threatening individuals, instantly alert school officials to a threatening presence, and maintain a searchable log of all visitors.
- Once approved, you will get a customized visitor badge to wear while in the building.
Thank you for your support of our enhanced school safety protocols!
- Work with students individually or in small groups under the supervision of the teacher or staff member
- Work inside the school, assisting staff with projects (PTA/PTO Officers, etc.)
- Work/organize field day activities
- Be a room parent, organize class parties
- Attend field trips - work with students individually or in small groups under the supervision of the teacher or staff member
How can you participate as a volunteer?
- Volunteers must register with the Family Care Safety Registry (FCSR). It provides a more extensive background check than our Raptor system, and is needed for volunteers who spend more individual time with students than our visitors.
- One-time, lifetime fee of $15.25. It is the responsibility of the volunteer to cover this one-time, lifetime fee. The online registration process can be found at FCSR-BSEES - MO.gov. (NOTE: This registration process CANNOT be completed on a mobile browser/device.)
- Once FCSR online registration is complete, you must submit a paper WSD Volunteer Registration Form A and B to the school office. When you arrive in a WSD building to turn in your forms, you will be asked to scan your ID and complete the Raptor visitor management system’s process as part of your volunteer registration. If you send your forms in to school with your child, or send them to the school office via email, please include a copy of your valid personal ID.
- Your approved volunteer status is accessible district-wide; you only need to turn in your forms to one WSD school.
- A new WSD Volunteer Registration form will be required each school year to run a current background screening if you would like to participate in volunteer opportunities.
Please note, the wait time for the FCSR Registration to be processed and for the District to be notified can be up to four weeks. We recommend completing this process as early as possible.
For complete information on volunteering in WSD schools, please visit the District website.
Donut You Want to Turn In Your Books?
It’s the end of the year and so it’s time to begin to clear out your child’s library account. As an extra incentive to do so we are hosting our third annual “Donut You Want to Turn In Your Books?” competition. Students will compete with the members of their grade to see which grade can turn in all missing material and pay off all fines the fastest. The grade that does so will receive a donut party! Let’s see if 4th can keep its title or if another grade is ready to steal it away. The contest will end on May 24. So look under those beds and in every nook and cranny to find your student’s missing materials.
Summer Reading Program
Summer is the perfect time to get your students reading as it helps curb not only the “summer slide”, but also keeps them engaged in productive fun! To get them extra motivated to read this summer students will be able to participate in one or both of the summer reading programs offered at Journey!
Every year at Journey students are given the opportunity to complete a Summer Reading BINGO. These BINGO sheets (K-2 sheet, 3-5 sheet) have students participating in reading, STEM activities, acts of service, and outdoor fun! If a student completes five activities in a row, they will receive a prize from the prize chest and twenty house points. If they complete ten activities they will earn a prize bundle, fifty house points, and an entry to our grand prize drawing. Complete all twenty five activities and students will receive the prize bundle, a mini stuffed animal, a free book,100 house points and six entries to our grand prize drawing! Bonus entries to our drawing are given for every picture of you completing a BINGO item that you tag @MrsBlecherWSD on Twitter or send to Mrs. Blecher via her email: christineblecher@wsdr4.org.
If you would like to know how to access any of the services mentioned in the BINGO check out this sheet for more information. Students can begin on their board on Friday May 31 and will need to be turned in at Meet the Teacher night or by the end of the second week of school.
We have an incredible public library and they too are also offering a summer reading program. Students that participate will receive prizes from the public library for completing tasks on their boards. Check out their website for more information!
Any student that completes the public library summer reading program will also be entered in a drawing to win a bonus prize of $20 to our first book fair of the year.
JES PTA is busy at the end of the year to continue to create improvements to the school and further enrich the development of each student by supporting Journey Elementary. That being said, we have several fundraisers going on at this time to assist with purchases remaining this school year such as treats for all students on field day, a 5th grade celebration, snacks and treats for MAP testing, and the much anticipated End of the Year Carnival! Without your continued support these events would not happen.
Teacher Appreciation Week: May 6-10 we will be in our "appreciation" era to celebrate all the amazing staff at JES. Please see the sign up link below to help contribute to making this week a success.
End of the Year Carnival: The third annual School Carnival will be held on Friday, May 17 from 6-8pm in the back parking lot of the school. This event will include food trucks, carnival games, bounce houses, dance party, and much more. Cost for this event is $7/student if pre-register, and $10/student at the gate. This is a rain or shine event, and no refunds will be provided. You will only need a ticket for those students or young children that will be participating in the carnival games and prizes.
Great Skate Night:
We are hosting a JES night at great skate on May 23 from 6-8pm. More information will come home with students regarding cost, if we are able to get 100 skaters we will get $$ back for each paid skater. Parents do not have to pay to spectate! We are also inviting the 5th grade classes from Peine Ridge and Wabash as an opportunity to get to know students you will be attending NPMS in the fall! This date was changed due to a schedule conflict!
We will have our final PTA Meeting on May 16 at 7pm at JES Library. We would love to see new faces as we start planning for next years events and activities/purchases. We are excited for some fresh ideas. We will also be introducing our new board members for the 2024-2025 school year. Meetings are under and hour and kids are welcome to join you!
Staff members include, office, teachers, support staff, cafeteria, recess aides, Chautauqua and/or custodians.
Click HERE to "Shout Out" a JES Staff Member!
Emily Dittmer-Principal
Liz Herbert-Assistant Principal
Journey Elementary
2000 Interstate Drive
Wentzville, MO 63385