Grosse Ile Middle School
March 10th - March 14th
Week at a Glance
Be sure to visit the Grosse Ile Township Schools website and check out our Weekly Updates in the Middle School section!
Monday, March 10th - Delayed Start
- 8th Graders head to Washington D.C.
Tuesday, March 11th
Wednesday, March 12th
Thursday, March 13th
Friday, March 14th
Music Boosters Scholarship Opportunity!
GI Music Boosters and Grosse Ile Musicale are kicking off their scholarship campaign. (Last year, we gave over $8000 combined to 25 students!) .The Musicale Scholarships are for any 6th- 11th Grade GITS student or GI Resident that is involved in the musical arts, private lessons or church music programs. The application period ends April 7th. The link to the scholarship application is www.gimusicboosters.com/scholarships
GIMS Students of the Month
Anara Barnes - William Booker - Robert Brown - Mason Carmack - Kennedy Carr
Anthony Castro - Sophia Chapa - Joshua Clay
Caleb Cole - Addison Di Brano - Summer Drobet - Kendall Farino
Charlie Flitt - Giavanna Frendo - Andrew Hiuser - Theodore Hoelke
Isabella Kalisz - Allison Kelley - Samuel Kisiel - MiltoLatim
Anthony Levesque - Ashlynn Longton - Calian McGowan - Mayve McGowan
Lily Mercer - Nora Miller - Savannah Noles - Kellen O'Donnell
Jonathan Papajohn - Mallory Pawlik - Rachel Ramos - Sania Reed
Mason Riney - Sofia Ritter - Victor Saad - Josiah Sebastian
Christopher Shelton - Matthew Shook - Charlotte Sims - Colette Sitek
Zoey Tatomer - Wyatt Thiel - Sairsha Troeger - Alexandra Tsouris
Maxwell Westerdale- Connor Wilson- Giavanna Yelcho -Ayden Zulewski
Staff Spotlight
8th Grade Arlington National Cemetery Wreath Layers
Thank you to all the students who submitted essays honoring the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. Your thoughtful reflections and dedication to honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice are truly commendable. Your words help keep their legacy alive and remind us of the importance of service, sacrifice, and remembrance.
Congratulations to Ruby Wharton, Jacob Bouwman, Nathan Howes, and Drew Lakatosh! They will be representing Grosse Ile Middle School by laying the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This is a tremendous honor and a meaningful way to pay tribute to those who served and sacrificed for our country.
Track Tryout Information
Baseball & Softball Tryout Information
Cheerleading Conditioning & Tumbling Opportunity
GI Rec. Dept. Lacrosse
GI Rec. Dept. Clay Target Team
Young Patriots Fund
IXL - GIMS Students
Join Grosse Ile PAT Booster Club
GIMS School Safety
The safety of our students is our highest priority, and we want to assure you that the presence of Grosse Ile's emergency response teams—police and fire departments—at our school reflects our commitment to maintaining a positive and secure environment. These teams not only participate in regular drills to prepare for emergencies but also take the time to connect with our staff and students, fostering positive relationships within our community.
While you may not always receive advance notice of their visits, rest assured that if a situation arises that requires your attention, we will communicate promptly. Thank you for your understanding and continued support as we work together to create a safe and welcoming learning environment for all our students.
Donut Sales!
GIMS Schedules
Full Day: 7:25am - 2:25pm
Delayed Start: 9:00am - 2:25pm
Early Dismissal: 7:25am - 10:55am
Exam Schedule: 7:25am - 11:53am
Bell to Bell, No Cell
Bell to Bell, No Cell!
Did you know that when students do not have the freedom of accessing their phones during school hours, they are more engaged socially and academically? We realize that most middle school students now have cell phones. Per our board policy, students are prohibited from using or wearing cell phones or other electronic communication devices during the school day. We strongly encourage our students to keep their cell phones or other electronic communication devices (including smart watches) in their locker so they are not lost or damaged at school as students will not be allowed to bring them into the classroom.
Order Your Yearbook Today!
Grosse Ile Educational Foundation
We encourage you to support our GIEF! You can donate and also attend this year's Monster Bash Fundraiser!
Our GIEF has awarded over $1,500,000 in grants to our schools and community. This past year GIEF provided grants for the immersive Interactive Room at GIHS, our Elementary STEM program at both elementary schools, and grants for classrooms which totalled $143,654!
We can't thank GIEF enough and hope you'll consider supporting their mission!
Parent on Patrol
Emily Teen, Principal
Grosse Ile Middle School
Email: lehmane@gischools.org
Website: https://www.gischools.org/
Phone: 734-362-2500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrosseIleSchools/